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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Welcome to the New Users forum!


The idea behind this forum is to provide help and support for users who are new to Animation:Master and are going through the Art of Animation:Master tutorials. We encourage you to post your Works-In-Progress (WIP) from these tutorials to this forum. You will learn a lot from the feedback you get.


As moderator of the New Users forum I'm here for you. You could say I come with the box.

I'll be here to answer basic A:M questions but the entire community of A:M users is here for you too. They'll guide and encourage you as you explore the world of animation as only they can.


New users are welcome to post to any of the forums, but this is the place to ask basic questions and work through The Art of Animation:Master. Everyone here started out as a beginner, so don't be shy. You will soon see how amazing the A:M community is.


There are a lot of great things ahead in 2006. For instance, did you know:

You can get a certificate after completing the exercises in The Art of Animation:Master.

You can demonstrate the principles of animation in the A:M forum's Animation Bootcamp.

You can study and explore all the tools Animation:Master provides to help you create the worlds of your imagination.

...and now you can even learn to model and animate while collaborating with others like you in a full movie production; Tin Woodsman of Oz!


Being an aspiring animator has never looked so good.


For those that have graduated the title of 'New User' you too are most welcome here.

Your encouragement, experience and insight into Animation:Master are an essential ingredient.

My thanks to you for your continuing support.


Introduce yourself to the A:M Community and find out why purchasing Animation:Master was such a really great idea.



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hmm seem to me no one has answered your call rodney.


after dabbling with V3 for several years and then V7 for another, last thursday i upgraded to Yeti.


since some of the new tutorial have new features that my old versions didnt have i couldnt (well couldnt be bothered trying to work aroundthem) do them.


so now im just waiting on the fedex parcel to come to me, should be some time next week.


im looking forward to being able to do these new tutorial and getting my certificate at the end :)


i will have to read the manual since there is a lot of new things in the GUI (graphic user interface) to get familiar with.


the thought of being able to do hair and cloth....so cool


and the added programs that i use to have to download from other sites are included in AM now EG: simbiont (how ever its spelt).


started to work on BootCamp but once i get my new AM ill start from scratch.






I'm glad to be here and a part of it all!


I work out at Disney Studios [Florida] doing administrative "stuff" to pay the bills, and about two or three times a year I'll land a film role in my chosen profession which has been special effects [about 20 years worth!].


I literally just picked up the "Yeti" version of AM about 3 hours ago while at the Florida Extravaganza [commonly called "FX" here and on their site] I was completely impressed with the demo and informative nature of the "dynamic duo" out there!


One thing I did wonder- there's a product that I think comes from the UK that is under the heading of "FXHome"- something that rates itself in a similar way... I gathered that this is much more animation oriented [great- it's part of my reason for gettting it!] but is this also a software package similar to what's touted there?


The price comparisons for this and the "competitor" [i use quotes only in that I think FXH is more complimentary to live action and green-screen work than true animation as such] are amazing and similar!


For broadcast television work- I'm sure this can get me where I ned to be competitively- but I'm wondering if AM needs to be augmented with something like the FXH packages in order to meet the needs I'll have for a live action world as well?


In all- I'm very pleased with what I see so far and I'm chomping at the bit to start animating a pilot I've had sitting in my file cabinet for 20 [ :huh: yes, no kidding!] years that no one has wanted to fund- it's either that good- that cerebral or that bad! :lol:


Of course- "animation" as I was trained to do it back in the 1980s is much different than what we have in the here and now! It needn't be pencils, animation bond and registration pegs anymore!




ordered Yeti last thursday and it arrived at my door monday.

thats good service.


trouble is i missed the delivery by 15 minutes, so now ill have to wait till i get back from work tomorrow.


from the U.S to Australia in 4 days (over weekend) Hash and fedex, perfect combination.


here i was thinking ide have to wait till the following friday.


im so itchin to get into TAoAM with my new Yeti version B)





Hello everyone!


