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(Pinning this in the New Users Forum to keep it in view of those who might not otherwise see it)


Interested in participating in a feature length movie?

Now 'Tin Woodman of Oz' opens the door on that opportunity to everyone.


Given one of three basic Loon characters you'll be able to tailor, tweak and ultimately create a brand new Loon to call your own.


There will be three distinct phases in this project.

You are welcome to participate in one, some or all of them.



The easy part has already been accomplished. Three basic Loon types have been modeled.

Now all you need to do is modify, resize and reshape your Loon.

Decaling. Loons all have interesting Loony tattoos to identify them to each other.

Here you get the chance to make your Loon stand out in the crowd.

Animating. Robert Holmein has storyboarded and roughed out the Loon sequences.

If you've watched the storyboard you already know whats going to happen next.

As an animator... you make it happen.


If you think you are up to this Loony Challenge don't miss this opportunity!


(A link to the Loonville topic will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.)



Note: Modeling (Modifying) will be the initial focus.

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Exellent news.

This is one part of the TWO project even i might be able to participate in.

Even though i may not be able to do the animating part (i don't think i'm quite ready yet) i think even i could manage the modeling(modifing)part,even the decaling.


Bring it on :D


Do we just wait for the link in this forum to get more info/sign up?





  • Admin
Is there a chance that users of the older versions of A:M (11.1) might participate?


This could be fun!


You don't have to have v13 to contribute to TWO.

Having v13 will just let you dig a lot deeper into the production.


Due to differences in file format I suggest teaming up with someone with v13.


"Well... whats the fun in that?"

To me its obvious.

You can help refine your Loons, make suggestions, create props and develop things for those Loons to be doing. Consider how they work... and play... and react to strangers!


There's an old saying, "If there is a hand in the scene it needs to be doing something".

Work with some else and give the citizens of Loonville something to do.


Obviously some ideas and elements won't fit into TWO.

But fun and practice has its own reward.

If the Loon Intro scene calls for a tall skinny Loon my fat lumpy one probably won't make the cut.

But FatLumpyLoon might be perfect for the shot of the Loon Mob encircling our heroes.


Ultimately its the Art/Animation directors call on which direction each Loon will go.

If they like a concept or need a particular Loony activity I'm sure they'll let us know.


So... v11 Users will have to turn their weaknesses to strengths in this one.

If there is adequate interest I'm sure we even can locate the town's elusive v12 Loon.


(Sorry to get longwinded... stuff like this gets me excited!)



This could be fun!


You don't have to have v13 to contribute to TWO.

Having v13 will just let you dig a lot deeper into the production.


Due to differences in file format I suggest teaming up with someone with v13.



If anyone is using a version below v13 i am quite happy to help out in any way if they want to get involved.

Heck i might even learn something from the experience. :)



  • Admin



Teresa Nord is involved in this project too. :)

She taking charge of forum posting and general management of the Loons.*


Its almost time to start populating Loonville!



*As time allows. I know she'll be busy in school soon.

  • Admin

Thanks for the interest guys and Teresa!


We'll be releasing the models soon.

If you have access to SVN and v13 you can already grab them and start working.


Meanwhile... I've officially gone Loony.

I've been thinking a lot about the Loons and a few of the ideas just won't go away.

I'll be sharing some of those ideas here in the forum.

Ultimately its the Art/Animation Directors choice where the story goes.


This first input concerns just who might have put up that sign at the crossroads.

The first thing that really planted itself into my mind is that this probably wouldn't be only one sign.

SOMEONE really don't want you to go visit the Loons.


So the concept of multiple signs presented itself.

I spoke with Robert Holmein about it but no decision was made.

One thing for sure... multiple signs would convey the Loony nature of what is about to happen.


It gets worse... loony even.


Who placed those signs?


Talking to Teresa via Skype it suddenly became clear who *might* have placed the signs.

We know it could have been the Winkies... or other citizen of Oz.

But there is one group of people that want you to stay away more than any other... thats right... the LOONS!


