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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Exercise 2: Chorus Line

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Name: Madeline Trower

Exercise Completed: Number Two, Chorus Line

Date Completed: uhhh.....jan 3 2006


Status: 3/19 done


My version of this...if i have time later i'll add a spotlight or something to make it look better.


(I used Thom instead of knight because I'm too lazy to fix knight's leg in this action ;) )


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I used Thom instead of knight because I'm too lazy to fix knight's leg in this action



I've been meaning to drop a link to the working Knight model in all the exercises that use him.

I did this for Exercise 4 but haven't got it done for the other two.


For those that are having problems with the Knight's knees see the link in Exercise 4 to grab the good one.

I feel like I'm about a year behind on updating and getting certificates out but I'll catch up eventually.

Great to see you adapt and overcome! Thanks for the patience.




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Name: Andy Stewart


Exercises Completed: 2, Chorus Line


Date Completed: Jan 25, 2006


Instructor: None


Version one: Normal Render.


Site wouldn't let me upload AVI. AVI in ZIP is compressed with DivX codec, will need the DivX codec to view.




OR, view the uncompressed version here (13MB): http://www.taynik.com/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=19


The Knight's legs are a little strange... <_<



Name: Andy Stewart


Exercises Completed: 2, Chorus Line


Date Completed: Jan 25, 2006


Instructor: None (well, book and tuts)


Version one: Toon Render.


Site wouldn't let me upload AVI. AVI in ZIP is compressed with DivX codec, will need the DivX codec to view.




OR, view the uncompressed version here (13MB): http://www.taynik.com/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=20


The Knight's legs are a little strange... <_<



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Stephen, your movie doesn't have anything in it. At 1.56kb, my guess is you didn't set the frame range when you rendered



i rendered it out at 1.56 mb...and using quicktime pro reduced it to 1.56kb... after reading your mail i clicked the link and it loaded ...... hmmm anyone else not see it ?

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Stephen, your movie doesn't have anything in it. At 1.56kb, my guess is you didn't set the frame range when you rendered



i rendered it out at 1.56 mb...and using quicktime pro reduced it to 1.56kb... after reading your mail i clicked the link and it loaded ...... hmmm anyone else not see it ?


I have QT Pro 9 as well, nothing loads up. I'm not sure any program can compress from 1.56Mb to 1.56Kb, that's way out of the norm.


Try to zip it and see if that works.

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i think it was the default for v11.1


75% compression


key frame every 15 frames


Cinepak Codec by Radius


i had to look it up :)


any suggestions?




Sure, try these settings:






[attachmentid=14384] [attachmentid=14385] [attachmentid=14386]




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From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...



I've finally finished this exercise! Here is the picture...






..and here is the link to the movie...

Cancan movie


Sung to the tune of the cancan...

"...Can, can, can you do the cancan, can you do the cancan, can you do the can, can ,can, can, can, can, can, can, can?"


Name: Mark D. Newitt

Exercise: #2, A Chorus line

Finish Date: Feb. 18, 2006

Teacher: Mr. Rodney

Suggestions: Maybe explain how to put the fixed knight (Version 12 problem) into the library. I had a little problem figuring out how to paste the knight into my library. On to Exercise three!


...Liquidspaceman, over and out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's Exercise 2


Chorus Line


Name: Bob Koonce


Exercise Completed: Exercise 2


Date Completed: 3-3-06


Instructor: None at this time


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: None at this time


Any comments will be appreciated



Bob Koonce

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Name: Don Rhodes


Date Completed: 3-10-06


Instructor: Siggraph 2005 disc and Anzovin training disc


Remarks: I wasnt very happy with the lighting in my first version, so I tried light lists for the first time and adjusted the ambient light. I think it improves the "lounge lizard" look.


New version: http://www.wbcimaging.com/taam/cancan2.mov


Don Rhodes B)

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I noticed that the size if the mov file for the Chorus line is very large, are the settings discussed above to be used in order to reduce the final moive size?


Yes. If you don't have webspace to link your animations from you'll have to make the animation fit TAoA:M areas file attachment limitation; 2MB. Sometimes this might mean reducing quality. Sometimes this might mean rendering to a smaller resolution. Its up to each artist to find their own solutions but those posted here have been tested by others so they might work for you too.

