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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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(This topic is a continuation from an earlier thread. Click Here to read it.)



I admit not not having read all the way through this thread but I do have an idea for a collaborative venture if anyone is interested ?


The basic setup would be very simple and involve people working with their own model ( or one off the extras DVD ) in their own time, in about 10-15 second sections, and it would then be edited together to make a longer form piece.


Basically its a sports day. The original idea was to use the knight model ( in TAO manual tuts ), modified individually, coats of arms/colours/ helmet... and have him do different sports as if competing at the Olympics or sports day event. Each person would nominate a sport, animate his character doing that event, then get it to try the other events. My choice would have been pole vaulting, if only because the prospect of a knight in amour attempting it is very appealing.


The lot would then be edited into a longer form in the way that TV coverage of such sports days are done, cutting from one sport to the next with a commentor providing the link.

The basic setup would be very simple, a 100 metre sprint for example is 6-8 tracks in a straight line, a long jump is a straight line with a shallow pit at the end of it, a pole vault is two tall sides and a nutter with a bendy pole trying to get over the cross bar. A discus is a v shaped outfield with a launch area, which also doubles for shot and hammer ?


Although the comic potential of knights doing track and field still appeals, perhaps other people would be happier using their own models ? The format would be adaptable to people dropping in and out of the overall piece as time and other commitments intervene. Animating your own character across a range of activities could provide a valuable learning program and the series of clips could be a Youtube channel, a longer TV show or a feature. If it doesn't reach full fruition as a community project, individuals would still have a series of set pieces they could use on a demo reel or publish themselves.

Just an idea...



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The basic setup would be very simple and involve people working with their own model ( or one off the extras DVD ) in their own time, in about 10-15 second sections, and it would then be edited together to make a longer form piece.


Basically its a sports day.


Each person would nominate a sport, animate his character doing that event, then get it to try the other events.


The lot would then be edited into a longer form.


Animating your own character across a range of activities could provide a valuable learning program and the series of clips could be a Youtube channel, a longer TV show or a feature. If it doesn't reach full fruition as a community project, individuals would still have a series of set pieces they could use on a demo reel or publish themselves.


The above was edited to what I would feel comfortable with for the basic ground rules/requirements. The following are additional requirements:


FPS =24 and resolution/aspect ratio of 16:9 (800? x ?, ? x ?). Not tooo big a resolution, to make rendering times too long, nor file sizes too big. Use whatever render style/settings you want as long as aspect ratio and fps are consistent across clips (even that can probably be flexible)


Use whatever sounds/effects you want.


Do your own background/lighting or use someone else's who might want to donate a setting.


For me, I prefer to keep it simple, with less restrictions, less hurdles, that might encourage more participation. In addition to traditional sports events, one can come up with their own unlikely, crazy sports events/ideas.


Any person who wants to be the editor can choose however they want to transition between the clips, and whatever sound clips they want.


This should NOT be regarded as a showpiece for A:M software, but as an individual learning experience and an individual's showpiece.

The above was edited to what I would feel comfortable with for the basic ground rules/requirements. The following are additional requirements:


FPS =24 and resolution/aspect ratio of 16:9 (800? x ?, ? x ?). Not tooo big a resolution, to make rendering times too long, nor file sizes too big. Use whatever render style/settings you want as long as aspect ratio and fps are consistent across clips (even that can probably be flexible)


Use whatever sounds/effects you want.


Do your own background/lighting or use someone else's who might want to donate a setting.


For me, I prefer to keep it simple, with less restrictions, less hurdles, that might encourage more participation. In addition to traditional sports events, one can come up with their own unlikely, crazy sports events/ideas.


Any person who wants to be the editor can choose however they want to transition between the clips, and whatever sound clips they want.


This should NOT be regarded as a showpiece for A:M software, but as an individual learning experience and an individual's showpiece.




Your last point is well made and I think entirely appropriate. If its does generate a number of participants then it will be the learning experience that is the main incentive. It will be in the software by definition of it being done here, and will illustrate its qualities but thats not its primary function. If we do sports a simple setup using a single light source and a plain set, aside from stadia, sports events are fairly minimal ? My preference would be a toon style but I think it might have to be agreed beforehand for when its edited together just to get a visual unity. But if it was done episodically ( Is that a word ? ) on Youtube then, providing each group was consistent within itself then that shouldn't be a problem.