I'm technically not a newbie, in years (I've been fiddling with AM since... since... since before it was called AM--anyone remember Playmation? I think I still have the floppies around here somewhere...) but never really had time to learn it.


It's been really fun watching it evolve over the years into the powerful program it is today. I'm eagerly awaiting that magical upgrade that will make it super-easy for a brain-dead wanna-be animator like me, heheh.


Hi everyone,


I've only just ordered my copy of A:M, so I'm looking forward to its arrival in Australia. I retired to the south coast of New South Wales about 13 years ago. I'm a Melbourne (Victoria) girl born and bred.


My working background was in computer techincal support . I have completed my MSc (Astronomy) from Swinburne Astronomy Online http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/sao/


I am going backwards and doing a BSc in Computing and Maths via distant education, to update my computer skills and er um ... I last did high school Maths in the late 1960's.


I am looking forward to learning and having fun with animation. Hopefully I can animate some astronomical processes.


I am a new newbie :)


Hi everyone,


I've only just ordered my copy of A:M, so I'm looking forward to its arrival in Australia. I retired to the south coast of New South Wales about 13 years ago. I'm a Melbourne (Victoria) girl born and bred.


My working background was in computer techincal support . I have completed my MSc (Astronomy) from Swinburne Astronomy Online http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/sao/


I am looking forward to learning and having fun with animation. Hopefully I can animate some astronomical processes.


I am a new newbie :)


Hello Margaret

welcome aboard the AM train.


i too was born in Melbourne but now based in perth.


just thinking that there will be some astronomical animations in the works coming from you, that would be cool.

i have a interest in a astronomy too, but not to the extent that you have.

if you look on my 3d page you can see that i hade made but not completed a Meade LX200 cas telescope, lost the file for it so thats all i got to show for it. (even had internal baffle ect).


cannt dribble to much.

and again welcome aboard.




Here's a familiar place to get your astronomy animations started... I'll try to post my other planets of the solar system as well.


There plenty of resources out there... :D


Welcome to the world of splines!


Oh great MMZ_TimeLord,


I will be waving my lightsabre and singing your praises. I hope I'll be able to put them to good use. :)


I'm still waiting on my A:M software to arrive and I'm less than a newbie.


The NASA Blue Marble series are awesome photos.


Thanks :)




Hello there, I'm Charles, I recently purchased AM and am excited about getting started with it. I'm new to AM but have played a tiny bit with poser in the past. I like what I've seen of AM and believe it's an awesome application.


A little about myself, I'm an amateur costumer maker and prop building by hobby and a computer tech by trade. I will soon be working on a fan film with a local group doing camera work and building props.


when my website is working it can be found at


My Webpage


if that doesn't work try myspace @


My Space


I look forward to any advice and guidance that I can get.


type to you all later




Hello Margret, hello Charles, welcome aboard. Put that A:M CD in, strap yourselves and get ready for the most fun ride (I hope). Here we all learn from one another and what's great it's entertaining at the same time :lol:


Hello again,


I have always loved AM from afar.

Then I bought AM2002 (v9.51) many years ago.

I have had several brief false starts since then.


Hopefully I will get over the hump this time and get to cruising altitude.


I have been working on a project while working through the tutorials again.

I have encountered a problem.


I am creating a complex structure out of a set of fairly straight-forward pieces (groups).

Earlier, I had no problem creating a new group of CPs and renaming them. Now, when I try to rename ANYTHING, I get no response. I must have locked something.


Also, I have taken a group and modified it (I can't rename it, but the software renamed it Group2 for me. Now I want to change its color. The color I choose shows up in the little rectangle next to the name Group2 in the project workspace, but the color of the object remains the color of the original item I started with.

Moving the Group up higher on the project workspace list didn't help. (I am using the "9" key to view it)


Please help me.




...when I try to rename ANYTHING, I get no response. I must have locked something.


