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Of course, of course. What other ways are there? :blink::P

Just making sure you knew. ;)


The legs of the model look abit too long. I think the picture orc is hunched over more or something.


UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! and about freaking time, too. Made him more muscely and all honor to zandoriastudios, for havinga marvelous model on his page. I looked at it and it gave me A LOT of tips. Gotta love it. Still got plenty of work to do, but atleast he doesn't look like a sissy Orc (at the beginning, it looked like he had breasts... FEMALE ones... I hope it's fixed :P).



Well well well... Mr. Anderson... It's time... for an update... So here we go:

1. I ask Colin for tips, he gives me arm and torso. Do we love him? Yes, we do! 2. Toes are hard to create. Even worse are feet. 3. I like copy/flip/attatch, no, in fact I LOVE c/f/a, but for some reason, I can't remember how to decide where the copy sticks, so I keep getting two 1/2 orcs staring at eachother.... 4. I love Colin... Tweaked the arm, but there wasn't really much to alter, exept I had to make it fit to the rest of the body.


So here's a wireframed pic:


Cool. Just select the spline you want to flip across with a shift click and that sets the flip. Then select copy/flip attach and you should be good.




Yes, that was what I forgot to do, I kept marking my whole model, but no spline to flip over. Anyways, here's the finnished(?) Lottar, the first char I finnished ever! *sniff* Im so proud! He's not perfect, his torso still need some scaling/spline moving here and there, but other than that, he's done(+ a minior miss-splining on the legs). So here we go, here's Lottar, the finnished version(almost :P):



I can see this is really good work. Perhaps not my cup of tea. But I really want to see it in an animation saying something so I can get how it will be reacting to its surroundings. Someday perhaps I will do the same. My imagination is already on the GO!


It will be nice to follow what this will end up in. I will come back and have a new look on your project. Best wishes!


  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Jaqe :)

How is your orc coming along? It has been a while since you updated your wip


Well, Im working on the rig atm and MY FREAKIN GOD that's a lot of work and... and... a lot of work!! sheez... I keep looking at exampels and stuff, but for some reason, my stuff doesn't turn out QUITE the way it's supose to. But Im still trying(and failing). I could post my rig so faar, not much to brag about, scream out if(when) you see an error:


EDTI: btw, thnx for asking ;)


This guy is... starting to get on my nerves <_< . I've been experementing a lot on my own, trying to rig him, but let's just say riging ain't my best "profession"(man, I've played too much WoW). Anyways, I've been searching for good rig's, tutorials and alike. Could anyone help me with a link? Tutorial, whatever, Im a tad desperate, as I've spent 1 week trying to rig him by myself, but he's the first char I've ever rig'd and... well, experience would've come in hand...


I'm thinking you don't have enough spine bones for good deformation of the trunk.


I always work in layers myself--with anything. Start by getting your mesh control bones in all the right places with enough to get the deformation you need. Then add your fan bones. Then slap on your control rig and you're good to go.


He doesn't have any toes.


Or, is this an image of your control rig--because it seems way too simplistic for your model?


As for the rigging links--there's a whole rigging forum with your name on it.



I'm thinking you don't have enough spine bones for good deformation of the trunk.
Then I think you're thinking right, because I have no clue, but it sounds just about right.


I always work in layers myself--with anything. Start by getting your mesh control bones in all the right places with enough to get the deformation you need. Then add your fan bones. Then slap on your control rig and you're good to go.

That also makes a "you-are-right"-sound in my ear.


He doesn't have any toes.
THIS on the other hand, makes a loud, annoying buzzing sound, because he HAS toes. Very odd, lumpy, odd-looking toes, but they are still toes.


Or, is this an image of your control rig--because it seems way too simplistic for your model?
Here comes the "you-are-right"-sound again.