Getting Loonier...

What then would the Loons write upon their multiple signs?

Loony saying and warnings.... right!


Our heroes haven't even got to Loonville and already things are getting strange.

If you see where could be going... it does.


This group of signs (modeled in A:M and composited in CorelDraw) demonstrate the proof of concept for the Loon's warning at the Crossroads. This should probably be added to Robert Holmein's topic related to the scene. The signs form a Loony Poem (of sorts) that convey the message to our heroes that they should go away. Luckly enough our adventurers curiosity gets the best of them and we get to visit Loonville after all.


The multiple signs created by the Loons does add another possible story element to the Loons... one of color and creativity. If the Loon's painted those signs as they paint the tattoos on their bodies we've just discovered a little bit more about the Loon's. Perhaps they are an warrior artist colony??? Sounds Loony too me. :blink:


At any rate. Here are a few signs (the first verse actually) from the Loon's Sign Poem.


The poem in its Loony entirety might go something like this:

- Keep out! Stay out of Loonville!

- HereThere is no place to be

- Beware! Run away! Be elsewhere!

- Leave! Throw away the key!


- Go Away! Don't go! Loonville!

- Best you up and Leave!

- Don't like your kind in Loonville!

- Final chance to leave!


- Turn around! Do not Pass! U Turn!

- Wouldn't go that way if you were me

- Run away! Get away from Loonville!

- "Loonville Population 3".


A small sign (unnoticed by everyone might even read)

- No Tresspassing!

signed King BaLoon


*3 a reference to how many Loons *currently* live in Loonville.

Hoping to do something about that. :)



I love the idea of crossing out the "o" in POPulation! lol :P

That's so brilliant....of course the loons wouldn't want "pop" written on a sign, since they're balloons and all!

  • Admin
I love the idea of crossing out the "o" in POPulation! lol


I love it too!

Just wish I would have thought of that myself. :blink:

As it is its one of those very happy mistakes.


Thanks for identifying it Teresa! :)


So do 'loons make that squicky balloon rubbing sound when they walk, or get close to one another?


By the way, should there be the obligatory "this means you" added to that great list of signs?

  • Admin
By the way, should there be the obligatory "this means you" added to that great list of signs?


Most definitely! :)


Hope to get the posts put together late tonight to get this party started.

Hope everyone has been sketching their ideas!


My test of 3D Painter just happened to be on a Loon and I loved it. :)

(Both the Loon and 3D Painter... not necessarily in that order)


Hmmm....too bad i cant help.......it might be interesting....but my computer doesent like version 13.....and i mean it REALLY doesent like it........lol.......anyways....good luck all......


Hey ... this sounds like just the thing for me. I had wanted to participate and had inquired about animating, but I just don't have the time for a big commitment. This sounds just perfect for me. I would love to model / modify / decal a loon. I don't have v13 yet. I will get it at but it will take me a little while. Rodney seems to indicate that an earlier version might work. That I do have. So ... how do I get started?


Thank you!




Earlier versions will only work if you're modeling the object from scratch. If the model is currently made in v13, you can't texture it in pre-v13. Look in on the Yoop castel props thread to see if you can model anything in there.....

  • Admin

I haven't taken the time to see how much work it would take (or the real benefits to be derived from) creating a v13 model stripper utility to produce a v12 model from the v13 format. The way I would approach it would be to strip v13 specific information from the file leaving only v12 data. Hardly a solution or workaround either. As the important data is sure to get stripped I'm not sure its worth the effort in programming to anyone with more interest/insight than me. :(


As I haven't even looked at the differences yet I cannot even begin to say what the process would take.


See above for my emphasis on where I think most users from v8.5 to v12 would get the most out of the opportunity; working with others to design Loons and props for their activities.


Everyone can be involved but how you are involved will vary.




Ok I am confused four posts up you say your computer does not like ver 13?


"Hmmm....too bad i cant help.......it might be interesting....but my computer doesent like version 13.....and i mean it REALLY doesent like it........lol.......anyways....good luck all......"


