Scottj3d Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 I did this as a sketch from a Molly Hatchet ticket stubb my brother had about 20 years ago. Since I have been building my collection of models I figured I would give it a try. I would like any input, especially how one would create a velvety appearance for the fur. Here's the concept. The sketch was brought into the computer and I was "painting it in PSP (kinda doing that with all my old traditional art) but AM seems a better effort hence the model. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 Here's the first render. Just a mesh of the body as yet. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 I'm using the painting as a roto. Here's the wires. Quote
trajcedrv Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 Hey! Great looking horse! I think that this is going to be best A:M horse so far! Keep us posted! Drvarceto Quote
Guest jandals Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 Nice model. I get the feeling he'll have fiery eyes or armor plating or something sinister like that. Quote
brainmuffin Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 I have a black velvet version of that picture hanging up in my hallway. I think the original is by Luis Royo. Quote
gschumsky Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 Frank Frazetta (c'mon Laz, you shoulda known this!!) Anyone in the animation world should know it's the Death Dealer.. I even have a pewter figurine from my old high school, D&D days (yes, I played D& that a surprise??). Quote
gschumsky Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 And in case anyone wants to dress up for Halloween, or the next Con.. Quote
KenH Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 Very nice work. You just have to use hair/fur on him. It's possible to create shiny fur with the specularity options of hair. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 gschumsky said: Frank Frazetta (c'mon Laz, you shoulda known this!!) Anyone in the animation world should know it's the Death Dealer.. I even have a pewter figurine from my old high school, D&D days (yes, I played D& that a surprise??) It's cool to see it in detail. Like I said I was working from a ticket stubb. nice to have a better reference! I didn't know the artist's name even though I looked at a book a friend of mine had with alot of his other work as well. I like his style! Hadn't planned to use the rider (I took the wings off of my seraphim and was gonna use him) but with that pic I may have to give it a try. Thank's! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 KenH said: Very nice work. You just have to use hair/fur on him. It's possible to create shiny fur with the specularity options of hair. Thanks Ken! I was trying not to have to use hair for the body(was gonna use it for the mane and tail even though I modelled the tail) as I have lagg problems when I do(a lack of knowledge on the proper settings for seeing it while I model). Guess it's time to have at it again and get the hang of it. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 15, 2005 Author Posted July 15, 2005 Well since I am going to add the rider, I decided to start with the axe. I just messed with the properties for the steel of the blade and still have some tweaking to do with those bevels etc. Whipped up (literally took minutes)a couple of quick decals for the handle and applied them and I wasn't too depressed about the results. I need to look into making grunge decals to wear the metal a bit. I'll do some searching but if any body has link's.... Here's the first render. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 15, 2005 Author Posted July 15, 2005 Heres the wires. I'll probably rework the splines at the sharp end. I'm just not comfortable with what I have. I was going for a sharpenned look. Prolly start the helmet next. Thanks guy's for the reference pics and links. My sister caught me looking in her jewelry box this morning hehe. She thought she discovered a new side of me until I showed her these earrings that look like they could be used from a photo to make the textured rings on the riders pants (armor rings I guess) in PSP. Funny how you start looking at things you wouldn't normally notice to add to your models. Quote
iGeek Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Lookin' nice so far! One small note: I know the Death dealer's horse is normally seen in that pose, with the left hind leg slightly back, it is not quite believable to model him with both feet back. he looks slightly unbalanced, and if he straightened out both legs, they would be far too long (think stegosaurus). Just a thought... here he is lined up with a real horse so you can see the balance. Otherwise looks good. Keep it up! -Zev Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 16, 2005 Author Posted July 16, 2005 Thanks Zev. I never thought to line it up with a real horse(too busy looking at jewelry LOL). I had thought something similar about the head being down but didn't think the legs were that far out. I'll have to try using your overlay as a roto(unless you want to post the pic you used:) ). Can I have 2 rotos in the same position and just alternate the one I see by making them visible as needed? That'll be easy enough to mod though. Thanks again! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 16, 2005 Author Posted July 16, 2005 Here's my progress on the helmet so far. I haven't "bent" the horn yet as I am still working on the decals and it is far easier to place the decals before bending it. When I copy flip and attach it will do so with the decal intact on the other side. Quote
bentothemax Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Nice! I like the material you have for the horns/antler things . . . i know I'm an idiot . . . i don't know what there called . . . NIce job so far, can't wait for the final result Ben Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 16, 2005 Author Posted July 16, 2005 bentothemax said: Nice! I like the material you have for the horns/antler things . Thanks Ben! The "material" is actually a decal applied as a bump map front and back. (I'm an idiot when it comes to materials) I used a driftwood texture in PSP and applied some blur to it. That's the part I'm still working on. I want a bit more detail so I'm enhancing the grain to make the valley's deeper. You just bump up the percentage on the properties for the decal once it is applied.I usually save decaling for last but the horns will only be bent from this point so I applied the decal ahead of time and if I am careful, it will still be intact after I complete the modelling. Once the bump is worked out I'll make the color decal and apply it. Quote
