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Everything posted by mtpeak2

  1. The file needs to be under 1 meg to upload.
  2. Right click on the hair group and choose remove from groups to see if it is part of another group. Also it looks as though you have a material applied to the ground (dirt on the side of the river), is that applied to the whole ground? If so, your hair material will use that color.
  3. jamagica, if you look at the top of the cube you will see that it is indented. It's made up of individual beveled cubes. phnxpyre, is it rigged to work like the real thing?
  4. Here's the project file.
  5. The expression is there for the automatic rotation. The percentage pose is for the rotation speed (throttle). He was trying to animate an expression with a pose, which I don't know if that's possible. Here's a movie of the animated prop.
  6. Seven, yes you can change the speed of rotation of the propeller, but you don't change it through the expression, your change it through the enforcement of the roll like constraint.
  7. Here is a screen grab of the formula you need. The way I set it up is with 2 bones, one has the geometry (bone 2) and the other has the expression (bone 1). The expression is in an on/off pose for bone 1. Bone 2 has a roll like bone 1 constraint in a percentage pose, setting the enforcement to a spline interpolation method. The reason for the numbers that I used in the expression is that, at 1% of the throttle pose the prop will have a full rotation.
  8. Seven, your formula doesn't seem to work the way I want it. Your tutorial formula Mod(GetTime(),.3)/10 gives you 3% of the pose in 30 frames. (based on 30fps) The formula 1*Mod(GetTime(),1) will give you 1 cycle (0-100%) of the pose in 30 frame. 4*Mod(GetTime(),.25) will give you 4 cycles of the pose in 30 frames. 60 frames it's 8 cycles of the pose.
  9. Rodney, GetTime() works in an action and choreography, chorTime() works in just the choreography.
  10. Did a little more experimenting, I think I'm beginning to understand this. Changing the values on one side or the other will create a pause in the repetition or shorten the percentage of the pose. Seven, here's what I came up with to speed up or slow down the cycle of the pose. "1" is the constant first value=.25 1/.25=4 second value=4 .25*Mod(GetTime(),4) first value=3 1/3=.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333etc. second value=.33334 (A:M rounds it off) 3*Mod(GetTime(),.33334)
  11. Changing this value 1*Mod(GetTime(),1) will determine how often it will repeat. Ken, as for a tut, I don't know how or why it works, it just does. So the explanation in my last post is about the best I can do, sorry.
  12. I forgot to mention that this is a good formula for automating simple cyclic pose such as breathing and eye blinks. Just make sure your pose is cyclic. For example for the eyes, 0% eyes open, 10% eyes closed, 20% eyes open and 100% eyes open (probably do not need to set this key) adjusting your percentages to your liking. While in the pose relationship window, right click on the pose slider and edit expressions and use that formula. Now your eyes will blink automaticly without setting any keyframes.
  13. Sorry, I forgot to refresh the screen. Everything is working properly. Thanks for the help Seven.
  14. I got it to work with 1*Mod(GetTime(),1) But the problem now is the position of the bones. Bones get translated to positions correctly, but not rotated. The rotation of the bones at 0% is a constant through the pose.
  15. Thanks for trying Seven, But the formula didn't work correctly.
  16. Looking good John. Keep at it.
  17. Nice Idea. I can just imagine him running across a craps table and tripping on chip on the table. Using rigid body dynamic bouncing around the table til he comes to a stop.
  18. Fan 1 is a child of bone 1, so it already orients like bone 1. You need to orient like bone 2 at 50 percent enforcement. Don't forget compensate mode when applying the constraint, since the fan is not in line with the bone it is constrained to. Also, don't forget to turn the pose ON in the pose slider window in an action or a choreography, by default it is not set.
  19. It sounds like you are turning the IK relationship on/off through the pose slider while you are smartskinning. If you need to turn it on/off, use the user properties in the properties of the model under the object folder, that way it is not part of the smartskin. If you open up the relationship folder you should see 2 things, bones and user properties. The bones is your smartskin, find the calf or thigh bone and open them up, you may see a relation with the smartskin that is the IK leg setup on/off, delete it. You may need to redo your smartskin. Don't delete the thigh relationship from the user properties under the relationship folder, now there are no constraints for the thigh in the IK setup. You can drag and drop the relationship folder from the 2001 rig onto your model to get the relationships for the thigh back. Hope that helps.
  20. First thing, If you right click in the modeling window, choose new, you can add a camera to your model. Now when you create a new pose you can edit the camera from the relationship window or the bones folder from the shortcut to your model. There is no null in the rotating camera rig. All you need is 1 bone and a camera, 2 bones if you want to pan the camera left/right and up/down.
  21. Well, I was going to upload the rigged Thom model, but there doesn't seem to be much interest. Msfolly, if you can be a little more specific on what you would like to know I'll try to explain it.
  22. Here's a render from 3 different cameras in the scene. Two are the secondary cameras that were installed in the models, the third is another camera rig that is a first person view from the Thom model (the first person camera rig controls the head movement of the model). Rendered each camera (certain frames) as a targa sequence, imported the sequence into A:M and saved animation as.
  23. Here's the slider controls. As you can see it also has a built-in klieg light that has independent controls (it can be turned off).
  24. Thanks Rodney. Yes, you can be in the camera view and rotate the camera around your model, adjust the height, distance and focal length all with pose sliders and it will aim at your model. Jamagica, the camera has an aim at constraint to the hips (it can be changed to whatever you want in the relationship folder) which can be turned off so you can pan the camera left/right and up/down.
  25. Here's the rig install in the Balrog model. The camera was keyed using the sliders in 3 frames of 300 total.
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