As for the rigging links--there's a whole rigging forum with your name on it.
DING! DING! DING! I took a short tour once, but that was when I had just started using AM and I understood squatt and then I forgot about it. Thank you Josh, you have been of great help.
THIS on the other hand, makes a loud, annoying buzzing sound, because he HAS toes. Very odd, lumpy, odd-looking toes, but they are still toes.


Then try this phrasing--he has no toe bone. Therefore, when you animate the foot--he will have no toe. Only a big lump of concrete at the end of his leg. :lol:


And, in the words of my favorite little robot "one is glad to be of service"



Then try this phrasing--he has no toe bone. Therefore, when you animate the foot--he will have no toe. Only a big lump of concrete at the end of his leg. 

Ah, yes, that makes more sense... Now Im off to delete all my old bones, get a very large bucket of milk and start constructing new bones.

Hey Joakim..


try using the AM rig and following the tute in the Art of AM.. Adding a little backbone. Theres a video one as well. They work pretty good and the rig is fine. Same one I used on my Hero.. but I added many fan bones and used lots of custom weighting.


That should at least get you a good rig in him though. Then the trick is getting the joints to bend good. Thats where Fan bones, weighting and Smartskin come in.. probably in that order.. in my oppinion.



Posted (edited)

EDIT: All my stupid questions were delted by me. Why? Because they were stupid and I spent 30 min figuring it out myself...

Edited by Mr. Jaqe

Since I found everything out by just spending some time in the forum, I thought I'd tell everybady(aka. none : P) interested that I'm now in the process of rigging Lottar. And Im progressing. Almost all his bones are done and assigned, exept for the legs. Im exepriencing some problems there, but I think I know what the problem is.

  • 2 months later...

*dig* *dig* Ah, here it is! My 2nd model, Lottar... The memories... Ah, I was such a newbie back then, still am :P Like I said in mr. Higgins Space Marine thread I'm working on a orc and unless you havn't paid any attention, the orc I'm working on is Lottar, the orc on the many many pretty pictures posted troughout this thread. My last post said I was in the progress of rigging him and, well, that was where I stopped... Why? Because I s-u-c-k at rigging.


Anyways, like I said, I suck at rigging, but I'm still going to give it a shot, so I deleted all his bones (for the 1000 time) and imported the 2001 rig (for the 1000 time). I've positioned all the bones and I've assigned most of them, now all left to do is to figure out how/where to use fan bones (if I need them at all), how/where to use CP weighting (which I just recently discovered wasn't isn't as hard as it looks... I hope) and finally: smartskinning.


Now if anyone has any suggestions, they're very much welcome, as I usually create a model and then... well, then I give up, because rigging makes me CRAZY! :blink::P


Stay tuned! ;)


For those who are interested, I just finnished assigning all the bones (for now) and I've started applying CP weight. The copute-button did most of the work, but I'll have to clean up a few things here and there.


*Updates will follow t'morrow*


btw, I tend to whine a lot about rigging, if you havn't noticed :P


Still just blabber, I don't have anything to show, but I have something to tell:


I'm done with one arm and I was wondering: can I copy the smartskin over to the other arm? The weigths'll take some time to copy by hand, does anyone else have any idea if it can be done any other way than doing it all over again for a the second arm? THe only difference'll be that I won't have to find out new weights, I'll just have to write in the old ones.



I usually create a model and then... well, then I give up, because rigging makes me CRAZY!

I too suffer from this affliction! Rigging seem's to throw a mental block into my spokes. But I too am improving. Figuring out what not to do takes up a good amount of time.


Yeah, it's getting easier and easier, the only thing making my brain twist at night is smartskinning the legs... For some reason, the weighting just won't collaborate with the smartskin I'm trying to apply. I'm hoping to get it solver, though, and I'm sure I will. Tomorrow I'm off to my vecation, I'll be gone for 3 weeks, which means you guys won't have to tumble trough my exsessive posting for a while :P


I do hope that my dads new laptop can be used as a temp. workstation while I'm gone, but the there's just something about siemenslaptops that makes me shiver a bit, especially when the GPU has a french-like name...

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