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  1. Hi everybody, I don't know if I have a glitch or what, but I have had this A:M software for a while and I am finally getting around to using it. I went through the first tutorial (still image of Keekat) and hit the "render to file" button, saving it as a targa file on the desktop as in the online tutorial and the final scene just renders black, no KeeKat. What did I miss? Thanks! Bob
  2. I'm very new at this kind of stuff, so I thought I would post here to get help and suggestions. Right now I'm adding bones to the model, and having major problems with the hands/fingers acting on there own. Here's some stuff though.
  3. Just finished rendering the short anim for the gorilla model and stuck it up on my site w/ the 360 and some final images. Thanks again for answering all my forum posts while working on it. It's the 3rd model over on the top. =www.3dcharacteranimation.biz -Eric
  4. Hi - after a few character models, I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this program.... sort of I only have his beak done, but I thought I would post my progress as I go along, so I could get any suggestions from anyone to improve it. Pelican Image 0001 Thank Eric
  5. Hi - I just finished modeling the gorilla for another modeling practice project - concentrating on more detailed modeling - still having a problem at getting my models exact, but it is starting to flow a little better - still a ways to go before I gets as skilled as a lot of you guys. For example the watch on the gorilla's wrist - if you look close some of the pieces are no super smooth, but hey practice practice practice makes perfect right? Need to work on the gorilla's lips and nose a little more, I may have accidentally moved some of the pixels - I noticed when I rendered the pics. Anyway, here goes - any suggestions on anything would be appreciated. Thanks - Eric
  6. Hi - wanted to post the first pic of my new modeling practice project. I need practice modeling, decalling, materials, and hair ... so pretty much everything. So I went with a gorilla - I thought I might make a "guerilla gorilla" - with a gatlin gun, knife... full military setup for detailed modeling practice. Anyway, I'll post as I go along, and any suggestions that would help make it better are very welcome. I need to play around with the hair a little more - It is a little long - although it is kinda different - any thoughts?
  7. finished my current project (TV COMMERCIAL), thanks hash people ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i need your help , i need your vote !!! vote for(Dj Sabor) https://secure.subetuvida.com.mx/ssldocs/index1.html need register to vote. spanish web page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ hola amigos este es mi mas reciente proyecto , si quieren apoyarme les agradeseria que votaran por mi en https://secure.subetuvida.com.mx/ssldocs/index1.html vota por (Dj Sabor) para votar te tienes que registar primero se puede votar una vez por dia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THANKS TO ALL !!! dj_sabor320x240.zip
  8. I am making a commercial for my literature class and it was pretty much an open project. We just had to advertise a product and you could make it up. Well i made Piano Hero... dont worry i wont make this real it will just be for a little while so i aint going to get in trouble... but i wanted yall to see what i have come up with. 1***1 2***2 3***3 4***4
  9. It is the first time I get this far in a 3d project. Actually, it is done but these is a problem with the camera, you will see that it does a 360. Is there any way to prevent this? the project was proposed to me by a friend promothing sciences to high school students. He needed visual support. thanks for comments! btw, I didn't waste time animating the character to open door... tido fus_e.wmv
  10. Hey all, I still haven't talked to Martin about this issue, but I figure that I'd switch around some obvious things, if for nothing else than to have a little fun! Here's the corny story I came up with: Cameron Keene, part-time marine, was enlisted by the shadowy group Nightrun Inc. to be the soldier inside their latest covert program, Project Brimstone. Reluctantly, Keene agreed and found himself in the laboratory of Dr. Walter A. Buchanon (later to be his the Keene's evil nemesis Dr. Canon ) being hooked to a rugged suit of armor loaded with every kind of fire arm possible. Wires extruded from his body, sensors monitored his vital organs and soon he became a living weopon! ...How's that, aside from waaaay campy? Here's the WIP: Here's the final minus tint/bloom post effects, DOF and hair What do you think? Lee
  11. So I'm working through the different tutorials and right now I'm designing the flower. The problem I'm running into is my stem/bud won't move with the bones, but it seems everything else does. I've attached a picture of moved bones and the stationary stem/bud. Any ideas? flower.bmp
  12. As you may know there is a group of us who meet fairly regularly in the Philadelphia area. We are called: The Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users group... or MAAM for short. Recently the idea came up to create animated versions of ourselves. I took on this challenge... uh... I was volunteered? Something like that. Anyway to start the ball rolling I did some stylized portraits of each person in the group. We have Hubakai, Entity, DDavis, Mechadelphia and of course myself, Heyvern. These are our Super Hero identities. During the day we are unassuming members of a small computer user's group but at night we become... I am not in the picture below. I was probably in the bathroom or getting a beer or something. Uh... well we don't have uniforms yet and we are still working on the logo. No specific plans for fighting crime. Maybe watch some movies on a big screen TV and eat nachos. However we hope to model these characters in AM and bring them to life. It has been a while since I used AM but I am going to take a stab at modeling... myself. We'll see how that works out. We have not completely decided on our "Special Powers" but so far we are in agreement that my character will be the comedy relief. I will be Shaggy AND Scooby in any animated adventures that may occur. Keep an eye out for updates. -vern
  13. OK here's my Project that frustrated me into putting A:M down for awhile. I was coming up with a new idea for the Exercise 6 The doors stuck. I had everything working great but had 2 problems First I will tell you whats supposed to happen: --Keekat butters his corn, he goes to take a bite and the doorbell rings (you'll kinda figure that out ). Then The bell rings again while he's thinking about how this always happens. This is where the problem occurs and my work stopped, I want to go to a side camera angle (simple) then Have Keekat push out from the table and jump out of the chair to go answer the door. Problems 1. I could never get a 2nd Kinematic constraint to work, A:M just ignored it. I could try anything I wanted to attach his hands to the table, the right arm stuck but the left arm did whatever it wanted-even when I turned the other constraints off on it. Can you not have 2 Kinematics on the same chor? 2. I couldn't get Keekat's feet to stop pointing at some random target even when I deleted the target. His feet would just drift pointing toward the target if I moved him. This Chor starts at the point of push-off but includes everything else I mentioned. Kitty_Corneography.zip Cornvid.zip
  14. i will have some stuff tomorow afternoon showing pics but i would like to know if any one would like to narrarate my project.. im making a scare statistics commercial (statistics that will make you want to do it) and i need a voice that if i give the words tomorow that they could have them done tomorow... this person has to be online from around 4:15 to about 7:45 or so Eastern Time so i can talk to them... i would prefer them to have a nice sound recording booth thing that will have decent narrator voiceing or something. please p.m me or email me if you can do this.. anyone is accepted... except 9 year olds to 16 year olders. thank you.
