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Hi all,


Thanks a lot for the comments and critics. KenH and Dhar, you deserve special credits for helping this project out.

Case, thanks for the observations, can you please point out which particular shot/shots needs rework?

The_black_mage, I've started animating this movie from 1st Week of July 2006. Pre-production took a little over a month.


Correction List :


Shot 55,56 & 58 : Drooped Walk Seq needs to be redone. And have to offset a bit. (Thanks Dhar,KenH)


Shot 61 : Have to edit out the shot at the beginning.


Shot 63 : Have to open the eyes a little bit more.


Voice : Thanks for the compliments Dhar. Nilanjana is also a singer, I think that's why it sounded good. I'll convey the kudos to her.


Music : Hmm, now that the music is kinda over. It's a bit diffcult to change it all. Then again, let me have a try.




Part 5 Coming up on 21st October > The Witch


Thanks Satyajit. Not only that you are doing really good (I am not that experienced animator to give you critiques) but I cen say that I love it, but you also show what an animator can do when actually working on his animation. You are advancing at great pace. Keep up the good work!


Animation Weekly WIP Part 5/9


Part 5/9 is uploaded and Part 4/9 is removed.


This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 28st October. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online.


PART 5/9 Link


Also, you can view the trailer HERE


Please post your feedbacks.




I can't believe I'm actually drawn to this children story :D Nice work Satyajit.


You probably already know about the old woman's curled side hair thingies flickering.


Shot 70 Frame 70, Hansel's drop of the piece of cake was missed, probably due to lack of anticipation? Other than that, it's great.


To add to Dhar's points:


Shot 65 frame 114....Hansel's ass seems to have unassigned cps in the center area. Or maybe it needs some weighting to prevent the creasing.


Shot 65 frame 284....Hansel's leg goes through the house.


Shot 67 frame 179.....Hansel's right foot goes through the house a little here too.


Shot 68 frame 103.....Hansel's left hand goes through the house on the word "wind".


Shot 69....you might rearrange the lighting so that the shadow from the witch doesn't cast on the children. In the next shot the shadowing is different and more correct.


Shot 70....Hansel has a piece of cake in his hand. But in the shots before, he didn't.


Shot 73.....You might have the bed cover's rise and fall to show they are asleep and not dead. And to not have them static.


Shot 75.....You might have the camera zoom slowly in on this shot to add a sense of the drama to unfold inside.




Ken & Dhar, you're becoming like partners to this project.


Thank you for taking all the effort to find those errors. I'm right now, a little left behind with the previous mistakes. But will soon catch up.




Next part to be broadcasted on 28th October


Satyajit Sahib, nothing would give me more honor than to be your partner, but more importantly for me is helping you achieve your dream. I am not looking for credits or fame, helping you achieve your goal is my reward.


Animation Weekly WIP Part 6/9


Part 6/9 is uploaded and Part 5/9 is removed.


This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 4th Novembor. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online.


PART 6/9 Link


Also, you can view the trailer HERE


Please post your feedbacks.




Hey man. Another great clip. Here's my comments:


Shot 77: The witch sniffs the air. Instinctively as a viewer, I look at her nose and can see she has no nostrils. It sort of contradicts the narative where she says they have a "good sense of smell". If possible, I'd put in some holes there.....even just use some booleans for that shot.


Shot 78: I assume the sleeping kids will be added to this shot.


Shot 82 Frame 660: The witch is talking but I can't understand the word at the end...."when he is fat enough I am going to ____"


That's it! The animation on the witch is great. I think you must have enjoyed animating her.

Also, I didn't notice the patch on Hansel's trousers before. A nice touch.

I hope there's a way to promote this on the front page of Utube or something.




Shot 77 : Nostrils! Thanks for the boolean idea. I'll use that.

Shot 78 : Yes, there will be the sleeping kids shot composited.

Shot 82 : The line is "when he is fat enough I am going to gulp"


Yes, I've really enjoyed animating the Witch. I'm beginning to undestand the relation between character designs and animation.


You must have notice that I have announced the premier show of H & G for hashers.



What do you think of the idea?





I just hope the short window and invitation process don't exclude too many casual browsers from seeing it. I've sent you my email.


The Show


I know that show will be for a limited, very limited audience. This is like a private party. But if Hashers are there I'm sure it'll be fun. Come on! Jump in!


The purpose of this show is to bring the indie attitude together and celebrate within a closed group.


Don't forget to bring the beers. ;)




Oh it's an actual physical premier. I guess I won't be able to go then. Hopefully I'll see it on dvd.


No, No. Just joking...


It's not an physical premier. It's an online premier. View at you own leisure at Youtube.com. Hey, I'm in India, you know.


Oh. Sorry, sometimes my jokes get too far




Animation Weekly WIP Part 7/9


Part 7/9 is uploaded and Part 6/9 is removed.


This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 11th Novembor. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the subsequent part will be online.


PART 7/9 Link


Also, you can view the trailer HERE


Please post your feedbacks.




Shot 85; frame 90 Hansel does a head bob that looks strange. I don't know what it's for.


Shot 88; frames 355-456 The witch's hand moves in straight lines which makes it look rather stiff. If you add some arcs to the hand movement I think it'll look better.


That' all I can see.


Way to go Sahib. Nice work.

Shot 85; frame 90 Hansel does a head bob that looks strange. I don't know what it's for.


That looks like a "gulp" gesture. It reads fine to me.


Shot 88.5.....was this shot added in later?The naration translation is abit confusing.


Shot 89...frame 330...the naration says...."Then started to pray to the God"....It seems like it should be "Then started to pray to God". It may be too late now unless you can cut out the "the".


Not much else I can see. Nice work.


Animation Weekly WIP Part 8/9


Part 8/9 is uploaded and Part 7/9 is removed.


This WIP video file will be online for a window of one week. That is upto 18th Novembor. After that it'll be deleted from youtube and the concluding part will be online.


PART 8/9 Link


to be concluded in the next part


Also, you can view the trailer HERE


Please post your feedbacks.




Another great segment. No real comments other than to show the witch's face in shot 94 while she's speaking. Not essential though.


PS Also in shot 96 Grettle's eyes are totally black.


Great segment, very exciting.


In shot 95, around frames 776, the oven door movements need to be quicker, snappier to emphasize the Witch's horror in realizng her doom, or her rage.


That's all I've noticed. It looks great.


Animation Weekly WIP Part 9/9


Part 9/9 is uploaded and Part 8/9 is removed.


This is the concluding part of the Animation Instalments. Thank you everybody to be with me throughout the journey.


PART 9/9 Link


Also, you can view the trailer HERE


Please post your feedbacks.




Next ....Compositing


Well done on completing it (excluding background). No real comments except for the rhyming at the end. It would be nice if it rhymed.


Way to go Satyajit and congratulations on crossing the hurdle. I bet you're excited.


In shots 101, 103 and 106, the characters tend to block the view of the other. That's about all that I see that needs improvement.

  • 6 months later...



Hansel & Gretel is now available in all leading shops in India. Thanks to all to make this possible.






[This concludes this WIP]

  • Admin

Congratulations Satyajit! :)


This is an outstanding accomplishment.


Will you be selling this via your website as well?



Also... you mentioned before:

Next ....Compositing


Your insight into compositing would be very welcome here.

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