I haven't finessed the details, just posting the idea?



If we do sports a simple setup using a single light source and a plain set, aside from stadia, sports events are fairly minimal ? My preference would be a toon style but I think it might have to be agreed beforehand for when its edited together just to get a visual unity.


I haven't finessed the details, just posting the idea?

I recognize that you haven't finessed the details yet. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I thought you were opening this up for feedback, short discussion? If not, then I'll wait to hear what you come up with.


IMO, I don't think it's necessary to have visual unity. As for me, I really don't like being tied to someone else's set, unless I like it, or unless I can modify it. I want to be free to choose my own camera angles, choose my own lighting ('cause I want REALLY short rendering times).


In the “Guard Dog Global Jam” effort (being sold here), Bill Plympton asked seventy animators to re-animate one shot from his short "Guard Dog". The animators were allowed to use any style or technique as long as the dog character was recognizable and the length of the scene remained the same to keep the soundtrack in sync.


IMO, in that effort, the different styles might have been a distraction to the telling of the story, but it was fascinating to watch the wonderful, creative variety of styles.

(not all clips were in at that time as far as I can tell). Thats a good clip to get a handle on all the different styles.


This "sports competition" exercise doesn't have a story, so continuity shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps the theme could be a trashtalking "war of the worlds", where the competition(s) are waged from all different places, eg CaliforniaLala Land, Britoonianville, Fishtankia, etc.


And I might choose to challenge all competing worlds to a "chocolate pudding throwing contest"! or some such silliness.


I'm looking for ramping up the creativity, diversity, absurdity quotients in the visual imagery, as well as allowing for those who might choose to compete more conventionally, in conventional venues.


I recognize that you haven't finessed the details yet. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I thought you were opening this up for feedback, short discussion? If not, then I'll wait to hear what you come up with.



I'm looking for ramping up the creativity, diversity, absurdity quotients in the visual imagery, as well as allowing for those who might choose to compete more conventionally, in conventional venues.



Pardon me I didn't wish to seem rude or affronted. You are correct, I was just opening it up for discussion. Given that UK village fetes feature such delights as three legged races, egg and spoon races, games of leap frog, and there are cow pat throwing contests in other parts of the world, the possibilities are vast before embracing the wider realms. As I wrote that the image of 'tossing the caber', (grown men in skirts throwing a telegraph pole around ), came to mind.

My initial thoughts were that, if someone had a character of their own, the challenge would be to work out how that character would do a certain sport or game. One of my Blockheads might respond well to chocolate pudding throwing for example yet be completely flummoxed by Rodeo penguin riding ... I haven't read a copy for a long time but there is a UK comic called Viz that, among many much coarser strips, used to run a staring competition were one character would try to out stare the other, That one was even made into animation for TV, with a renown football commentator providing the coverage.


I wonder if anyone else will want to join in ?



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I wonder if anyone else will want to join in ?


This is one of those things that once it starts up others will surely join in.

If nothing else it'd give us a good excuse to put more characters into the A:M Exchange area.


Except in the case of proprietary characters I'd like to suggest that folks post their project files where possible so that folks could not only study the animation but pick up where others leave off and post variations on sporting events. My thought here being that A:M itself is the best viewer for spline-based sporting events. Of course this assumes that learning and sharing of information is a primary consideration in the endeavor. If presentation is the focus then a high quality final rendering would be the ideal. I'm tempted to suggest that only project files could be posted (along with a teaser image) and that if someone wanted to view the animation they could download and render it themselves. ;)

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I thought I might put together a short weight lifting sequence with Rabbit as encouragement for Sports Day and unfortunately this (image attached) is all that remains of it.

As I was nearing the end I realized I was being lazy about the way I had rigged the setup and went in to tweak a few settings.

I should have known better... or at least saved the project first... attempting to move a bone out from underneath another sent me to the desktop.


Ah well, that's what I get for being lazy.


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Here's a quick No Antic Jump by Rabbit.*

The key placement is atrocious but I wanted to animate (and post) something. :P




*Hey, it's all the rage with those animated characters. You should try it some day.





I was thinking about it when going to bed last night ( as you do ).

If the person nominating the sport/game, eg "Leapfrog Tiddlywinks", did their example, then allowed others to use the set and lighting for their characters. Might that be a way to proceed ?