If so post a report and it will probably get fixed.



Then here you are asking how much ver 13 cost?


So how much is the version 13 cd?


So do you have ver 13 or not? and if not how would you know your system would not handle it?


As i i have earlier stated in a previous reply on this thread,If anyone who is interested in participating in this part of TWO who doesn't have a copy of V13 i am more than happy of taking they're work in version's earlier than V13 and upgrading them in my V13 software and passing it on to the team on the project.

The more people we can get involved in this great movie the better! regardless of the current version of the sotware they're using.



  • Admin

Thanks Jay!

As I've seen your work in TAoA:M that's an opportunity I highly recommend.


We are about to begin our journey to Loonville everyone.

My goal is to post the Loon models w/ links to inspirational sketches, animatics and related resources TODAY!


Join our 'Adventure to Loonville'.

Traveling together is a whole lot more fun than wandering the roads of Oz alone. :)


Thanks Jay!

As I've seen your work in TAoA:M that's an opportunity I highly recommend.


We are about to begin our journey to Loonville everyone.

My goal is to post the Loon models w/ links to inspirational sketches, animatics and related resources TODAY!


Join our 'Adventure to Loonville'.

Traveling together is a whole lot more fun than wandering the roads of Oz alone. :)


Cheers rodney'

Alright i'm going to stick my newbie head on the block and get ready for the volley's.

Seeing the picture that you and teresa done of the loon and the dog i have created in my very limited way(I haven't done the model section in TAoA:M yet) a Bull-Loon-Dog (groan!) Hopefully it will inspire someone more talented to come up with a much better idea.






  • Admin

I believe that is in the old text; 'Yet Another Book of Loons'.

Or was it 'Loons for Dummies'? I forget.


Nope. It was 'The Big Book of Loon', Chapter 17, Paragraph 39:


"And a BullLoonDog shall lead them."




I believe that is in the old text; 'Yet Another Book of Loons'.

Or was it 'Loons for Dummies'? I forget.


Nope. It was 'The Big Book of Loon', Chapter 17, Paragraph 39:


"And a BullLoonDog shall lead them."





Rodney is there an online reference to the expanded Loon timeline? All i have managed to find is a very basic introduction to them from the following source:




Any help would be appreciated.



  • Admin



You are correct in thinking we should head to the source.

'Tin Woodman of Oz' gives the entire picture of the history of the Loons and Loonville as far as I can see.


Its quite possible that later books (after Baum) visited the Loons again.


Authenticity aside (which I agree we should be careful with) a lot is open to the imagination.


My entire focus withink TWO is on the Loons right now (for both the movie and the game) so I'll see what I can dig up.


The convenient thing about the Loons as depicted in TWO is that we don't really get a thorough glimpse at them.

That leaves a lot of Loonville and the surrounding forest open to interpretation.




For reference, here is the sequence launching into our heroes into Loonville via the TWO script:




TIN WOODMAN, WOOT, followed by SCARECROW, continue hacking their way through the forest.




TIN WOODMAN emerges, almost tumbles headlong into a vast cleared space in the forest.





TIN WOODMAN regains his balance with the aid of WOOT and SCARECROW. They gaze around.






In the name…



Of Great Oz…







The top branches of the trees reach over and form a TREE DOME over it. The clearing glows with a soft, white light.


WOOT pushes TIN WOODMAN aside, SCARECROW pushes WOOT aside, so that they stand in a row, staring in awe.


The LOONS play, some work at tasks and some gather in groups to talk… their voices are a dizzying cacophony of noise and confusion.


LOONS argue


LOONS carrying balloons.


LOONS belly bounce.


LOON bowling


Rack of LOONS hit by bowling ball.


TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT watch in amazement.






Are… are they rubber, do you think?


SCARECROW’S voice echoes through the clearing.


The LOONS stop whatever they’re doing; turn toward the intruders.



Uh-oh, they’ve spotted us.