iGeek Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Sure, here's the horse pic: It's the only good one I could find with a google image search. Cool helmet, nice splinery on the face part. -Zev Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 He's a nasty wee horse, ain't he? Lookin' VERY good so far, at least! 'an't 'ait 'till 't's 'one! (<--- WC in shortenin') Good axe! Always been struggelin' with those, working on one right now, as a matter of fact (for me Orc, all Orcs need an axe). Keep it up! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 16, 2005 Author Posted July 16, 2005 Thanks Zev. That'll be very helpful. And thanks for the comments Joakim I had a feeling you'd like the axe. I still need to dirty up the blade! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 16, 2005 Author Posted July 16, 2005 A little better decal and a bent horn. Quote
oakchas Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Scott, your helmet reminded me of a Tute I was pointed to by Jandals... UV tute And I see some stretching on your horn.. This is not a critique, believe me... I can't do near as well... but I thought you might be interested in the tute since you mentioned having difficulty pasting decals on a curved horn... Keep it up... great stuff! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 17, 2005 Author Posted July 17, 2005 Thank's Charlie. I've been trying to absorb that tute for some time. I was thinking about it as I noticed the horns are almost identicle in shape. I just don't get the part about using the blank image and replacing it with the higher rez version later. I guess I'll have to try it step by step as I am working on it. It would be nice to get all my flattened stamps on one "sheet" like that. And perhaps that will alleviate the stretching where the front and rear decals meet. It was really bad on the 1st stamping (even with the horn straight)but not so bad (but still there and bugging the crap out of me) on the current stamp. Compared to the 1st one I can live with it at a distance but it will prolly force me to get that tute down and rid myself of the "block"I have on it! Best part is I can keep building and do the tute on the completed model. Quote
oakchas Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Great Scott! I finally have a reason to use that cliche! It is great, isn't it?.. you can still model away and learn and fix the block and carry on... Tha'ts what's so cool about this forum community... the answers are ALL here or at the very least pointed to... I like your modelling so far, keep it up! And the "masters" make it all look sooooo easy, to don't they? Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 17, 2005 Author Posted July 17, 2005 oakchas said: And the "masters" make it all look sooooo easy, to don't they? He replies "yes" in the most envious way! Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 17, 2005 Author Posted July 17, 2005 First shot at hair, actually 3rd model with it but first for this one. Not too sure about my settings yet. Slows the pc down a bit so I may try with cookie cuts. I cant seem to get control at the ankles. Zev I'm fixing to add that roto and tweak the legs and raise the head. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 17, 2005 Author Posted July 17, 2005 Status of the helmet. My first render larger than 1024x768. I think I like big renders. Quote
thejobe Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 dude thats now my background now lol!!! awsome job on everything so far scott keep it up coming out awsome Quote
oakchas Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 actually I'm really liking the helmet now... even though the decals merge/mirror on the top... it looks kinda cool that way... and I noticed the reflection on its' right horn tip... like it's been polished, just in case he has to use it as a weapon of last resort... I like it... I know nothing about hair... but the horses mane is looking good if a bit dreadlocky... and I can see through the horses head.. that's eerie! keep 'em coming... Charlie Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 18, 2005 Author Posted July 18, 2005 oakchas said: actually I'm really liking the helmet now... even though the decals merge/mirror on the top... it looks kinda cool that way... and I noticed the reflection on its' right horn tip... like it's been polished, just in case he has to use it as a weapon of last resort... I like it... I know nothing about hair... but the horses mane is looking good if a bit dreadlocky... and I can see through the horses head.. that's eerie! keep 'em coming... Charlie I gave the horns some shininess just for the effect of the light playing off of them enough to show the bumpmap working. I believe through reading the UV tute I know how to solve the seam problem. Hair still scares me but as with modelling the more I play with it the more comfortable it get's to use. Teeth and eyes next for the horse after I finish the shield. Still gotta get the worn look on the steel and some details on the helmet (rivets etc.) I'll post more soon. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 18, 2005 Author Posted July 18, 2005 Ok one more for the weekend. Still no bumpmap but I'm pretty happy with this. I'll add the same color decal for the rim minus the roughness settings, finish the bumpmap and get rid of the creases at the top and his battle equiptment is done. Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 23, 2005 Author Posted July 23, 2005 Well I had hoped to get the details on the helmet done with decals but it just wasnt working. So I decided to use geometry for the layers of decorative steel as well as the rivets on the outside of the helmet. The upper image I was just messin in the chor tuesday to show the pieces I added and the improved edge on he axe. The lower is almost ready to call finished as far as modelling but I still need to tweak it smooth and copy the detail over the right horn to the left. Beveling is tedious. I left one of my attempted decals on the forehead to show how much better the geometry looks compared to the bump map. Tried using it as a displacement but had horrible results. Perhaps I can get back to the horse soon hehe! Quote