As I wrote that the image of 'tossing the caber', (grown men in skirts throwing a telegraph pole around ), came to mind.

My initial thoughts were that, if someone had a character of their own, the challenge would be to work out how that character would do a certain sport or game.





hey! Not's not trash talk us Scots and our dress code! Besides, the sport of choice is, or course, Haggis Hurling! I actually had, at one point in time, animated an a:m hulk character with a kilt, doing a military press, not with a weights, but beer kegs. Worked out well, and that was some nine years ago.

hey! Not's not trash talk us Scots and our dress code! Besides, the sport of choice is, or course, Haggis Hurling! I actually had, at one point in time, animated an a:m hulk character with a kilt, doing a military press, not with a weights, but beer kegs. Worked out well, and that was some nine years ago.




I wasn't really trying to trash talk the Scots, I was being flippant. I love Scotland and the people therein. My two two most enjoyable holidays ever were in Scotland and I'm probably going back in September to try again to see the northern lights.


The Hulk doing Highland games would fit nicely in this theme, and would certainly present a challenge to other peoples characters. Notably my own !





I'm not putting this forward as a piece of finished work but, if anyone else would like to have a go at it with one of their own characters?

It would be fun to see the results.




Project file



Chor test of bunny doing the high jump



Aside from TAoAM I've not used Bunny before. It was fun to think of what might happen.

hey! Not's not trash talk us Scots and our dress code! Besides, the sport of choice is, or course, Haggis Hurling! I actually had, at one point in time, animated an a:m hulk character with a kilt, doing a military press, not with a weights, but beer kegs. Worked out well, and that was some nine years ago.




I wasn't really trying to trash talk the Scots, I was being flippant. I love Scotland and the people therein. My two two most enjoyable holidays ever were in Scotland and I'm probably going back in September to try again to see the northern lights.


The Hulk doing Highland games would fit nicely in this theme, and would certainly present a challenge to other peoples characters. Notably my own !




Ah friend no worries! I have thick skin (have to wearing the kilt and, well, um ya know) :rolleyes: Just funnin!

  • Admin

Nice Bunny jump Simon. :)


If the person nominating the sport/game, eg "Leapfrog Tiddlywinks", did their example, then allowed others to use the set and lighting for their characters. Might that be a way to proceed ?


I believe that this is a case of 'if you build it they will come' and I like the ideas Nancy put forth to make entering/contributing less restrictive.

We want to encourage everyone to animate more... yes, even if only badly at first!


An assumption would be that if you post a jump (and escpecially if you post a project file with it) that you will see some variations on the theme.

What we might want to do is change something to make even standard characters our own and NOT share that in the project file (i.e. Rabbit wearing a yellow shirt... or kilt... or... whatever) :blink: :blink:

Of course there is a certain charm to having the same character involved in so many different events.


But seriously, I do think sharing project files is a really good way to go.

If nothing else it'd give newbies tons of stuff to render if'n that was something they feel compelled to do. :P


In the grander scheme of things 'Sports Day'... once it's amassed enough contributions... will be a huge event with as many different camera angles as there are people that want to produce them.

As the project matures we might even be able to join them all together into a common Project file/Chor.


While a part of me cries out for more order and it would be nice to have a highly controlled Sporting Event... heck we've got enough of those already and there are sure to be a lot more!

An ongoing free-for-all Sports Day might be just what the doctor ordered to loosen up those stiff joints, stop feeling intimidated, and to squash and stretch our animated muscles as we post our progress to the forum.


One thing we might want to add is something like a polaroid shot (as if there was a cameraman on scene at the perfect moment) that would capture a single image defining the moment.

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I've got an alternate camera shot of your BunnyJump rendering now. :)


Here's the project file:

(I didn't change rabbit at all except to move his Eye Target so he's looking at Camera at the height of his jump)



Hmmm.... that moving camera bit didn't turn out as great as I thought it would.




But seriously, I do think sharing project files is a really good way to go.

If nothing else it'd give newbies tons of stuff to render if'n that was something they feel compelled to do. :P



While a part of me cries out for more order and it would be nice to have a highly controlled Sporting Event... heck we've got enough of those already and there are sure to be a lot more!

An ongoing free-for-all Sports Day might be just what the doctor ordered to loosen up those stiff joints, stop feeling intimidated, and to squash and stretch our animated muscles as we post our progress to the forum.