Also, I have taken a group and modified it (I can't rename it, but the software renamed it Group2 for me. Now I want to change its color. The color I choose shows up in the little rectangle next to the name Group2 in the project workspace, but the color of the object remains the color of the original item I started with.

....end quote....


OK, when I shut down and restarted AM the problem went away.



  • Admin

Glad to see a restart got it all going for you again.


I'm one of those guys who keeps everything running all at the same time and never restarts anything. Well, eventually I do...

When I start to notice odd behavior I don't always see the obvious solution and how I control a lot of my own destiny in the over all scheme of A:M stability. After restarting (or hearing from others like you) I am reminded again. ;)


Thanks for the reminder!



Always glad to help!


Perhaps you can point me toward instructions for realigning the manipulator handles on groups (objects I've created). As I work with them the handles seem to end up far away from where they should be.

For example, I created a square rod and then rotated it to an odd angle. Now I want to change it to a rectangular cross section but I can't get the handles to cooperate.


Thanks again,




Glad to see a restart got it all going for you again.


I'm one of those guys who keeps everything running all at the same time and never restarts anything. Well, eventually I do...

When I start to notice odd behavior I don't always see the obvious solution and how I control a lot of my own destiny in the over all scheme of A:M stability. After restarting (or hearing from others like you) I am reminded again. ;)


Thanks for the reminder!


  • Admin
Posted (edited)
Perhaps you can point me toward instructions for realigning the manipulator handles on groups (objects I've created). As I work with them the handles seem to end up far away from where they should be.

For example, I created a square rod and then rotated it to an odd angle. Now I want to change it to a rectangular cross section but I can't get the handles to cooperate.


You should post queries in a separate topic with a title that describes the problem you are facing. That'll get the best response.


As it stands I'm not sure what you are experiencing.

If you are trying to adjust the manipulator handles while in Bird's Eye view I'll recommend working on them from one of the cardinal directions; front, right, left, back, top or bottom.


I think someone else posted a simliar problem recently. I can't recall if that was answered to their satisfaction.


A screen captured image will help too.




Edit: Somewhat related, naming the groups can help to store pivot points so it might help you with bias handles too... not sure though.

Edited by Rodney

Hey to all,


I'm another new kid on the block. I have been in the broadcast industry for 31 years in the Charlotte, NC area. Over the years I've learned to wear a lot of hats in the biz. I am a videographer, Steadicam and Jib operator, an editor using Avid Adrenaline, Sony Vegas 5.0 and Adobe Photoshop. I also serve as a lighting director for our commercials and live remote programs.


I purchased AM a little over a week ago and I am already overwhelmed at how deep this program is.

There seems to be a mountain of learning resources and user support available to newbies like myself.


I am having some problems when working with tutorials with my models vanishing from the screen leaving only the bones. I have made my first post on the forum trying to clear this problem up.


I am really looking forward to learning AM as another production skill, and just as importantly, making new friends here on this forum.





  • Admin

31 years!

Thats older than a lot of folks around here. ;)


I think your experience will serve you well.

It's great to have you with us T MAC!


From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


Well, hello all. I just got back from Wondercon06, in SF. I spacifically went to get my A:M upgrade. I am going to try to go through the tutorials and this time try to finish all of them. Thank you Rodney for all the support you have here at the forums. This reminds me of the saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Well, Rodney can lead me to the tutorials, but he can't make me do them." I need to get off my sweet potato and start doing them! Thanks for all the support here at the forums and the kind people at HASH.



Liquidspaceman, over and out


thomas here, from Germany.


I'm a network administrator just dabbling in animation, I never quite got my head around the other big packages when animator friends or colleagues would let me try my hand at them - you know..

A:M got me reeled in with wmvdemo.wmv - I ordered a few minutes after having watched the clip; especially the speed and ease of the creation of that vase impressed me after my dismal attempts with unnamed products (entirely my fault, I'm sure - but A:M just looked like I could actually do it).


