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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Lookin GOOD, Terry! Cars are not too easy... I shy away from them nowadays. There used to be a feller here on the forum that did legal animations and from time to time he would need a specific car modelled-up from photographs... for ca$h. I liked it... did some 3 or 4 cars for him.


Thank You

Messing around made a few pit pads fast.
Just running a few ideas to visual see it not in head.

Figured I would share picture



  • Admin
Put some eyeballs in those headlights and you've got a mascot entry


And with the deadline being extended... you've got plenty of time to do it. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I few people have asked me to give this Outlaw Super Late model body This is a real world Body a go in A.M..I do have a few fans LOL

I figured i would post my progress here for everybody to see.

I do have a lot projects on the go I always get back to them.

super late.jpg


its going slow i have been picking away at this.I put a few things in to get a bit of prospective of were I am going to next with this.

smooth out front nose cone.

There is a few drivers in this class of cars checking this project out they are liking this.telling me they really like how its coming out.


Test all side0.jpg

  • Admin
Question do you constrain lights to path and chase the cars


You can and that may be the most common approach.

My preferred approach is to add the lights to the model itself.

When adding lights to a model the lights are treated as Bones and therefore must go into Bones Mode in order to adjust their position and orientation via mouse.

The alternative would be to adjust the position and orientation by typing in the values via the PWS.


For front lights it can be useful, in the same way as for the eyes of a character to place a Null in front of the vehicle and then point the Lights at that Null. Then if the lights need to be adjusted on the fly (say for artistic purposes) the Null can be moved and the lights will follow.


I prefer to have the lights be part of the model because they will then automatically move with the model.


How do I constrain a light to the model model so they move together .I Want my lights to work on light post . Aim them were I please

  • Admin

To quote myself: :)


My preferred approach is to add the lights to the model itself.


This will automatically constrain the light to the model because the light *is* part of the model.

Wherever the model goes the light then follows.


Everything I'm saying here you can do with the light separate from the model too, you just have to Right Click and Constrain to the model *in a pose or Action*.

If you add the light to the model... no constraint required... except for...


Aiming a light that is part of a model is similar to aiming one that is separate.

You could just select and rotate the light... but nah... that's no fun.

It'd be ideal to be able to place a 'x' on the point you want the light to aim at and then boom! The light follows that 'x' wherever you put it.

This is usually accomplished by using a Null but it could be just about anything; another model for instance.

The Null method is useful because it gives us a nice crosshair-type controller to grab and move to wherever we want.


I will guess that you will want a Klieg light to act as a spotlight but given the bright lights at a racetrack you might want to use a combination of things including turning up the ambiance percentage of the light fixture's surface and perhaps even turning glow on (the power and radius of glow is controlled in the Choreography's main properties.

The secret to getting the type of light you want is to go back in to the Light's properties and change the type to Klieg, Sun or Bulb as desired.


I'll try to put together a short demo video of the two primary approaches.


I'll add: When testing lights (in a Chor or Action) I recommend.turning off any lights that are present and working with one light at a time until you get the lighting effect you want for that light, then test it combined with another light... then another... until you've refined all your lights.



  • Admin

I'm attaching a proof of concept that has a simple model with one light inside it.

A Null is present (but separate) in the Choreography and the Light is then constrained to Aim At that Null.

The Null could also be part of the Model with the Light but I find keeping the target/null separate sometimes helps.


I will guess that you are planning to create an array of lights as seen at many sports arenas and race tracks.


One of the nice things about having our lights as part of the model is that we don't have to constrain the individual lights to the target/null.

We can constrain (Aim At) the entire model and when the model turns all the lights go with it.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I really do not no what i was thinking when I built these parts the first time.

I remodeled all my parts,They are now less then half the CP count.

Decals done. So I laid them out on floor lol


  • 4 years later...

Hello all I have been working on this for a few years know this is what I have got done this year. Still lots to be done 

still working on this model green front0.jpg

still working on this model green no decal0.jpg

still working on this model green top0.jpg

  • Like 2
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

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