Hi everybody, thanks for the replies.
The lightning is hair applied to different patches on the top half of a dome. The clouds, thanks to Phil Leavens, is a sprite emitter applied to a disc. Having problems with render times with the sprite emitter though. The lighting right now is a bulb keyed in the choreography, but I plan on adding the light to the model. Each hair patch has a slider to control the hair length. By adding the light to the model I can control the light intensity with the slider for the hair, so it does it automaticly making it alot easier. The dome and disc have a black decal on them set for transparency. With the decal in place I'll be able to swap out the image for a background pic. Once I get things worked out and I'm satisfied with it I'll post the model here.
p.s. Keep the crits coming it will help me out alot. Thanks again.