One thing we might want to add is something like a polaroid shot (as if there was a cameraman on scene at the perfect moment) that would capture a single image defining the moment.



I don't know how it is in the USA but here there is a long tradition of the Village Fete with all sorts of games and sports. Perhaps that could be the occasion ? Paul's suggestion regarding Haggis Hurling might be one, Nancy's chocolate cake splatter another. As you suggest perhaps its a case of people making their choice and doing that, making the project set available to others and letting them use their own character in that set? I'd be happy to work that way although others with more sophisticated models than mine may be less so, perhaps use a 'standard' rig, such as the 2008 ?



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I don't know how it is in the USA but here there is a long tradition of the Village Fete with all sorts of games and sports. Perhaps that could be the occasion ? Paul's suggestion regarding Haggis Hurling might be one, Nancy's chocolate cake splatter another. As you suggest perhaps its a case of people making their choice and doing that, making the project set available to others and letting them use their own character in that set? I'd be happy to work that way although others with more sophisticated models than mine may be less so, perhaps use a 'standard' rig, such as the 2008 ?


I need to step out of the decision making part of this and just let this play out.

My thought is to just set aside the space for folks to play.


While I do understand the desire to declare a specific event I'd say that would be up to the originator of the first attempt.

In other words, if Paul wants to start a Hagis Hurling then he'd simply post a topic named 'Haggis Hurling' in the Sports Day forum and this would be his signal that others were welcome to join the competition.

As not all interests and talents are distributed equally others might not wish to hurl haggis and might wait for another opportunity or even start their own event.


I do like the idea of using a standard rig because "reusability is the foundation of A:M" but... that does severely restrict the playing field.

As this type of collaborative project doesn't require such standardization and other the community embarks on surely will I'd say open the game to all rigs.


For my part, I see this as an ongoing competition that keeps on going even though the players themselves change.

If you are looking for a hook to justify its existence we could simply add the sporting event (titled as seen fit) as an extended part of the exercises in ToaA:M.

Immediately after the Posing exercise would be a perfect fit.


I've been itching to run through ToaA:M again so that we can enhance it so that is why I'd like to shoehorn Sports Day into it.

If you want to see Sports Day go all official getting it added to the new and improved TaoA:M might be the ticket.


I said I needed to step away from this but TaoA:M is near and dear to my heart so I'll continue a little...


If you look at Exercise 4: 'Move' It this is a setup for an event such as this in that it captures a snapshot of a particular action at a pivotal moment that captures the essence of the event.

It's no mistake that the next exercise, Exercise 5: 'It's a Pitch' is pulled from a sporting event.

Exercise 6: "The Door's Stuck" then presents a challenge for the character (and the animator) to overcome.


FWIW, this Sporting Day event seems ideal for someone who has at least made it to (and not necessarily passed) Exercise 6.


By your response I'm going to guess you are craving a more controlled event where folks play at the same (general) game.

I'm certainly not opposed to that but I'm more interested in everyone just joining in and playing.

Some folks enjoy the competition with others while others compete against themselves.

Ultimately as long as we are animating we will have held a great event.


Now as to honors, prizes and such my thought here is to have this be an ongoing event and the winners of any event would be identified monthly.

Someone could be the keeper of the trophies and pass them on to the winners. They give it to their character and render out an image with them presenting it.

In any month were no games were played there wouldn't be a winner.

(Note that this whole idea of winning, prizes, accolades, etc. is also a part of TaoA:M... see page 12 in the manual)


What sayest thou? Is this going too far afield of your original idea?



Edit: Two added thoughts: 1) For no reason I can quite grasp some disdain anything related to TaoA:M and therefore might not participate if it where officially a part of the manual. At a guess I'd say they feel they've advanced beyond the manual. 2) The target audience is assumed to be 'everyone' but it might not (probably can't) engage everyone equally.



What sayest thou? Is this going too far afield of your original idea?



Edit: Two added thoughts: 1) For no reason I can quite grasp some disdain anything related to TaoA:M and therefore might not participate if it where officially a part of the manual. At a guess I'd say they feel they've advanced beyond the manual. 2) The target audience is assumed to be 'everyone' but it might not (probably can't) engage everyone equally.




