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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Kong with Airplane

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I used the 35mm preset. I think it is for a magazine ad (I was given a .pdf mock-up of the layout, but all of the copy was in German, so I'm not sure exactly what it was for). The airplane was just a .3ds model I bought online that I composited in Photoshop.

I had some issues with the render crashing that Noel helped me solve--It was related to running out of virtual memory, not A:M... TIP: set your Windows paging file as high as it will let you ;)

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Very nice Will!

I'm not so sure about the Christmas tree but then again I don't know the intent of the ad/company.


I am curious...

Was this the genesis of your Kong or did you make Kong prior to the ad and just find a fit for it in the project? Either way... great imagery.



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A very well done piece

So are you done with the comic you were working on I think it was call Tar


How did you get that hair done it looks great

I have a female model I'm working on

But that much hair would take a lot of render time

Are there some other way of getting the same results :blink:

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Actually, this agency was searching on the internet for Kong images for a couple of ads for a cinema chain in Germany. and they came across that Kong vs Terrordactyl picture through the power of Google... So they called and asked if I could do the illustrations.

I did one other version beyond these two, the backgrounds aren't part of it because there is some kind of graphic thing going on there. I had to do the final render over 4,000 pixels wide!!! [set your paging file as high as it will go...]

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this agency was searching on the internet for Kong images for a couple of ads for a cinema chain in Germany. and they came across that Kong vs Terrordactyl picture through the power of Google... So they called and asked if I could do the illustrations.


Wow. Better answer than I could have even expected!

That shows how a talented individual like yourself can use the internet to best advantage.

I imagine there is nothing quite like being able to use models/resources you've already created to make a little extra money either I imagine. I'm sure it reinforces the fact that your time experimenting and exploring was time well spent.


You are an inspiration to all of us aspiring animators/artists.

Keep on keepin' on!


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