  15. This is my first attempt on something that I've done. I have gotten really addicted to Bioshock and love the Big Daddy's. Included i have a picture of a big daddy Front and side view of the original, and the front and side view of the one I'm doing. Please tear me away on your opinions and bashings. I haven't finished it yet, but what I have been doing *what you can see* has taken me around 7 hours more or less. Now as you can see, the base of the body isn't what it will actually be, it is just there to give me a general idea of where things will go. If you have any opinions that you would like private, or would like to help me, by making a 'little sister, or a splicer' then send me an email (Dragonboy1221@hotmail.com) Make the subject line "hash" so i know.
  16. Hi all I've started up yet another ambitious modeling project. For those of you who remember the "KM Bismarck" project, I can say that this new project is in the same genre. This has been my 'lunch break project' at work this month For those of you who is not familiar with FS Clemenceau (R 98), aka Le Clem, its a French aircraft carrier of the French Navy, serving from 1961 to 1997. Don't ask me why I chose this one, I have no clear answer, other than it is a beauty At this point I've mainly carved out the hull and just started to add details. I got a long way to go before it is finished. I'll probably start making the superstructure within the next few weeks.. oh, and don't forget about the aircrafts:p I'm looking forward to make those Let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian
  17. I just wanted to drop a "this kicks ass" here about your website, animation project and planned tutorials, Mack. Stay motivated!

  18. hello there, i've been thinking of a project i have wanted to do for weeks, but i have my hands full, and i would like some help. there really isn't any "script" for this, but i do need models, at least models that have bones, color and textures (if possible). the project is about a studio that would have a little bit of everything in it, for example, there would be a floor for Animation Master, there would be a floor for Anime, there would be a floor for Bands, exe. and i thought, what if some of these characters from these different floors meet each other? would they understand each other? (Japanese: Anime vs. English) ? would they fight? would they make friends? exe. anyways, i thought it would be funny and entertaining to do, you know. i'm thinking of making two characters, that would keep the studio in place. one is a positive character who would help the place, help/ get to know the characters in the studio, and is known for saying quotes from other people (just some random funny thing). and the other character would be usually negative, make fun of the other character, and sometimes try to offend the other characters in the studio, but gets lessons for that, why he would be employed is to clean the place, to fix anything that has been broken, to oder things from the outside world, and keep it tidy, probably why he fusses a lot. sorry for the bunched up paragraph, couldn't stop typing. anyways, to limit the amount of models in the studio, i thought that only the main characters from each book/ show are allowed to go around the studio (yes, each book/show would have their own area, or room, to fit their story, for example, for Warriors (book), Thunderclan would have their forest, Shadowclan would have their swamp, exe.) an example of this would be that only Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi would be able to go out and explore the studio. if you don't want that, you can make the extra characters of these stories. the only problem is that i can't make anime, or poeple, and my hands are full, and i was wondering if you guys would like to help. right now i'm working on the Aliens, and the Predators. if you do want to help, here's a quick list of the characters i'm thinking of at the moment: Naruto: Sasuke: Sakura: Kakashi: Al: Ed: The Terminator: (sorry, no images for these ones) Fireheart, Graystripe, Sandstorm, pretty much all of Thunderclan. Thank you
  19. Hello, I've made a few sets for an animation project, and since this is my first time doing this kind of thing, I would like to get feedback (suggestions, stuff you like, stuff you hate). Anything will help. Thank you very much. p.s. the two city areas are supposed to be lit like it would be sunset...if they don't look that way, please inform me of my error. Also, the other images are from inside the mech.
  20. Hi This is one of the first projects I did in 2000 with animation master. I am trying to get a reel together for my website and thought it would make a good intro. I did a new render of it with ao. You can see here the improvement in me and a:m over the years. I atached the old and new one. 3dfroglogoold.mov 3dfroglogonew.mov
  21. My friend and I are going to be taping off sections of our schools steps to look like concentric rings when viewed from a certain point. We're just about done with everything we need to complete it. So, I thought I'd share it with you all, and see what you think.
  22. flying ot falling into the flames...sort of beta.mov beta.zip had to try the beta
  23. just a sneak peak of a nearly finished render!!! Model by woloshyniuk, Dark jedi models comming soon. test.bmp
  24. Hi, I deleted my project that I was working on by mistake. Does anyone knows how can I get it back? that was my first model and I really wanted to save it. Help please...
  25. hey did anyone reply to your question to join the mario project because you just talk to me and i can get you to help out

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