Eh… Yikes!


The LOONS rush at them—run and bound and bounce with tremendous speed. One Loon reaches toward them, it’s arm stretches, and its hand grows to huge proportions


TIN WOODMAN starts to raise his axe—and the LOONS are on them.






Look out—



Watch your—


The arm wraps around them.


TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT are swiftly inundated in the sea of roundness…


TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW and WOOT are all snugly wrapped up in long tendrils of vines. They struggle helplessly. Suddenly, BIG LOON leaps in front of them.



A-ha! Gotcha!


The LOONS make strange noises and bounce excitedly. TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT look around, concerned for their safety.



Come—bring them to King Bal and have ‘em tried, condemned and perforated!


The LOONS cheer lustily, bounce up and down.


SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT exchange worried looks…






The captives are dragged to a raised PLATFORM. The LOONS bounce and cheer madly. On the PLATFORM is a throne consisting of a big, WIDE CHAIR with a string tied to one arm. The string leads upward.


BIG LOON bounces up onto the platform.



Now King Bal shall judge these terrible creatures—and dispense justice! Yaaaas.


The LOONS bounce and cheer until the entire clearing is a mass of chaotic, bouncing madness.


SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT look around at the madness, frightened.


BIG LOON takes hold of the string. The other LOONS fall silent.


BIG LOON looks around importantly. With great ceremony, he pulls on the string.


The assembled LOONS “ooh” and “ahh” reverently.


BIG LOON solemnly pulls… there is a GASP from the assembled LOONS… they lower their eyes…


KING BAL appears at the other end of the string. He’s much like the other LOONS, except for the fact that he wears a crown.



Coming down, everybody! Can you see me? Coming down!


BIG LOON hauls KING BAL down the throne. KING BAL seats himself. Two attendant LOONS rush up and tie KING BAL in. He looks out over his loyal subjects… bobbing gently against his restraints.



(Chant reverently) Woo… woo-woo-woo…woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo


LOONS continue to “Woo” reverently until KING BAL holds up a hand – they stop.



Hello again, hello. What’s up now?


BIG LOON throws a menacing look at TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT.



Strangers, your Majesty! Strangers and captives!


The other LOONS “Woo” vigorously until KING BAL again raises a hand. He looks closely down at SCARECROW, WOOT and TIN WOODMAN.



Are they dangerous, do you think?


WOOT looks around. His fear is dissipating.



Ah… they may not be… But we mustn’t take chances, must we? Enough accidents happen to us poor Loons as it is.


KING BAL takes a closer look.


The assembled LOONS react, wail and moan wretchedly.



My advice is to condemn and perforate ‘em, now!


The LOONS cheer lustily. BIG LOON acknowledges their support with a nod of his body.


KING BAL looks disgruntled. He mutters:



Keep your advice to yourself. (louder) Who’s King here, anyhow? You—or me?


BIG LOON looks out at the assembled LOONS. They’ve fallen silent. SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT take note of this. They exchange a look.



We made you our King because you have less common sense than the rest of us!


BIG LOON pleads case to LOON crowd. He struts back and forth between the throne and the prisoners.



I could have been King myself, had I wanted to, but I didn’t care for the hard work and responsibility!


The other LOONS are impressed. They mutter.


BIG LOON turns to his audience—suddenly—there’s a sharp explosion—BIG LOON looks panic-stricken—he deflates.


What remains on the platform is a heap of flabby, WRINKLED SKIN that looks like a collapsed rubber balloon. The LOONS gasp.


SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT react, stunned.


KING BAL settles into his throne smugly.



Hah! Conceited rascal! He puffed himself up until he was bigger than the rest of you, and this is the result of his folly!


The LOONS react, cowed and frightened.



But… there is no reason not to be… merciful. Get the pump working, and blow him up again.


Some LOONS wheel out a big PUMP to BIG LOON’S skin. The LOONS with the PUMP connect a hose and pump air into BIG LOON. BIG LOON starts to swell out.