The original idea was just a convenient way to think of it for me. The chance of opening it out to include all sorts of activities would be very welcome. It could be a way for people at all skill levels to participate as and when they have the time.. If they are developing a character for another project then putting that character/model through one of the activities might be a good way of testing the rig and setup of the model and clarifying how that character might move and react ?


How official or formal it is I don't know, I think that might be up to others and how big it might grow. I guess the next few days and weeks might tell ?



  • Admin
If they are developing a character for another project then putting that character/model through one of the activities might be a good way of testing the rig and setup of the model and clarifying how that character might move and react ?


I like the way you think.

The testing of rigs is a very good use for the activity.

I'd say that a rig that cannot perform and hold up under many diverse actions/activities would then be classified as more of a specialized rig.


As a follow up to my last post I don't think adding this to TaoA:M is in order. I was just casing that rabbit to where it went. ;)

The idea is open enough that TaoA:M (or any new ToaA:M) could easily point to this Sporting Event as a reference for further practice and exploration


the next few days and weeks might tell ?


It can be hard to gauge interest around here as we ebb and flow a lot in that area.

The important thing would be to have the event available and if folks wish to join in they will. :)


It can be hard to gauge interest around here as we ebb and flow a lot in that area.

The important thing would be to have the event available and if folks wish to join in they will. :)


I'll see if I can start something simple this weekend. It will be a welcome break from sprinting.



  • Admin



And for those that aren't into animation perhaps they'd be just as interested in modeling props for the events. :)

If nothing else we can collect models and have them at the ready in the A:M Exchange.


This all sounds great Simon!

With a bit of reworking, I think I too might have something to enter for these games quite soon.

In the mean time, how about a publicity banner;



  • Admin

If I didn't know better I'd say someone has coded a TGA image converter into the forum.

Very interesting and very worth investigating.


Nice logo Mark! :)



I look forward to seeing your entrant to the open games.


I promised I'd try to get something done over the weekend.

This is the first draft. It was almost done when a foot controller null realligned itself to an ear controller in the chor. I was so pleased.

Something good came of it though as I realised there was a better way to do it. Will now go away and try that.





Seemed like a good idea to use actions rather than try to do it keyframe every step ( ? ) so made some pirouettes on 12,9,6, and 3 frame cycles with the intention of applying them in the chor and overlaying movement on top. However, the actions don't seem to be working as planned. Is something missing, other than between my ears ?

V17g OSX



  • Admin

Stand by... I believe I've got a quick fix for you but it's easier (better?) to show you than to write it up. ;)




I believe what you are looking for is to change the Action application method from Replace to Add.

It's possible that some actions will work better with the Blend setting but I didn't delve into that.


The good news is that to change the settings for all of your Actions at the same time is just a few clicks.\



See attached



P.S. Nice pirouette!


Stand by... I believe I've got a quick fix for you but it's easier (better?) to show you than to write it up. ;)




I believe what you are looking for is to change the Action application method from Replace to Add.

It's possible that some actions will work better with the Blend setting but I didn't delve into that.


The good news is that to change the settings for all of your Actions at the same time is just a few clicks.\



See attached



Thank you very much. I will try to do that before going to bed tonight.




Edited in the light of Rodney's help.


This is the mov file with added movements to the action files.


Posted (edited)
Seemed like a good idea to use actions rather than try to do it keyframe every step ( ? ) so made some pirouettes on 12,9,6, and 3 frame cycles with the intention of applying them in the chor and overlaying movement on top. However, the actions don't seem to be working as planned. Is something missing, other than between my ears ?

V17g OSX


In this case you could just shorten your chor action length to 47 (your project had it going to 150ish), change the hold last frame to off, and set transition to next action ON. You can leave the method to replace. None of the actions now need to be added, nor blended since they now do not overlap. see first project.


Also you did not need to create 4 different pirouette actions - you could have only 1 action and just change the cycle length to 12 or 6 or 4 or 3 and change your repeat to whatever you'd like. In the 2nd project I did that, and I also changed the ordering of the actions (by dragging in the PWS) so that the pirouette action A came after the chor action. I did not change the length of the chor action. Nor did I change the blend method.


Cute idea. And of course, I am tempted to out-pirouette you (manana, no time now).




Edited by NancyGormezano
Seemed like a good idea to use actions rather than try to do it keyframe every step ( ? ) so made some pirouettes on 12,9,6, and 3 frame cycles with the intention of applying them in the chor and overlaying movement on top. However, the actions don't seem to be working as planned. Is something missing, other than between my ears ?

