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  1. After frame 59 all rendering stopped. the pool appeared to be rendering but the each frame after 59 loaded and would not proceed. I finally killed the project and will let Robert know.
  2. Robert asked me to render the projects with the AMD 5950x 16 cores, 32 gigs of RAM, all drives are NVMe samsung 980s with a rtx 2060 Right off the bat the two cores would not render even though I have 70 cores for netrender. I rendered this project with a single core and each frame took about 19 minutes. I will update the info as the rendering goes forward. I shot a pic of the temp of the cpu and it was holding under 40c Steve Once I get finished with this I will render the project with Intel I9 12900f (alder lake) with 32gigs and 16 cores all drives with NVMe 980s.
  3. I decided to try something really ambitious to see if the Instant Meshes program could handle it. I found the complete OBJ model for the Cafe LeBlanc model from the Persona 5 video game from Sega. The model was broken up into parts, with the main modules being 4 meg and 8 meg. I loaded the 4 meg one 'as is' into the Instant Mesh program and set the count to 8.57 which I thought was enough to capture most of the detail. It turned out that most of the model segments were in some form of a grid, so it did a pretty complete job of building quads, but with a lot of the model segments being overly detailed. I only used the 'align' button to set it up. I then imported the rebuilt OBJ into A:M and spent about an hour mostly getting rid of excess detail in the imported model pieces. Then I did the same for the 8 meg file. It turned out that the 4 meg file was mostly the structure of the buildings and the 8 meg model was the props, and outside structures, etc. The decals were also included in the download so I applied a few just to see if it was going to be easy. Overall, I spent about 2 hours on the project to get it to the present state. Attached are 3 pictures and a short demo video. The first picture shows the original OBJ, the second was the OBJ generated from Instant Meshes and the third one is the Hash model after I cleaned up the Instant Mesh version and added props from the 8 meg file. The video is a walk thru inside the model so I could see where to continue to refine it. lbc.mp4
  4. Experiment with caustics... Update: Version of the above project if you want to try: CutGlass22 new dome.prj CutGlass22.pre Load the PRJ got to Render to File in Render to File Settings, use "Load a Preset" to load the above .pre file alter the file save location to somewhere on your hard drive press OK
  5. Attached is an updated video showing another character (Woody of Toy Story) and the interaction of Bugs Bunny and Shrek. I will be adding to the beginning of the marching line as I go along. When I get a few more models working, I will put the project files for each character in a zip file and post them. Hopefully it will keep the original decals in place for eventual use. If anyone has any suggestions for improvement, please let me know. GM for Hash.mp4
  6. I see what you mean. Normally the decal will work as long as it is in the same directory or one specified by model. I wonder if the decal will work in this case if I upload the models in a project file rather than a model file? Yogi Bear.prj Yogi walk.act yogi.mdl
  7. walk test for hash.mp4 Here is an update with new models Shrek and Yogi Bear. I still have some work to do on Shrek because he will be involved in some complicated actions with Bugs later in the project. yogi.mdl yogi.mtl yogi.obj
  8. I added Bugs Bunny to the project. As you can see from the attached video, he is not staying in line for the march animation. I plan to put Shrek in front of Snow White, who will pick up Bugs and redirect him back to the beginning of the line because of the violation. The downloaded Bugs Bunny model was in pretty good shape for animating, so it was easy to Snow White and Bugs.mp4 bugs Bunny for Hash.mdl add to the project.