SCARECROW and TIN WOODMAN watch, fascinated. WOOT is forming a plan.






No, no—keep going! Bigger!


It’s clear what KING BAL’S decision means. He gives BIG LOON a look.



(Wails in anguish.)


The other LOONS watch, fascinated as BIG LOON inflates to tremendous size and begins floating skyward.



Pride before a pop!


BIG LOON floats to the end of the hose, looks around desperately. The pumping continues and he pops free and squirts into the air, flying around erratically.





BIG LOON goes OS and can no longer be heard.


The LOONS on the PLATFORM look at KING BAL. KING BAL settles back imperiously into his throne. LOONS exit with the PUMP away.


SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT look around anxiously.



And now… these intruders DO appear to be proud and puffed up. Perhaps we SHOULD perforate ‘em, eh? What say you?


Slowly, then with gathering momentum, the LOONS begin to cheer. KING BAL looks out over them, smug and secure. WOOT looks around, then up at KING BAL, squinting. On the platform, an attendant LOON produces a long, sharp thorn. He glances at KING BAL, who nods his assent. The LOON with the thorn approaches SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT. They look around desperately for an escape.



(Frightened whimpers)


The LOON leans over with great menace… and sticks the thorn into SCARECROW’S leg. Scarecrow winces. There’s a moment of expectation. Then SCARECROW relaxes and smiles.



Heh… Didn’t hurt a bit.


KING BAL and the LOONS react with extreme disappointment. The LOON with the thorn jabs at TIN WOODMAN. The thorn thunks against TIN WOODMAN’S body.



(Smiling) Heh… Sorry… Make of tin, you know.


The LOONS react with a cry of outrage. The LOON with the thorn looks around. Obviously, he thinks he’s going to get blamed for this. The mood grows ugly.






What is it? Dull or something?


The LOON with the thorn is desperate. He jabs the thorn into WOOT’S leg.





WOOT kicks out instinctively—into the LOON’S puffy stomach.





The LOON explodes with a loud pop. The other LOONS gasp in horror. WOOT recovers and struggles against his bonds. With a monumental effort he breaks free.





LOONS flee in terror. WOOT frees TIN WOODMAN and SCARECROW then grabs the thorn which lies unnoticed on the ground. WOOT leaps off the platform—and lunges into the crowd of LOONS.






Here – take that! How do you like it huh? Ha!


WOOT pricks a LOON. It pops. WOOT pops another LOON. The other LOONS bound away in all directions, yelling and popping. King Bal looks on stupefied. TIN WOODMAN and SCARECROW watch, horrified. Only KING BAL remains within reach, seated on his throne with a bewildered look.


WOOT grips the thorn and starts for the platform. SCARECROW grabs him.



Enough, Master Woot.



He would’ve…



Let him alone. He seems a good enough king for his peculiar people, and after we are gone, the Loons will have something of a job to pump up all those whom you have punctured.


WOOT faces SCARECROW belligerently… then he lets the anger go… slumps. SCARECROW puts a kindly hand on WOOT’S shoulder.


KING BAL fumbles with the cord that fastens him to the throne, his eyes on TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT. He releases it—



Heh-heh. Yes. Heh-heh!


He floats upward to the leafy dome.


WOOT watches KING BAL rise sullenly… rubs his leg.



Every one of them ought to be exploded!



No, Woot. We had no business to intrude here. This is their country, not ours



Well said, my friend.


TIN WOODMAN and SCARECROW walk away but WOOT remains.



We really had no right to disturb their peace and comfort; so let us go away.


WOOT glares at the pile of deflated LOON skins. He picks one up and stuffs it in his pocket.



Try and perforate me, will you. You many come in handy some day.


WOOT follows his companions. The LOONS’ lament follows them…



Wait up, guys…




That's great new's Rodney.

I have heaps of imagination but not the skill just yet to put into practice.

Anything you can dig out on the Loon's that is suitable for TWO would be appreciated.