V17g OSX


In this case you could just shorten your chor action length to 47 (your project had it going to 150ish), change the hold last frame to off, and set transition to next action ON. You can leave the method to replace. None of the actions now need to be added, nor blended since they now do not overlap. see first project.


Also you did not need to create 4 different pirouette actions - you could have only 1 action and just change the cycle length to 12 or 6 or 4 or 3 and change your repeat to whatever you'd like. In the 2nd project I did that, and I also changed the ordering of the actions (by dragging in the PWS) so that the pirouette action A came after the chor action. I did not change the length of the chor action. Nor did I change the blend method.


Cute idea. And of course, I am tempted to out-pirouette you (manana, no time now).




Thank you for your helpfull reply. Thats what I'll be doing next time.

I best get on with the games/sport next.




Well I have something short and ready to post, but first, to recap and clarify;

Do people post finished stuff here in this discussion thread or will there be a separate section for entries?

And we have to include the project file (an embedded .prj I assume) as well as the finished animation?

  • Admin
Do people post finished stuff here in this discussion thread or will there be a separate section for entries?


In the tradition of 'if you build it they will come' I now tend to reverse that to 'If they come you will build it.' ;)

As folks show their interest in even the littlest of ways that will drive new creative spaces.


Translation: I'm waiting for something to actually put into a forum before I build it.

So (early adopters), please post your efforts wherever you think is best (i.e. in the appropriate topic) and then I (or another moderator) will move them to their proper place.


In time organization will kick in but for the present (regarding Sports Day) there isn't much to organize yet.


And we have to include the project file (an embedded .prj I assume) as well as the finished animation?


If you have to ask then the answer is 'Yes'. ;)


Strictly speaking you don't have to include the project file or the finished animation... involvement is what we are after here.

If posting a still image gets someone moving toward animation then post that and then delve back into it.


I suggest the following:

Still image (teaser) - This could also be the 'poster' image that shows as the first frame of the movie.

Project File - Recommend doing a Embed All, then Save Project As*

Movie (presentation) - This can be any moving image format (.MOV, .AVI., .GIF, etc. but consider that some folks may not be able to view strange formats and codecs)

As A:M natively renders to .MOV and AVI those two will work best although AVI will generally not display in browsers whereas MOV will

Alternately folks can zip up a folder of sequentially rendered images and folks can load them up into A:M




*Note that this method will not include texture images, etc. and the recommendation would be to not use them at all.

Animation is the primary focus of Sports Day but as texturing and such is very important also where images are used the Project file could be made to generate those images or they could be consolidated into a Zip file via A:M's consolidate method or by zipping up the contents of a project folder all the assets are in.

I also note that some do not use Project Files but try to use Choreographies exclusively. While Project files are preferred a embedded Chor will work too. Just make sure all the files are actually included (i.e. all files collected into a zip.


As this is a learning effort we want to experiment and learn along the way. Expect a little frustration as people learn how to animate and share their experience.

Together we will master animation.



Apologies for the length of this response.

I was trying to hit all the various angles.


So to recap (and correct me where I'm off everyone! That's you Simon!):


Recommended (but not required):

- Post your Sports Day animation

- Attach your Project file and assets

- Attach an image that shows us what the event is all about


If you don't have anything to post you can still join in and discuss, review, critique, reference, opine, advise, retrospect, pontificate...

Well I have something short and ready to post, but first, to recap and clarify;

Do people post finished stuff here in this discussion thread or will there be a separate section for entries?

And we have to include the project file (an embedded .prj I assume) as well as the finished animation?



I look forward to seeing it Mark. However you chose to post it.

I'll see if I can respond next weekend, trying get roadrunner legs during the week. !





So to recap (and correct me where I'm off everyone! That's you Simon!):


Recommended (but not required):

- Post your Sports Day animation

- Attach your Project file and assets

- Attach an image that shows us what the event is all about


If you don't have anything to post you can still join in and discuss, review, critique, reference, opine, advise, retrospect, pontificate...



I think you covered everything ! I look forward to seeing what other people do and try to get one of the bloxz to respond.



OK then, here it is and the opening event is, the Weight Lift!




fun antic, well done, nice lighting!


Thanks for the project.


