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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Can't you see just looking at this... why I was so surprised to have won? Come on people! I didn't even put battle damage on mine! Look at the detail in the treads! The worn details of the surface.


My goodness... Killer robots from the future or well endowed females... I guess they were right all along. That's how you win. (Imagine if I had done the Terminatrix.) ;)


Great job Eric. Amazing detail. The AO render looks really nice.




Well I didn't vote for either one of you fellas , I voted for mine even though it doesnt compare...LOL... I gatta get at least one vote. (have you heard that one before?) And even though I liked both you fellas entries, I would have voted for the Tank if I had more choices.

Think Ill enter a well endowed female killer robot from the future next time...smile.. a sure winner...!


I didn't vote for me. Mainly because I took points off for not even TRYING to use AO when rendering. That AO effect just blows my socks right off... if you were here right now you would see... there are socks EVERYWHERE and some of them aren't even mine.




great modeling, texturing and sense for detail eric...respect! from this aspect i certainly would have considered voting for it, but it would have been against my credo, i just don´t like weapons at all... but hey, i voted for your landscape entry 2 months ago... ;)


Eric ...this model is awesome.. the details levels is impressive... but a bias tweak here or there, a spline nudge there, could make this great model - outstanding.

HAUAHUAHAUAH just kidding .. it's amazing :)


Thanks to all who voted for my entry, and to all for the comments.


Marcos, this time you made me laugh more so than Vern, and that's an accomplishment :D


Sebastian, Ich war auch nicht sicher mit dem Panzer. Es fing an weil jemand nach einer Panzer Kette fragte. Danach konnte Ich einfach nicht aufhoeren.


I also didn't vote for my image, this time, because it just didn't seem right since we could only vote once. As for not having a second and third place, that is sadly missed. I looked on the winner's page and Vern's entry is starting to rust.


Vern, those big, salty tears of loneliness are causing a mess of corrosion on the exoskeleton. But wait, that's a good thing...the more he cries, the more he falls apart. Before Vern can finish him he will have turned into a heap of rusting junk, and that way he will not be able to trans-what-cha-ma-call-it into the past to destroy our future. Cry, baby, Cry!!! Come to think of it, I'm not sure we need him to come back here anyways, since we are doing such a grand job of destoying the planet ourselves.


Thanks for listening and peeking in




Hi Eric:


Your entry is phenomenal. As mentioned, the level of detail and textures are outstanding. The model is much more impressive in these renderings than it appeared in the entry photo. Congrats on a job well done.



The model is much more impressive in these renderings than it appeared in the entry photo. Congrats on a job well done.




Yeah why is that? I'm sure it's the same image right? For some reason it looks better here than it did when I was voting... maybe it was my subconcious tricking me into thinking mine was better.


p.s. I also felt it wouldn't be fair to vote for myself considering I only had one vote. In the past I could always squeeze a vote for me in under the wire of my highly critical judgment criteria.




p.s.s. Old Terminators never rust, they just fade away.


They can't rust... they have... icky squishy salty skin stuck all over them. The fleshy bits would get tetanus and rot off if they got rusty.


(This happened in early testing before Skynet switched to a rust proof hyperalloy combat chassis - micro processor-controlled, fully armored. Skynet also wanted to add an undercoat sealant stolen from the human auto industry but very few of the Terminators wanted to pay for it since they thought it was unnecessary, and they really wanted the iPod connection option instead.)



The model is much more impressive in these renderings than it appeared in the entry photo. Congrats on a job well done.




Yeah why is that? I'm sure it's the same image right? For some reason it looks better here than it did when I was voting... maybe it was my subconcious tricking me into thinking mine was better.


This was a mechanical modelling contest and I feel the above images do more to show the quality and technical expertise of the model and modeller than the contest image did. The camera is showing a different angle of the tank in the above renders. In the contest image, the tank seemed to blend in with the background more and was kind of lost in the image. I guess this is what they are supposed to do in real life.


For me, a mechanical modelling contest is just that. I look at the details and how well it appears to have been modelled. For me, textures, lighting, backgrounds, etc., are secondary in this type of contest. I am looking at the quality and execution of the model. When it comes to the Photoreal contest, my judging criteria will change. The model becomes secondary and things like textures, lighting and how well the model is integrated into it's environment become the primary consideration. When it comes to other contests, than everything plays an equal role, including things like does it tell a story, what type of emotion does it invoke in me, etc.


I could be totally wrong on how to judge, but this is how I approach it.


Just my opinion...




Just wait until you guys gaze upon my Photorealistic entry. Since Vern changed the rules and incorporated a trecherous subliminal message into his T2, I have no choice but to reciprocate. A spline for a spline, an eyene for an eyene, apples for apples, potatoes for french fries, hash browns for country fried, cream and sugar, the foo foo creamer if you please, French Vanilla will do...wait, did I get off track :huh: Anyways, my sublim will be so powerful, I could enter a single spline, render it and you would still vote for it, MUAHhahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....


Alas, what came over me? I would never stoop to subliminal coercion, never, never, never, vote for mine, never, never


I... must... vote... for... Eric...


I... must... vote... for... Eric...


I... must... vote... for... Eric...


I... must... vote... for... Eric...

I could enter a single spline, render it and you would still vote for it


Is that like putting two tiny black dots on a white canvas and calling it: "Polar Bear in a Snow Storm"?



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That was a nice touch you added in the final composite too. (the driver wandering over to look and the camels!)

Having seen tanks and camels in a similar setting I certainly got a kick out of it.

The detail of the model is self explanatory... outstanding work.


There was something in the contest image that I felt detracted from the piece.

The tank didn't appear to be touching the sand. As I recall it may have been mostly a shadow thing.

I'd guess if you had more time you would have nailed that and added more sand displacement around the treads too?

Any insight you can share on that aspect?


You got it right on the nose Rodney. I too was rushed as the deadline loomed, so I did not have time to finish the tracks and their displacement maps. I actually started to model the dunes as they could be used for other projects.


I was pretty sure our discerning audience would pick up on the floating tank and that it could cost me a standing, but I saw that the competition was particularly intense and did not mind just placing. We really should have at least three votes with such a terriffic turnout.

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