If i can help in any way on this project would be great.


p.s. when are the loon models going to be posted? I can't wait to have a go at modifiying the great Base models that have been created.




  • Admin

I'll post the Loon models today. :)


Here is an extract of the script above.

The idea is to locate and supply resources for the scenes in question.

In the official TWO topic "Loonville" we can add in the design sketches, models, links to props and whatever references we can find.



The top branches of the trees reach over and form a TREE DOME over it. The clearing glows with a soft, white light.


The LOONS play, some work at tasks and some gather in groups to talk… their voices are a dizzying cacophony of noise and confusion. (Playing Loons) (Working Loons) (Talking Loons)


LOONS argue (Arguing Loons)


LOONS carrying balloons. (Baloon carrying Loons)


LOONS belly bounce. (Belly Bouncing Loons)


LOON bowling (Bowling Loons)


Rack of LOONS hit by bowling ball. (Rack o' Loons)


The LOONS stop whatever they’re doing; turn toward the intruders. (Frozen in time Loons)



The LOONS rush at them—run and bound and bounce with tremendous speed. One Loon reaches toward them, it’s arm stretches, and its hand grows to huge proportions (Running Loons!)


TIN WOODMAN starts to raise his axe—and the LOONS are on them. (Attacking Loons)


The arm wraps around them. (some arms of Loons)


TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT are swiftly inundated in the sea of roundness… (Sea of Loons)


TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW and WOOT are all snugly wrapped up in long tendrils of vines. They struggle helplessly. Suddenly, BIG LOON leaps in front of them. (Vine holding Loons) (Cowboy Lasso Throwing Loons) (Leaping Loons)



A-ha! Gotcha!


The LOONS make strange noises and bounce excitedly. TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT look around, concerned for their safety. (Strange noise making Loons) (More Bouncing Loons)



Come—bring them to King Bal and have ‘em tried, condemned and perforated!


The LOONS cheer lustily, bounce up and down.

(Lustily Cheering Loons) (Bouncing up and down while lustily cheering Loons)


The captives are dragged to a raised PLATFORM. The LOONS bounce and cheer madly. On the PLATFORM is a throne consisting of a big, WIDE CHAIR with a string tied to one arm. The string leads upward. (Professional Dragging Loons)


BIG LOON bounces up onto the platform.



Now King Bal shall judge these terrible creatures—and dispense justice! Yaaaas.


The LOONS bounce and cheer until the entire clearing is a mass of chaotic, bouncing madness.

(More bouncing and cheering Loons)


BIG LOON takes hold of the string. The other LOONS fall silent.


BIG LOON looks around importantly. With great ceremony, he pulls on the string.


The assembled LOONS “ooh” and “ahh” reverently. (Assembled Loons)


BIG LOON solemnly pulls… there is a GASP from the assembled LOONS… they lower their eyes… (Gasping Loons) (Lowering of the eyes Loons)


KING BAL appears at the other end of the string. He’s much like the other LOONS, except for the fact that he wears a crown.



Coming down, everybody! Can you see me? Coming down!


BIG LOON hauls KING BAL down the throne. KING BAL seats himself. Two attendant LOONS rush up and tie KING BAL in. He looks out over his loyal subjects… bobbing gently against his restraints. (Two attendant Loons) *Would be a hoot if they looked a little like the two Winkie Farmhands. ;)



(Chant reverently) Woo… woo-woo-woo…woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo (woo woo wooing Loons)


LOONS continue to “Woo” reverently until KING BAL holds up a hand – they stop. (stopping of the racket Loons)



Hello again, hello. What’s up now?


BIG LOON throws a menacing look at TIN WOODMAN, SCARECROW, and WOOT.



Strangers, your Majesty! Strangers and captives!


The other LOONS “Woo” vigorously until KING BAL again raises a hand. He looks closely down at SCARECROW, WOOT and TIN WOODMAN. (Vigorously 'woo'ing' Loons)



Are they dangerous, do you think?


WOOT looks around. His fear is dissipating.