  9. I plan to reformat several cartoon characters to perform a marching animation in Hash A:M. This would include characters such as Snow White, Yogi Bear, Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse, etc. As I complete the models, I plan to make them available on the Hash site. The first character is Snow White (See attached graphic video and MDL). Because these are at least somewhat based on models from www.models-resource.com, I am relying on permission per the following statement from their FAQ page. www.models-resource.com/page/faq/ ...if your project is 100% free (e.g. a free fan-game or non-monetized YouTube video - basically any project that was made just for the sake of making it and will not be used in any way to make you money), use away! This is one of the primary reasons we collected all of these resources and we'd love to see what you do with them! If anyone sees any problems with this, please let me know. snow 1_1.mp4 Snow_White for Hash.mdl PlayStation 2 - Kingdom Hearts - Snow White.zip
  10. Robert, Immediately after deparing the hangout I noticed the swf files for the composite Tech Talk were created in Camtasia. As i still have Camtasia I felt confident I should be able to open and convert the presentation and... done. Wish I had thought of that last week! As other demos of Animation:Master are likely created with Camtasia this should make quick work of any conversions needed but I especially want to get more info out on ExR capabilities. The Tech Talk uses the Norlock project file and not the Leopard Queen but similar content is covered. Kudos to Eric Webster for the Norlock project which is on the A:M Extras CD. Thanks also to Noel Pickering for the Tech Talk. I'll double check on artifacts appearing in the MP4. Not sure how that snuck through. Composite EXR Tech Talk.mp4
  11. Tried the render of a rather interesting character
  12. simple but just wanted to try it out snowtest.prj
  13. Attached is the orignal Project file as it was/is directly from the A:M Extras CD. As many A:M users may have the Extras CD the project can be found thereon at: AMExtrasCDVol1\Data\Projects\Image-Contest\Sci-Fi-Fantasy\Leopard_Queen Leopard_Queen.zip
  14. Robert and I were discussing the EXR format and I wanted to share the project file based on Jim Talbot's Leopard Queen image. The project was demo'd at SIGGRAPH 2005 by Greg Rostami. I must assume it is called Boris becuse of the artist Boris Vallejo whose style is captured in the image. Still haven't found the video of the demo yet but perhaps it isn't far away... maybe even on one of the Hash Inc SIGGRAPH cds. Update: I may have found the composite video. It is in .swf format so am attempting to convert to MP4. The CompDemoProject file attached only includes the EXR file. Will also upload the the Project file (which should also be on the A:M Extra CD and DVD. CompDemoProject.zip
  15. Change "Filename" and navigate it to save to your desktop. Then what happens? Somehow this is the only A:M project that doesn't save files?
  16. Sorry if I posted this earlier just sorting stuff on PC chickenfrog105.prj
  17. Hi guys, Well, I come to you now because I find myself at another impasse. This is something which I get the impression should be simple but I’m making it harder than it really is. This is also an instance where I think I would benefit much more from an in-person, class type setting then trying to interpret words out of a book. It’s a communication issue. The project is the creation of a gear. Everything up through the first image I am fine with. I can get something which looks like figure 6.13 I have also gathered that when they go on to say “select two CPs, skip two CPs”, we are actually talking about groups of eight CPs at a time. The illustrations certainly display that. “These points are scaled down to make the valleys…” Stop right there… Am I scaling X, Y or Z, or all three? I’ve tried all those combinations and I do not get what I want (figure 6.14), or do they mean something else? And scale them by how much? The next sentence also baffles me “Select the entire gear and change the magnitude of all the splines to 10”. I’m afraid I don’t know what they’re talking about. Help clarifying any or all of this would be appreciated. Also, I seem to recall that one of you was in the DFW area and if you are available for one on on tutoring in this semi-post covid universe (I got the booster, FWIW), I would definitely like to talk. As always, thank ye much. - Mike
  18. Found some characters so had them do a creep test project file in zip creep.zip
  19. I've practically spent the last quarter of 2021 on the arched concourse that can be seen through the archway in the last image. As I said at the beginning of this thread, the real N.Y. Penn Station concourse was an elaborate waiting room for travelers using the stairways to the trains in basement tunnels. Great architecture but I wanted something more along the line of what the Pennsylvania Railroad built in Pittsburgh, a large train shed. Basically a structure built to accommodate multiple, entire passenger trains. But I couldn't imagine the amount of my time and computer RAM it would take to model that intricate array of beams and girders so I decided to go with a complete fantasy design of riveted box arches. This design means far fewer patches and the rivets and stamped patterns can be faked using normal maps. And here's a short camera move shooting inside, near a painfully under-modeled lounge/observation car which is here mostly to give a sense of the scale of the building. walk_thru_00.mp4 I'm beginning to get the feeling that I may never get to the end of the line on this project but I'm having a blast during the trip.
  20. In all of our collaborations, Spleengene was the animator. I provided music and helped with modeling and other background stuff. I have started a project that has grown exponentially. Nate is a young mechanic who helped me out when I was in need. At the time he was a professional mechanic working at a shop in the next town. He tried for several hours to get the junker I had at that time running. He never once brought up money. We have become friends. I've spent a couple of months learning how to animate, and I'm bettter than I was, but I still have a looooong way to go. During the time I've been doing this, Nate has moved to a bigger (3 Bay) shop in a nearby town. I'll propably be refining and re-rendering most of it, but this is a proof of concept video of compiled clips thus far. My next learning endeavor is to learn to incorporate sprites to create the "backfire" puffs and the cigarette puffs. I will appreciate any help that points to the proper tutorials. https://youtu.be/UfDfhBRyFK4 "EDIT": As usual I took Roberts good advise and posted it to utube. the Link is above.
  21. I'm pretty sure Victor Navonne animated that manually. It's possible we had dynamic constraints in A:M back then but I don't think he used them for that project.
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