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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Cupid's Sick Day


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  • *A:M User*

Thanks Steve. I started drawing the rotoscope for the starlette of my short. Should have some updates shortly.


David sent me some ideas on rigging. I hope to have the characters moving in the near future.



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  • *A:M User*

Thanks Gene!


Like I stated in the last post, David Simmons is the man. It would have taken me a long time on the rig, David had a working rig back it just minutes it seemed like. I have rigged one of the characters so far. It will take me a while.


I am off finally starting on the woman tonight.



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  • *A:M User*

Ok here is the first run at the female.






I widen the eye socket. Deleted a great deal of splines. and now it is time to clean up the faceadd ears and mouth but that is for tomorrow



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  • *A:M User*

I have now reworked the face 4 times and feel better about it but the one area just at the bottom of the check is warping. so I am going to walk away for a while and come back and visit tonight





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  • *A:M User*

Worked a little more on her tonight.


Moved eyes in, created ears, pulled forehead down, shaped the head more, redid the checks yet again - and for now I am going to leave the head alone as a great deal will be covered with the hair.


I keep forgetting I am not going for realistic but rather a style




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  • *A:M User*



Cheek bones have always been hard to get away from tweaking. If you get those right you get the look you are going for. Stopping and getting a way helped me too as I was able to see what I needed to tweak. I have her torso done and will upload that when I get the legs and arms on



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Looking really good! However, it kind of looks like a dude wearing eyeliner.

The prominent brow, sunken cheeks, strong chin/jaw and overall tall face are all contributing to this. Check out this link for some key differences between male and female faces:



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  • *A:M User*

Very good suggestions on the links. Here is a shot of the distance between mouth and nose and mouth and chin narrowed. I have exaggerated the puffy cheeks. Pulled the ears into the head more since they will be hidden by the hair anyway. I had never noticed the eyebrows out so much so removed the eyebrow and reworked the bridge of the nose tieing into the forehead.


I have included a 3/4 shot with wire frame. I have really pulled the cheeks out.



Let me know what you think





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Much better - more feminine. However she still looks like "going for realistic" rather than stylized.


For stylized - something/proportions need to be more exaggerated, characatured - eg - perhaps eyes bigger? smaller mouth? bigger puffier lips? Did you start with a sketch - or are you winging it?


Tell us more about this character - what her personality is ? age supposed to be? role she will play?

eg House Frau? Love interest? Smart? dumb? That might help you in knowing what features to over/under play


As she is now - I get the impression she could be a "business suit" type - or a serious, educated mother of young children. It's all about stereotypes as defined by marketing.


Unless you're already planning to "puff some parts up" on her body, or give her crazy wild hair, or tatoos, I don't read her as "disco chick" or "airhead"


(ps - NICE, clean splinage!)

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  • *A:M User*

Thanks Steve and Nancy


Here is the roto I drew, someone looking like a comic book character.


She is the love interest in the short. She will be dressed in a red cocktail dress. She will walk by the men as they fight to get her attention. She will continue to walk by them and across the street. Only after an event will she turn and look at the hero of the short.




Here is the hero she will fall for in the short.



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I'm actually going for the one-off reality comic-book look myself with the project I'm working on. I've found that while male faces have very easy to exaggerate features like the chin, it's a little more subtle with the female. Making the eyes bigger and the cheeks themselves (as opposed to the cheekbones) a little puffier was what made the difference in the end for me.



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She will be dressed in a red cocktail dress. She will continue to walk by them and across the street.


Red Cocktail dress? - Walking on the street? ummm...uh...ok. (yup, I sez to meself...definitely a professional working class girl - hee hee)


She'll work with your hero. Her face is attractive, feminine - However the Hero is more stylized than she, as she looks now. Even her sketch has more realistic-ish proportions than he.


But really doesn't matter, as body proportions, slinky red dress and flirty hair can finish up the package to sell her as stylized, sexy, love interest.

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  • *A:M User*

I was passing by the tv and saw Pretty Woman was on, I watched Julia Roberts for a few minutes and realized a great number of things you guys have been talking about was right there. Sometimes you are blinded by sitting so close to the screen.



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Loovely curves .I don't know what age she will be but to me her face looks older than her body at the moment ,probably just my experiance or lack of .Maybe when her hair and lipstick are on it will be differant again

but lovely modeling


It maybe the white patch on her head throwing me

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The breasts are quite high up on the body right now. They should probably be a few inches lower.


The face is much more feminine now! Doesn't look like a dude with eyeliner at all.

The main reason she looks older is you've given her very prominent cheek bones but the cheeks themselves are still pretty sunken. Rounding out the face like you said should help fix that!

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  • *A:M User*

Moved chest down and rounded out the face. I am happy with it and now going onto the hair and clothing. This will be a challenge.




I wasn't happy and woke up from bed a came up and tried to figure out what the problem on the face. I had the face to diagonal almost to a point. So I pulled and rounded the face some more.



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  • *A:M User*

I need a little help. Something has been eating at me on the girl's mouth, in particular the lips. Here a post of the most recent try to create the lips.




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The corners of lips are the bane of my existence!!

The lower lip looks good, but the upper lip's separation needs to be farther apart. You could probably do without the first spline ring around the lips as well.


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  • *A:M User*

Thanks Steve.


I will u/l two shots, one totally reworked mouth area and one with modifications to the existing mesh. I am working on a network today so hopefully that I can those up later tonight.




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  • *A:M User*



I have decided that I am finished tweaking the girl's face for now. The cheeks are redone, move chin up, increase eyes, narrowed lips, rotated the center of the lips toward the front of the face to all for some nice folding of the cheeks, pulled mesh forward, narrowed forehead, narrowed chin on x axis, and last but not least pulled the forehead forward as well. Here a revised shot. I had hair on her as well but AM crashed and silly me forgot to save the progress. So tomorrow!





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