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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Problem with Darktree materials - I see the targeting ball of death

Master chief

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has any one ever had this happen. I'm trying some new stuff using the dark tree materials ( dsts files) when i get this at the basic material render screen. i have tryed loading 6 different mats all encountering the same effect. noting that this has only happened after my system upgrade( win7 from vista) but as far as i know i set up AM the exact same way and everything else is more or less working



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OK i have tryed relinking the files now multiple times, moving then to different locations one right inside the AM folder itself, and running AM in admin mode just to see if if could find them then. it still gives ye targeting ball up top. any one know if theres a setting some where that i need to adjust to allow AM to use said files that I'm telling it where it is.

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Try this:

In A:M, make a new material.

Right-click on the Attribute and choose Change Type To > Plugin > Darksim > SimbiontAM

Expand the disclosure triangle beside "SimbiontAM" to see the options.

Click on "Load Dark Tree".

Navigate to a dsts file and select it.

Apply the material to a sphere.

Does it work?

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Try this:

In A:M, make a new material.

Right-click on the Attribute and choose Change Type To > Plugin > Darksim > SimbiontAM

Expand the disclosure triangle beside "SimbiontAM" to see the options.

Click on "Load Dark Tree".

Navigate to a dsts file and select it.

Apply the material to a sphere.

Does it work?


no it does not ,

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I'm a little surprised no one else has commented on this thread. That tells me you are the only person having this issue. Since DarkTree is supposed to be included in the base install of v15, I don't suppose it would help to suggest that you install the Darktree SimbiantA:M plugin for A:M. The only two things I can think of to try is to 1) choose help > reset settings and 2) completely uninstall A:M and then re-install it.

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  • Hash Fellow

I haven't installed the darktree materials since I put this new computer together so i had to do this ...


First, there should already be a "darktree" folder in the top of your V15 or V16 folder where your A:M is installed. It has 11 .dll files in it. This should be installed with A:M.


Next I downloaded a repository from the darktree website like this:





I unzipped that to the top of my "Hash Inc" folder. Because of some permissions thing I had to unzip it to a spot on my data drive and manually copy and paste to my Hash Inc Folder. You should end up with a folder "DTRep" in your "Hash Inc" folder with numerous folders inside it.


Then in A:M in the PWS I did Materials>New


Then I did Attribute>Change Type to>Plugin>Darksim>Simbiont AM (That's gotta be the longest menu tree in all of A:M)


In the properties for this new "Simbiont AM" material i clicked on "Load DarkTree" and navigated to the above mentioned folder to find one of the .dsts or .dstc files


I had to close and reopen he material preview window to get the preview sphere to update.

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