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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Schools Out!

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Hello ! I have found a new idea to get me going. I got my inspiration from the halls at my highschool. Here is where I am at now:


5pass 27min

Im experimenting with lighting right now. The modeling is pretty much done as well.



For texturing and shading I plan to use a lot of decals and one or two procedural shaders. I want the floor to have a slight bump to it and it to be reflective and very specular. The doors are wood, and the lockers peeling painted metal. The other walls are going to be a dry wall esq texture.




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Dumb newbie question maybe:

How do you get these Action Objects?


Do you put together the scene in a chor and export as action?


Jake - you can add additional models to an action and they will show up as action objects - you can position them - This is how complicated sets for TWO & SO & other projects have gotten assembled.



Nice scary school halls - gives me the shivers...

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Update. Started the texturing and nearly finished it. I just need to tweek the coloring and lighting now.

Here are two different runs at it.




Which one do you think is better?



The green lockers are definitely more eye-catching, but the second version is more grim. Which look are you going for?

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Which one do you think is better?


Like Jesse said - it depends on what mood, effect, statement you are going for - I prefer the lighting on the grim one (2nd) better - but in both - I think the grunge on the lockers, etc looks a little too regular.


Jake- I agree it's hard to assemble sets in actions, I also prefer to assemble in chors. And for a one person project - that works. However, when dealing with a project with many people, many chors - and people are using the same sets, in different chors - the chors get automatically updated when the assembly action changes. It's easier logistically than having to manually seek out an assembly chor, and re-integrate it into many different chors.

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>Jake- I agree it's hard to assemble sets in actions, I also prefer to assemble in chors.



If you've been able to export MULTIPLE models in a chor as ONE action - I'd be curious to know how.


I only see an option to export an entire chor as ONE model, and I only see an option to export a chor action for ONE model as an action. I do not see a way to export multiple models (with multiple chor actions) as one action (neither with or without action objects).


However - exporting a chor as one model - might/possibly work for a team effort. Depending on the team.


If the resultant exported model was huge in numbers of patches (as these assembled sets tend to be) then the mega-model would have to be modified/added to in a chor and then re-exported, as the reason for them being assembled other than as a model was because they were too patch heavy.


This again would change the logistics of a team project - but would work if all team members agreed, or if only a few were modifying the mega-model. That is not the way SO or TWO chose to do.

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>Jake- I agree it's hard to assemble sets in actions, I also prefer to assemble in chors.

Me too! Building sets in a chor is fun. Building in an action ... not so much. I would love to be able to export an entire chor (just the first frame) as an Action, for the purpose of building sets.


One of the problems you run into when you try to create (or export) a complex set as a single model is that it can *easily* grow over 10K patches, and the model begins to bog down A:M. At that point, it is actually more efficient just to assemble the thing in an Action.


Several months ago I started playing around with a simple chor in a text editor to see if it would be possible to use regular expression find/replace to convert a chor to an action. It looked promising, but would take quite a bit experimenting for someone like me who is not exactly a RegEx god.

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Saving a chor is just as easy as saving an action. Though, actions do have a few advantages, IMO.


Sorry Photoman for hijacking your thread :)


Mark would you please elucidate on this please? Are you saying there is some way to save out an entire chor (set) as an action?

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Half update.

Did a little work here and there.


-John I did move the lockers themselves up but at my school if you get a bottom locker you get used to meeting the floor ;)


This is just a RADIOSITY test. Took AGES to render even that far so maybe not the best type of render engine for the scene (AO maybe?)



I am currently CRAMing for my Chem honors final tomorrow morning so probably not much more tonight (Got my caffeine soap, coffee, coca-cola, and my toothpicks, Im ready :blink: )




PS I set the basic Hall module in a action. That way each section acts like a model versus having to put together 6 models per section in the choreography.

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Hey Photoman, that is a really nice looking scene! Unless you are using AO or SSS or some other fancy feature, you don't need to render with multipass. You will get really nice looking renders in half the time using the A:M's default (non-multipass) renderer - sometimes referred to as the A-Buffer renderer.


Mark, thanks for the clarification. It is nice to have the ability to import one chor into another. Unfortunately, the imported chor loses any relationship to the original. So you still have to open up all scenes that use the chor if you need to make any changes.

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Done! I finished it! Just in time too, because I "officially" get out of school today (Though no one goes to school today)


The first skylight I took the godray light out and put in one of Yves skylight rigs to get a more even light.







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