Ah… they may not be… But we mustn’t take chances, must we? Enough accidents happen to us poor Loons as it is.


KING BAL takes a closer look.


The assembled LOONS react, wail and moan wretchedly. (Reacting, Wailing and moaning wretchedly Loons)



My advice is to condemn and perforate ‘em, now!


The LOONS cheer lustily. BIG LOON acknowledges their support with a nod of his body. (Supportive Loons)


KING BAL looks disgruntled. He mutters:



Keep your advice to yourself. (louder) Who’s King here, anyhow? You—or me?


BIG LOON looks out at the assembled LOONS. They’ve fallen silent. SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT take note of this. They exchange a look. (Assembled yet suddenly fallen silent Loons)



We made you our King because you have less common sense than the rest of us!


BIG LOON pleads case to LOON crowd. He struts back and forth between the throne and the prisoners. (Crowd o' Loons)



I could have been King myself, had I wanted to, but I didn’t care for the hard work and responsibility!


The other LOONS are impressed. They mutter. (Easily impressed Loons that have a penchant for muttering)


BIG LOON turns to his audience—suddenly—there’s a sharp explosion—BIG LOON looks panic-stricken—he deflates.


What remains on the platform is a heap of flabby, WRINKLED SKIN that looks like a collapsed rubber balloon. The LOONS gasp. (More gasping Loons)


KING BAL settles into his throne smugly.



Hah! Conceited rascal! He puffed himself up until he was bigger than the rest of you, and this is the result of his folly!


The LOONS react, cowed and frightened. (Cowering, frightened Loons)



But… there is no reason not to be… merciful. Get the pump working, and blow him up again.


Some LOONS wheel out a big PUMP to BIG LOON’S skin. The LOONS with the PUMP connect a hose and pump air into BIG LOON. BIG LOON starts to swell out. (The big pump team of Loons)(hose connectoring Loons)(Pumping Loons)






No, no—keep going! Bigger!


It’s clear what KING BAL’S decision means. He gives BIG LOON a look.



(Wails in anguish.)


The other LOONS watch, fascinated as BIG LOON inflates to tremendous size and begins floating skyward. (Facinated Loons)



Pride before a pop!


BIG LOON floats to the end of the hose, looks around desperately. The pumping continues and he pops free and squirts into the air, flying around erratically.





BIG LOON goes OS and can no longer be heard.


The LOONS on the PLATFORM look at KING BAL. KING BAL settles back imperiously into his throne. LOONS exit with the PUMP away. (Platform Loons)



And now… these intruders DO appear to be proud and puffed up. Perhaps we SHOULD perforate ‘em, eh? What say you?


Slowly, then with gathering momentum, the LOONS begin to cheer. KING BAL looks out over them, smug and secure. WOOT looks around, then up at KING BAL, squinting. On the platform, an attendant LOON produces a long, sharp thorn. He glances at KING BAL, who nods his assent. The LOON with the thorn approaches SCARECROW, TIN WOODMAN and WOOT. They look around desperately for an escape. (Loon with a thorn for our heroes!) (More cheering Loons)


The LOON leans over with great menace… and sticks the thorn into SCARECROW’S leg. Scarecrow winces. There’s a moment of expectation. Then SCARECROW relaxes and smiles.


KING BAL and the LOONS react with extreme disappointment. The LOON with the thorn jabs at TIN WOODMAN. The thorn thunks against TIN WOODMAN’S body.


The LOONS react with a cry of outrage. The LOON with the thorn looks around. Obviously, he thinks he’s going to get blamed for this. The mood grows ugly.






What is it? Dull or something?


The LOON with the thorn is desperate. He jabs the thorn into WOOT’S leg.


WOOT kicks out instinctively—into the LOON’S puffy stomach.