Am currently working my way through The Art of Animation:Master - a chapter/excercise per evening for now.

Using 11.something (Sorceress).

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to come back as soon as third trimester starts at school! I've been swamped in school work, but I'm just letting you all know that I'm coming back soon. Okay that's it for now, see you in the exercises posts in about two weeks!

  • Admin


No problem. We'll hold the fort down for you here.

Hurry back and good luck on your school work. Outstanding prioritization!


Hello everyone,


I have just started working on TAoAM and am enjoying it, I have used A:M before but for a short time, I was trying to create an animation for the topic "Space" in A:M's animation contest, bit off more than I could chew and became discouraged and stopped using it shortly after I installed it. Well here I am again taking smaller bites and working through the exercises, and hoping to put a certificate on my wall shortly.


I am 47 yrs old, my profession is Professional truck driver, I've been married for 25 yrs now with a loving and understanding wife named Victoria (I've been involved with and hooked on computers since 1984, understanding is an understatement, she's been a saint!!!) I have 5 Kids, all grown up and out of the house, and 16 grand children, a dog, a cat and some fish. I live in Mountlake Terrace WA.


All of you at Hash inc. are a great group of individuals, your support is top notch and seems to be above all others that I have been associated with, thanks for the encouragement.


Keep up the good work!



Bob Koonce B)


Hey Bob, Glad to see that you came back to Hash. I recently completed my certficiate and am now working on the Bootcamps. There are great exercises to further you understanding of animation (or in my case to knock the rust off) The big thing that I can suggest is to not let your self get discouraged. That's why I love these forums, if you have any questions, concerns, or need to vent this is a great place to do it. There are loads of talented people here and everyone looks after one another. My first daughter is due to be born in May so I am pretty excited about that. Good luck with your cert and hope to see you on the boards.



Leo ;)


Welcome bob! I am doing the same thing as Leo here...fishished my TAoA:M in January..and now im working on bootcamp, bassicaly Leo said it...tons of tallented People here.


Hi Everyone!

I have just purchased and received AM. Got it on Monday 27th of Feb.


I have to say it is the best program I have ever purchased. For years I have been creatively frustrated, not being able to do what I wanted to do. Yet already, within one week, I am accomplishing things that I have never been able to do before.


I like to create educational programs for my wife for her 3-5 year olds at school. I use a 2D program to create them but have been unable to create original 2D artwork. Now, with AM, I can produce all the 2D artwork I like simply by rendering out to avi or stills, my 3D creations. This is so wonderfully liberting. So thankyou to Martin Hash and the AM team for producing such a wonderful product.


Regards, Ken.


Welcome aboard Ken. I share your frustration and elation, and I believe the majority of A:M purchaser fall in that same category.


I hope you'll share your creations here in the forums. Looking forward to it :)


Thanks for the quick responce you guys, this is the first time I have gotten such a speedy rsponce to some posts on a forum, I have posted on some other ones and had to wait as much as a week to get a reply.


Oh! and Ken welcome onboard, or on the board, or on the forum, or ummm never mind, WELCOME!!!! :D


Bob Koonce B)




I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Don Rhodes, I live in sunny and HOT Tucson Arizona. Ive been attempting to learn AM for many years (Im embarrassed to mention how long) but have decided to really give it a go this time. Ive seen AM progress and am impressed at how powerful it has become.


I appreciate the opportunity to learn and improve my AM skills here.


Don Rhodes


Hey Don,


Welcome to the forum. I know what you mean about taking your time with Hash. I have been following AM since 2001 amd finally bought it in 2004, but didnt start seriously working with it until late 05.



Leo B)


Hi All! How do you post with pictures? I have looked in the help forum, but must have missed it.




