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Oxymoron Theatre - Bringing the Sinner back to her Senses

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Ah yes - up to the same ol' same ol' - experimenting with render styles.


I was inspired by Jinxland (Scarecrow of Oz) - so I took the textured model seen here- and played with rendering


1) Had to try a white render (everything is front projected with white) - AI=100, AO =100 - took 27:12 mins (AA)


2) Then I did a white render with just AI=100, 1 rim light, everything front projected - BUT I made everything flat shaded as well - hee hee - got this melted look - neato - took 11 secs


3) ok - then I added splashes of color for giggles - took 21 secs with with hair - no big whoop - but has possibilities


4) then I went into photo shop and started playing with filters - did a sun faded photo effect of Meltyville - interesting


5) Couldn't stop there - so I had to apply the sketch filter to the original color (did it twice - 2 different settings - applied each 50%) - to get an engraved look


6) then I overlayed the filtered sketch version over the original colored version to get this oldtimey tinted lithograph type image







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As always, your stuff makes me happy. Just wonderful to look at. One funny thing I noticed is that the shape of your building is very similar to the east end of Nidaros Cathedral, all the basic shapes are there, funny :)


Take a look at the attached photo:



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The sketchy ones look like story illustrations to me. Have you ever had any luck with the sketch materials in AM?


Yup - reminds me of the 1900's era story engravings - typical of Alice in Wonderland, Oz series illustrations, etc.


As for the sketch materials in A:M - I have never had much luck. I could never figure out how to have real control over them, to get something I was satisfied with. PS is just too easy, quick. Or perhaps I gave up too easy. Would love to know some settings to try for the sketch type materials in A:M.


One funny thing I noticed is that the shape of your building is very similar to the east end of Nidaros Cathedral, all the basic shapes are there, funny


St. Stian: Hee hee ! - Glad you noticed, as I thought you would see a resemblance. Not funny at all - since I started with the photo of Nidaros in 1857 that was at the wiki link that you provided. I was loving your work on the current Cathedral - but of course - I thought you totally insane - until I started getting into this - I could see what fun it would be to add more and more detail - and perhaps I will someday. Unfortunately I don't have the patience to work with 400,000 plus patches in A:M. So I cheat cheat cheat whenever possible.


My version (approx 5000 patches) needs a graveyard with some tombstones, at least. And perhaps a stone fountain/statue of King Krewel counting his money.


Thanks all for your comments. Much appreciated.


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