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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. I think he means that the near horn has a hole at the top. You could close it off.....if you want to. One crit I noticed. Her mouth is a little small to me. Women usually have larger lips than men.
  2. Now that I look, the muscles at the back of the neck (bottom) seem strange. Too large? Maybe Will would know as he's more experience with the female form....from sketching I hasten to add! Ahem.
  3. Where'd you pop up from? Very nice work.
  4. Excellent start. Keep us posted on the progress.
  5. For all you need to know about hooks, see p128 of the manual.
  6. Nice work. Jaw and brows seem abit masculine.
  7. That's great! Love the texture. The animation doesn't look right. I think abit more overlap between the legs would be better....so he always (nearly) has at least 3 legs on the ground at one time. Also, you have too many keyframes in the neck IMO. It should be smoother. I can see what you're doing though.....the head stays as it is untill the feet come down. Then the head starts to fall because of that. Just needs some polishing.
  8. Shaping up nice. The only crit I'd have is the edges of the models are quite sharp. A little bias adjustment would work wonders IMO.
  9. Also, I'm not sure that design it condusive to him empting out the last fairy or even taking out fairies. The "door" seems too small.
  10. The only crit viewing it frame by frame is his knee goes through the ground on frame 160.
  11. Cool. I didn't realise you could hide a bone with a pose. That explains a few things.
  12. Hmmm....not sure what it is then. I'd need to see the model.
  13. Strange....considering you made him in AM and anyone else could do the same.
  14. That's because they're hidden bones. You have to go into bones mode and click on the assigned points of that bone and unhide it with the icon beside it in the PWS. If you've got the alpha v13, the circulatory error might be a bug.
  15. What version of AM are you using? The best way to do smartskin is to rotate the bone in an action. Then when you see distortion, right click on it and choose smartskin. The display will immediately go to muscle mode and you should see no bones. Then to revert to the action window, you have to un-click the relationship icon and click the skeleton icon in the main toolbar at the top.
  16. I was thinking more of when you join Pixar.
  17. In the WIP section of the forum. 2MB is the maximum file size. You could render a Sorensen3 mov file to keep the size down....and zip it. Otherwise, it's your own webspace.
  18. Excellent. Love the tremble at the end too. Say hello to Victor when you see him.
  19. I'd also agree with Dhar. It wouldn't take much. Just a few flowers with a fairy smelling them...being at one with nature, then bam, down comes the trap and fade to the Troll walking with them in his cage. In the beginning, the story would seem to be a sweet one, but it takes a turn for the worst.
  20. Just some suggestions to be noted and considered. Nothing more: 1) The fairies are frantically trying to fray the rope to escape. One by one they get hauled out. Then at the end when the last fairy is about to escape, he just opens the door....and with surprise and shock she flys out. I think it would add a sense of drama and suspense. 2) A big fish pulls the troll into the water. The cage lands on his head as he sits in the water and the cage open to allow the (most likable) fairy to go free.
  21. Awww...poor fairies! They actually get squired onto the hook? Sounds abit barbaric. But then he is a troll. I'd put them into a smaller cage on the end of the line with a hook at the end of the cage. Wouldn't want to ruin those lovely models! How about abit of justice at the end where you see the troll choking on the fish he's just eaten. Maybe the surviving fairy could get revenge for her friends...Just chucking out ideas. But no, I do like the story. I just think it needs more of a "hook" to it. A sort of punchline thing going on.
  22. Yes. Just make a chor that you like and save it as "Default Chor.cho" in the same folder you have AM.
  23. 1. In the properties, you have to set the bias alpha and gamma to 0,0,100,100 respectively. If you select a spline and hit the , key then you can alter all the cps that are selected at the one time. Also, v13 now has Setbias that might help. Remember to save a version of your model before you attempt anything. 2. Not sure. Mine's gone too.
  24. Very Nice. I tested Mrs Yoop in it. It's a keeper. A couple of points. I had to scale her down alot and she's about 8 foot high. So, you might increase the size of the chor and also, thebone for the ground got in the way as it's too large....but if you scale it up that shouldn't be a problem.
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