The LOON explodes with a loud pop. The other LOONS gasp in horror. WOOT recovers and struggles against his bonds. With a monumental effort he breaks free. (Popping Loon#1 of many)





LOONS flee in terror. WOOT frees TIN WOODMAN and SCARECROW then grabs the thorn which lies unnoticed on the ground. WOOT leaps off the platform—and lunges into the crowd of LOONS. (Flee for your Lives! Loons)



(Screaming) (Screaming Loons)


WOOT pricks a LOON. It pops. WOOT pops another LOON. The other LOONS bound away in all directions, yelling and popping. King Bal looks on stupefied. TIN WOODMAN and SCARECROW watch, horrified. Only KING BAL remains within reach, seated on his throne with a bewildered look. (Foor unlucky fellow who gets popped by Woot Loon)



Heh-heh. Yes. Heh-heh!


He floats upward to the leafy dome.


WOOT glares at the pile of deflated LOON skins. He picks one up and stuffs it in his pocket. (Pile of deflated Loonskins Loons)



Try and perforate me, will you. You many come in handy some day.


WOOT follows his companions. The LOONS’ lament follows them… (Lamenting Loons)


Sign says... "Now leaving Loonville." ;)


  • Admin

Further distilled and (more or less) in order of appearance I'm proud to present to you... a few of the citizens of Loonville (They all turned out for the call for extras when they heard TWO was in town):


(Playing Loons)

(Working Loons)

(Talking Loons)

(Arguing Loons)

(Baloon carrying Loons)

(Belly Bouncing Loons)

(Bowling Loons)

(Rack o' Loons)

(Frozen in time Loons)

(Running Loons)

(Attacking Loons!)

(Large Arm Loon)

(Sea of Loons) *a crowd... not their lake rennovation project!

(Vine holding Loons)

(Cowboy Lasso throwing Loons)

(Leaping Loons)

(Strange noise making Loons)

(More Bouncing Loons)

(Lustily Cheering Loons)

(Bouncing up and down while lustily cheering Loons)

(Professional Dragging Loons)

(More bouncing and cheering Loons)

(Assembled Loons)

(Gasping Loons)

(Lowering of the eyes in honor to their King Loons)

(Two attendant Loons)

(Chanting reverently Loons)

(Stopping of that infernal racket Loons)

(Vigorously 'woo'ing' Loons)

(Reacting, Wailing and moaning wretchedly Loons)

(Supportive Loons)

(Assembled yet suddenly fallen silent Loons)

(Crowd o' Loons)

(Easily impressed Loons that have a penchant for muttering)

(More gasping Loons)

(Cowering, frightened Loons)

(The big pump team of Loons)(hose connectoring Loons)(Pumping Loons)

(Wails in anguish Loon)

(Facinated Loons)

(Platform Loons)

(Loon with a thorn for our heroes!) (More cheering Loons)

(Muttering Loons)

(Popping Loon#1 of many)

(Flee for your Lives! Loons)

(Screaming Loons)

(More Screaming Loons)

(Poor unlucky fellow who gets popped by Woot Loon)

(Pile of deflated Loonskins Loons)

(Lamenting Loons)


The neat thing about this is that most of these Loons can be entirely different.

Some repetition will make the scenes play out better as the viewer will be able to recognize some of the Loons. The opportunity to have a heck of a lot of Loons is pretty apparent though.


...and this doesn't even begin to show any of the individual Loons that have yet to be scouted!

Their performance and onscreen presence might even be cause to modify the script.


At the least we can give the directors some great designs and characters from which to choose. :)


*Added: Is it tacky to name these Loons names that describe what they do... like "Dances with Wolves".

"Picks nose with Hammer" is the Loon of was thinking of at the time. :wacko:


Ok I am confused four posts up you say your computer does not like ver 13?


"Hmmm....too bad i cant help.......it might be interesting....but my computer doesent like version 13.....and i mean it REALLY doesent like it........lol.......anyways....good luck all......"


If so post a report and it will probably get fixed.



Then here you are asking how much ver 13 cost?


So how much is the version 13 cd?


So do you have ver 13 or not? and if not how would you know your system would not handle it?


Well i was using the downloadable version one "Latest info" forums.

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