I downloaded your project and noted the use of Screen based AO and much to my surprise, ver18a/32 was able to do it on my computer! (thought I wouldn't be able to since I haven't upgraded my nvidia drivers in a billion years, unless it's not really using the nvidia capabilities?)


And now to explore that feature further and see what all the settings do, as I only saw a slight change with occlusionish type shadows ...and hopefully as well, do some animation to add to this never ending Sports day extravaganza.


Thank you all!



What can I say Simon, your just a bad influence on me!!! ;)



Yes it's the first time out with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion for me too!

The AO effect is quite subtle I agree and I possibly could have pushed it a bit more?

I used it for two reasons, 1, plain curiosity and I wanted to play with it! 2, because as there are multiple light sources in the scene, at the end when he is lying on the floor, his left arm/hand had no clear shadow and looked a bit "floaty", like it wasn't really lying on the ground.

But I did note using SSAO that the stronger the AO effect the darker overall went the scene and I had to up the Key Light's intensity to compensate, so a bit of a balancing act going on there.

One very useful feature of the SSAO that I liked was that you can just render out the AO effect on its own.

I'm looking forward to seeing what entry to the games you come up with too!

Now there is something I did last night! :) This is a funny tennis animation I've been working on this since yesterday. :lol: I hope you will like it! :yay:



The battle of the sexes continues. I like the impact at receipt of serve.



Posted (edited)
Now there is something I did last night! :) This is a funny tennis animation I've been working on this since yesterday. :lol: I hope you will like it! :yay:


I am not able to view your avi (win xp pro) with either the windows media player, nor the qt movie player. Not sure why, as the info from the properties do not tell me anything (have downloaded it).


BUT I am able to hear the sound track


What compression codec did you use? Is it really an avi?


EDIT: I looked at the properties in the qt player and see that it is in "XVID" format - I am not familiar with that format (is that a mac only?).


Edited by NancyGormezano
Posted (edited)

Realy? Oh my god! :blink: What video codec are using while you're making your videos? :huh: I decided to export the movie in ''.mov'' and ''.mpg'' file. :) Hope I helped you. :)Sorry I uploaded the ''.mpg'' format twice. :(



Edited by Rodney
Admin: Removed duplicate attachment
Realy? Oh my god! :blink: What video codec are using while you're making your videos? :huh: I decided to export the movie in ''.mov'' and ''.mpg'' file. :) Hope I helped you. :)Sorry I uploaded the ''.mpg'' format twice. :(


I was able to view and hear the .mov file and I see that you compressed it with the Sorenson codec. That codec works, and the h264 codec is also a good one to use for compression, when uploading to the forum.


I was not able to view the mpg version (qt player gave error message and said it is not a file that QT understands), so I couldn't even see how it was compressed, via the file inspector. The MS windows media player could read the file, but I could only hear the sound. It looked like it was searching for the codec, but never came back with one.


Not sure if other windows user people are having problems seeing your videos, or if it just me?

  • Admin
Not sure if other windows user people are having problems seeing your videos, or if it just me?


Nope, it's not just you. Same problem here.


I was able to see it in the one version however.



Posted (edited)

Thanks! :yay: But anyway, I'm happy that I found a format that you can hear and view too, which is ''.mov''. :lol:

I'm happy I helped you, NancyGormezano. :)

Edited by JackDrama
Thanks. But anyway, I'm happy that I found a format that you can hear and view too, which is ''.mov''. :lol:


I can also view avi's. I was just not able to view yours. The problem was the codec (xvid) that you were using for compression for the avi file. Rodney (windows) indicated he also was having a problem viewing. Mac people probably weren't having a problem. As Simon was able to view the original.


Same goes for compressing the QT .mov files. There are many codecs to use: sorenson, h264 are among the better choices for .mov files (and probably mp4?). There are probably other codecs that are ok too.


It goes without saying, (but I'll say it anyway): If you want people to view your work, then it's best to use the more common compression codecs and file formats (ie, those which work for the most people). If you don't care if everyone can view your stuff, then use whatever codec, file format you want.


Nice vid!

  • Admin

I haven't had a chance to do anything for Sports Day yet beyond consider what I want to animate.

Here's a general plan for a weight lift.


I haven't had a chance to do anything for Sports Day yet beyond consider what I want to animate.

Here's a general plan for a weight lift.




I look forward to seeing it.

I've been a bit busy with other things too but will return to it soon.



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