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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Oh yeah.....didn't see if you got the answer.....if you don't want the ground cutting through the background image then just delete the ground in the chor.
  2. What in heck has Ireland got to do with anything. I could be an American migrant living in Ireland for all you know. The reason I didn't answer the sphere question is because I don't have time to explain it. I'm not getting paid enough to listen to this....oh wait, I'm not getting paid at all! PS I'm going to change that Master setting right now.
  3. See Martin's (Hash) answer. I showed/told you how to make an 8 point cube which was your original question.
  4. You mean so far I answered all your questions bar one right? The sphere one. I'll have to hand that over to someone else.
  5. Yes it's normal when you peak cps. You can still adjust the alpha and gamma in the properties but it won't produce anything pretty. You're not going to be able to add modifiers like in other software to change the shape. This is getting down and dirty with the splines. You have to plan out your spline layout to get the shape you want. But it's as intuitive as drawing with a pencil. There are ways to get a closed sphere, but I don't think you're ready to hear them yet.
  6. It looks like you have some crease lines running down her stomach. Maybe you've done an "illegal" connection? Or maybe she would benefit from using the porcelain material.
  7. Get rid of all the stuff you don't need on screen. ALT 5 gets rid of the library. ALT 1 gets the PWS up which is what we need to see. Make sure the shortcut to crab is expanded so we can see what animation you have in him. Also, a Jpeg would be faster to upload/download.
  8. KenH

    I need help

    Also, the login to the community window is exactly the same as your login to this forum. Anything else won't work.
  9. KenH

    I need help

    Or you could ring Hash. But I think they're busy with something this week. Give them a while. Maybe we can help though....
  10. Getting there. IMO, the dust could dissipate even faster. I used the fast forward button in quicktime and it seemed to look better. Also, the sprites seem to spread out in such a way that it looks like there are two big sprites on either side of the box. It looks too even/ordered. Maybe mixing it up abit might improve it.
  11. As Will said, there's an 8 point cube in the library on the cd. My image explains why it's able to do that. No programming involved. Just keeping an eye on what way the splines are running. You're not dealing with polys here.....totally different. PS The quickest way to make a cube is to extrude a line to make a square. Then extrude that square to make a cube. Easy.
  12. The first are unpeaked (O key). The second peaked (P key).
  13. With a horn, I like to see abit of thick skin around the base of it.....then you have the horn growing out of it. I think it adds a bice bit of detail.
  14. Or if you're keying muscles, make sure the muscle key is checked. Re-installing AM can sometimes reset these.
  15. Interesting. Could be a way to go about doing the Tinman's garden.
  16. You may be very right. Beside the shortcut to the model (PWS) in the action/chor, you'll see an icon with a red X mark over it. It's called the "Show more than drivers" icon. Click on this and you have access to animate all the models groups and materials etc.
  17. By that I mean avi and mov formats. Don't know of a list.
  18. Dust is rarely white....more brown. The individual sprites are too clear in that animation for my liking. I'd reduce the life.....or maybe do something with the opacity. Also, for the speed that box at, the dust should spread out further and faster. I'd try it out myself, but you didn't include the tgas.
  19. Images, animation formats, motion capture and some model formats are the only possible contact AM has with other software. That's not necessarily bad though as AM is a one stop shop that does everything you need to make a movie.
  20. Not happening here. Are you using the default chor with the default lights?
  21. Heh. I can see it now. The master demon comes out of his layer. He's bad-ass with a mean attitude. Except he has one weakness....a girly smack in the face and he topples over screaming in agony as the weight from his oversized manly biceps make his knee caps pop off like mini frizbees gliding off into the mid distance...... Just kidding. He's a very unique design (almost serpentine around the neck) and of course expertly modled. Is he for work? Or a short? Oh and I see modeled finger nails too. That's a change of tack for you.
  22. I tried my method, but I get a #001 exception error when trying to apply it to the action object in the chor. Sending a report.
  23. How's it coming David? With your render farm, you should be plugging out 10 a minute! On the latest video, I'm getting some jerkiness in the truck advancement in the middle section. But it might just be Windows Media Player. Just tried it in RealPlayer and there's more jerks in that, but I don't think it's in the truck action. It's more like the players are having trouble displaying it so fast.... PS Possibly a symptom of increasing the fps in AE?
  24. Huh? Surely you can in an action. Isn't that the whole basis of flatening and texturing...in an action? Are you using a recent version. I think it's become less "friendly" but I found a way a while ago.... If you drag the decal into the model window first. Don't apply it and right click>stop positioning. Then go into your action/chor. Now right click on the decal folder in the model window> Position and the decal should appear in your action/chor window waiting to be applied.
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