It's easy, click on Browse nest to the File Attachment, choose the jpeg you wish to add, then click Add This Attachment, then Add Reply :)





I'm an old user. Had a kid and was largely out of the art side of life for a while professionally and personally. The last work I did was with Maya some years back. What I want to know folks is... How's the water? If you want to pull me back in Godfather-style, here's your chance. Since I'm going to probably have to pony up the full fee (I have an upgrade disc but don't know where my original disc and serial# is), I need a little encouragement. There is also a chance I won't have much or any time to enjoy or employ the product too... So I need some of that good old A:M user fanaticism sent my way. Yeah, I used to have a full head of that myself but the plodding frustrations of Maya and Max in the time since I've used A:M, and the down-time away from hands-on 3D, have left me feeling unsure. Tell me how it's going to pull me back in on its own and how much value it will return for whatever time I can give it.

  • Admin
Tell me how it's going to pull me back in on its own and how much value it will return for whatever time I can give it.



You are going to have a blast. Its like coming home all over again.

Not only is the water fine... its ready for you to dive right in! :)


Come on now... you can give us a challenge harder than that!


Choose from a fine collection of surfboards, skis, scuba gear, fishing boats, jet skis and speedboats and get ready to hit the waves!


Translation: Welcome back! :)


*As far as paying the full fee for an upgrade check with Steve Sappington (steve@hash.com) first as they will mostly likely have you on file. You can send the extra savings to me if you feel the need. B)

  • 2 weeks later...

Well im poking my head around here again :)


On Friday, my mom had me make an account at the Hash Store , and she got me my copy of Animation: Master 2006 for my birthday. When I showed her the 17 minute demo and since I am heading into Game Design, she wanted to do something really nice for me. So hopefully when I get it this week I can start working through the tutorials again, and then show you some of the work that I have in mind for everyone to see. :lol:

  • Admin
On Friday, my mom had me make an account at the Hash Store , and she got me my copy of Animation: Master 2006 for my birthday.


Wow. Great Mom! :)


Welcome to the Animation:Master Community.


Hello to All!


I thought since I had started doing the exercises, I should introduce myself to the forum. My name is Michael Fortunato. I am currently the lead texture artist for Phoenix Online Studios upcoming "The Silver Lining", an unofficial sequel to King's Quest (www.silverliningthegame.com). Some of you may have seen postings about our project and articles in some PC and video game magazines. I've been working on the project with the team for 3 or 4 years now (I've lost count) and we are really nearing completion (I cannot wait!).


I had seen A:M years ago (I probably first saw it about 10 or 15 years ago) and was very intrigued by it but really afraid to take the plunge. At that time, I was just getting started in 3D artwork using Ray Dream Studio and POV-Ray. I was afraid to approach 3D Studio, SoftImage and A:M (I likened it to the big boys, so to speak). But last year, I decided to purchase it. I have been working with Maya on "The Silver Lining" and figured if I can learn Maya, I can learn A:M. I have gone through the first six exercises and I find the interface very easy to use. However, there are a TON of things I still don't know how to do (just look at my exercises and you'll see the struggles I'm having). But I'm having fun. Ultimately, my goal is to learn modeling and animation and combine that with my knowledge of lighting and texturing to make my own animated shorts and films. It's something I've wanted to do for a very long time.


I'm an actor and singer and relish the idea of mixing those talents with animation. I love doing cartoon and character voice overs and will be in heaven as I learn to combine all these elements together.


I'm still a LONG ways off but I'll keep slowly plugging away at it. I must say that I think animation is the hardest thing to do. It's much more difficult than my past experience with modeling, texturing and lighting. But it's amazing how much life you can bring to a model with just a little "nudge".


I have been truly enjoying my experience with A:M thus far and hope to continue to do so into the FAR future. These forums are fantastic and everyone on here is wonderful. I love the community spirit and hope I am able to contribute to it as I gain mastery at this program.


Thank you to all who have posted your work, your tutorials, your feedback.....these have all been a help and inspiration for me to keep pushing forward. I'm excited to begin the next phase of the tutorials....MODELING!


- Michael

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