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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Bullet Soft Body Dynamics

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  • Hash Fellow

It's a bit like cloth in that denser meshes can be floppier.

Sometimes slightly different settings can get very different results, so you have to experiment.

So far, I haven't detected that "Bounce" changes much


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  • Hash Fellow
22 minutes ago, pixelplucker said:

Does bullet dynamics work with blob generator? Wonder if you could simulate liquids with it.

I don't think Bullet element have the ability to merge and separate like fluids and blobs do.

they are more like Jell-o than liquid.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Hash Fellow
3 minutes ago, ruscular said:

Can you assign the bullet to a weight map or set of points that you want to be effected?

I don't know either way, I had only just gotten Newton dynamics figured out then... POOF... out with Newton in with Bullet! :D

I don't know enough about Bullet to know if the parameters are behaving like they should or if a bug report is due for something.

I'm hoping someone will investigate Bullet more thoroughly than I have had a chance to do and report to us.  Maybe that person can be you!

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This is bullet from lightwave3d for a breast bounce setting using a weight map as deforming parts effected.
I played with several setting and reset dynamic simulation each time getting very little differences of the bounce. I hope the next version of AM: will include more settings that can adjust volume preservation and shape retention. those 2 dials really effect the outcome of the simulation. Also the shape lock settings keeps the simulation lock to the nearest edge of the effected parts. Mind you that these setting in lightwave are a tad touchy as for stability. I can understand why AM: didn't include them, as for the simulation in here is fast and hasn't crash. I didn't find a way to assign the bounce to parts of the model.  I did love the way AM: rigging system can add a spring to the skeleton and has enough settings to alter the spring and even add smart bone to the spring bone. It is my hope to rig a female character in AM: with spring bone and then export it to lightwave and use deforming parts bullet effect to the area that I want effected.
screen cap.PNG

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  • Hash Fellow

Here is a test (v19i) showing different bounce stiffness settings. My guess is that Soft Body settings are model-wide only in A:M

L to R: 0.05... 0.01... 0.005


PRJ: RubberDonuts05b Three Bounces.prj  

(To simulate, choose the Chor>RMB>Simulate Bullet)

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I didn't know I could go lower than .01 in the settings. It looks so much better like jello at .01 and the collision is really accurate and stable.
Next step is get them to release a new version with parts deforming with Bullet!


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  • Hash Fellow

Ruscular, what does it mean on your screen capture where is says the "Volume conservation" is 110%.

I'm wondering how it could conserve volume any more than 100% which would already be completely conserved.

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