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Ken and Don,


Great job on the exercise guys.


Don, all your missing is some surly drunk in the front row passed out on a table. You got the feel you were going for.



Nicely done guys,


Leo B)

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Hi All -


It's time for Exercise 2! And while that poor knight has some serious knee problems, he's doing his best to keep up with shaggy and rabbit.


Name: Michael Fortunato

Exercises Completed: 2 - Chorus Line

Date Completed: 3-13-06

Instructor: Again the lovely Art of Animation Master book...

Remarks: So that's how I move the camera! AH HA!


file location: http://www.geocities.com/m_fortunato/Ex2-C...elFortunato.avi

(Hopefully you can access it from there. I have my own web space through Go Daddy but I haven't set up the DNS yet so I'm using the freebie space).


This program is a heck of a lot of fun to use! Well, at least at this stage ;).


- Michael

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Wow. Your right, that Knight does have some serious knee problems. Having recently had knee surgery, I can feel his pain. :lol: I see you are doing the exercises using the book. There is also a thread that video tutorials of these exercises that you can download and watch too. Not all of them are represented.(Exercise 6 and 11 you have to use the book) But they are a great reference to use in conjunction with the book. Here's the link: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18121


Just scroll down and little bit and then click on whatever exercise your working on and you will see where you can download the video.


Hope that helps


Leo B)

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Wow. Your right, that Knight does have some serious knee problems. Having recently had knee surgery, I can feel his pain. :lol:


I hope your knee surgery went well and everything is a-ok. :).


Now that I've started on exercise 4, I'm discovering some serious issues with the knights knees. Each keyframe I work on, I have to rotate and adjust his knees. It's as if the contraints are off on his rig or something (I didn't have this problem with the rabbit). But, it's good practice. It's helping me really learn how to correct mistakes as I go along. And boy have I been making plenty. I hope to have this animation completed by the weekend to upload. Did I mention how much fun this program is?


And thank you for your quick feedback. It really helps us n00bs. This is a wonderful community.


- Michael

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Name: Tyson Oswald


Exercises Completed: 2 Chorus Line

Date Completed: Sunday March 19, 2006


Instructor: The Art of Animation Master


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: none, but I reserve the right to change my mind :lol:


I found this one a bit difficult because I think of the Action, it appeard to not to function properly with the Knight because his feet would go below the stage at some points. I tried to adjust the feet but I got frusrated with the feet just jumping several pixels down as it it were locking to a grid point or something. I'm sure there is something I will learn later that will give me a clue as to what to do. Other then that the lesson was fine. I am having much fun the the third lesson.


Here is a link to the movie


Chorus Line

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Daniel and Tyson,


Good jobs guys. That knee is really werid but I know from your posts that it is inside the knight. Just curious, what versions are you guys using. I would like to check this out.


Keep up the good work



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Name: Christine Rose


Exercise Completed: Exercise 2: Chorus Line


Date Completed March 27, 2006


Comments: I saved this jpeg, from a sreen capture of the exercise after it played in Windows Media Player. So it does actually move. If you must see it move, I need to know how to capture and save that to post it. If not, just take my word for it LOL. B)


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You can upload animations to be viewed. They have to be under a certain file size (I can't remember wha the max is right now) but I am attaching a pic that will show you how to upload. Also check out this thread. Scroll down to the bottom of Rodney's first post and there is a section on how to capture and upload images and animations. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18121





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Name: Christine Rose


Exercise 2: Chorus Line


Date Completed: March 27, 2006


Comments: Ok, I'm gonna try uploading the CanCan "movie" lol



Well that didn't work lol. File is either too large, or not the right format oh well. If Rodney REALLY needs to see, I can email it to him :rolleyes:

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Hello again. Thanks for the encouragement.


Name: Elizabeth S. Borkowski


Exercise Completed: Exercise 2


Date Completed: 4/4/06


Instructor: TAoAM manual, Hash support, and the AM Forums


Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: I used the Knight with the good knees! Now if I could only get my Mac to stop eating my project files. Has anyone else experienced not being able to reopen a saved project file?


Here is my CanCan movie screenshot, use the link to see the movie.




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