nixie Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 Nice, I like the helmet, could do with a few batle scars though me thinks! Keep working on this i want to see it finished - Nixie Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 23, 2005 Author Posted July 23, 2005 Thank's Chris, I'm still trying to find the information on how to make grunge maps so I can dirty it up a bit. Not having any luck finding it. I must be using the wrong keywords. I can add some scratches using bumpmaps but still need that dinge on top of everything. This started out as just the horse but grew into a bigger challenge to re-create the scene of the original painting in 3d. I want to get back to getting the horse done but am still drawn to the helmet when I want to play with AM. (prolly cuz the helmet loads when I start the software) Almost there... just a bit more...ok just a little more...ooh gotta fix that. It never end's (LOL). Quote
bentothemax Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 sweet i really like the helm good job! Ben PS. In the mat lab, you might want to check out the bullet texture thread, i tried to who how to use AM for some procedural grunging Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 23, 2005 Author Posted July 23, 2005 Thanks Ben! I'm practicing with materials but it still sounds a bit deep for me. I finally got the hair to behave. I had these "hairballs" in the ankles and my realtime settings needed to be cut back. The hairballs were being caused by the normals in the legs. They were all pointing into the center of the mesh. I selected and flipped them and it grooms really nice now although I still need to get the thickness and density right. I'm gonna have to add some geometry to the eyesockets to fit them properly to the eye and maybe darken the decal. Then (Zev) I can add that image as a roto and make the adjustments to those legs. Prolly cut him in half and work from there. Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 Schfeet!! Gotta love that helm! Me is wondering: what's the wielder going to look like? All fiery? Or a regular man? Un-dead creature? etc. Pretty axe, shiiiiny axe, we likes the axe, yeees... Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 23, 2005 Author Posted July 23, 2005 Mr. Jaqe said: Schfeet!! Gotta love that helm! Me is wondering: what's the wielder going to look like? All fiery? Or a regular man? Un-dead creature? etc. Pretty axe, shiiiiny axe, we likes the axe, yeees... I hope I copied and pasted this link right. Compliments of Greg. Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 Yeees, of course. I should've guessed and the axe actually pointed me a wee bit in that direction(big fan of mythology, norse, greek and egyptian). At first I thoguht it was a berserker axe, but then I rememberd that they're two-handed, but I AM guessing correctly when I'm guessing that this guy has norse weaponry, right?(just to make sure that I'm not complimenting "the wrong way" ) Quote
Scottj3d Posted July 23, 2005 Author Posted July 23, 2005 Mr. Jaqe said: At first I thoguht it was a berserker axe, but then I rememberd that they're two-handed, but I AM guessing correctly when I'm guessing that this guy has norse weaponry, right?(just to make sure that I'm not complimenting "the wrong way" ) I honestly don't know. I always thought he was cool. I know it (the image) was the cover of a Molly Hatchet album and of course a ticket stubb that I sketched onto paper and later took a digital camera pic of to "paint" it in my computer. He's called the Death Dealer by Frank Frazetta but thats all I know at this time. Greg knew the artists name and posted some links earlier in this thread to some excellent references. (Thank's Greg, the halloween link is where I got the pics to use as roto's) I had seen a book of his work but did not remember the name. That must be why I liked Jims Leopard Queen so much. I'll have to find out. Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 (edited) Well, what REALLY tip'd me off was the linkname: , something said "caching!" inside me' brain and then it was all clear to me... or at least as clear as it gets in MY brain Edit: waaait a minute 'ere, I just realized I'm mixing two characters! I'm thinking about a legendary viking lord, who was(according to the myth) called "The Death Dealer", though there is some resemblence and a common name, they're two different "persons". For starters: this viking was mortal Edited July 23, 2005 by Mr. Jaqe Quote
nixie Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 what i'd do is a combination of bump maps for raised dirt and dents/scratches. A specular map so that the clean bits are shiny and dirty bits dull. a colour map that has the colour of dirt and metal etc. Importantly - make sure everything matches and it should be good. probably sounds easier than it is! Im gonna have a play with the UV editor very soon! Regards - Nixie Quote
Scottj3d Posted August 1, 2005 Author Posted August 1, 2005 Little update on the helmet. Still hav'nt got scratches down yet but heres my 1st attempt at hammering the finish and some dinge. Just a couple more rivets and decal the back and at least the hard stuff's done. Quote
ruscular Posted August 1, 2005 Posted August 1, 2005 Man , your stuff is coming along, and its actually quite exciting to see it being realize. Your franzetti portrait is just way to kewl to not do the animation when your done. I want to see fire and smoke come out of the character. Are you going to add blood vessel to the horse? and muscular bump map? The helmuts set the standard for the rest. And by looking at the helmut, you got some pretty high standard! Great awesome job so far!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
Scottj3d Posted August 1, 2005 Author Posted August 1, 2005 Thank's Ruscular! Yeah I'm getting close on the horse. He'll have a bump when I get to it and I plan to give him the same musculature and blood vessels as the portrait has. I just started putting the saddle on him the other night. He was whole but I have split him to add a few splines on the legs and around the eyes and match his stance to Zev's horse and as soon as I am happy with the changes I'll copy paste and decal him. I have added similar decals to the axe and shield minus the hammer finish but so far only rendered the upgraded helmet. Quote
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