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  1. Mod note: this topic has been split off from a Live Answer Time discussion. Very cool class today! Here is a project addressing a possible refraction bug with two identical glass balls on a table with a decal. The glass materials are identical except one has refraction set to 1 and the other has refraction set to 1.5. The material with refraction at 1.5 is black... Not sure why that is happening... Is this a bug? Image for PRJ: RefractionTest.prj
  2. I converted a bar/cafe structure to use as a rest stop for my Cartoon March project. The Instant Meshes program did not help for this type of model as it normally does. Most of the structure is simple geometric shapes that are easy to duplicate with Hash primitives. As is usually the case, the decals (many, many) are the main problem with this type of model. Attached are views of the exterior and interior of the building and a walk through video. Rest Stop.mp4
  3. Apologies for the butt shot. Anyone else run into this??? Cps wrinkle in objects when twisting/turning and whatever it is is truly happening to The CP and shows up when rendered. Only happens in action or Chor. As soon as you click on the Cp it straightens out but then goes right back to being twisted when you advance a frame. This seems to show up randomly.See Pic This is shutting down my 5 yr. project unless I can fix it. As always ANY help appreciated. These CPs are in their natural state - no bias tweaking at all.
  4. Only issues I have on win11 is a dll incompatibility, which is as far as I can see a video card issue. AM doesn't like my Nvidea card. I tried a project file with a rather lot of models like a plane model with four sprite emitters, two starscapes ( model of a lot of pointed stars in a sphere) and a background. It took about 20minutes to render one frame. I wanted to render 30 seconds, so I decided to use another aproach as this would take too much time. I made an avi file of the background with the two starscapes and made another choreography of the airplane with four sprite emitters, using the avi file as background. Now the rendering took much shorter time, but my avi file didn't go further than the first frame. I have had this problem earlier. Although I import the avi in the image file and it is seen as movie file, the choreography just loads the first frame and then freezes. I have no idea what causes this effect.
  5. Hello (again) everyone! My name is Sean Wall. I've been playing with A:M since way, way back. I was involved in a small way with the "Scarecrow of Oz" movie project too (texturing). I've always wanted to be an animator since I was in my 20s, but real life always got in the way. Well, I'm in my 50s now but I still want to be an animator when I grow up! 😄 I've tried other 3D programs and while they're certainly nice and have lots of features, I keep coming back to A:M. I think feature-wise it's got the most complete set of tools in one package without having to resort to plugins. It makes me laugh how many 3D packages still don't offer lip-sync built in -- A:M had this *way* back! Anyway, I just re-watched "Tin Woodman of Oz" and "Scarecrow of Oz" and it got me inspired to pick this up again and finally make something of my own. I've always enjoyed the A:M community and I look forward to chatting with you folks again. I'm also happy to see Martin has returned! He's hinted that maybe another movie project may happen? Regardless, it's nice to be back! Good to see you all. -Sean (CaptBobo)
  6. Progress has been made on the new project. Tech and Dan are now fully modelled and can blink, wink both eyes individually and have a full set of pose controlled phonemes. The girl on the left is the avatar of YouTuber Geminitay who makes videos on a group server called Hermitcraft. She will not be appearing in the new project, I'm using her as an experiment to see how well the mouth I've made will fit into a skin in that style. A lot of female Minecraft skins use this style of having the eyes low down on the head and it doesn't leave much room for a mouth. Not that it matters as Minecraft characters don't usually have mouths. So I am planning on installing a mouth and seeing how it looks in practice.
  7. I would like to use the Vector Interpolation driver on bones in an action file. I used to be able to select it in the option menu and set it for the project be default, but now everything is defaulting to quaternion. Even an older project is defaulting to quat. I change it in the options to vector and it just keeps reverting to quaternion. I don't want the rotate.w channel for this project, just xyz absolute values. How do I fix this? Thanks all, Charles
  8. Hello Hashers- This should be a simple task (but apparently not for me)😄 I am trying to simply fade out a sprite cloud over 20 frames using the Sprite opacity setting in the choreography window. Attached is the simplest of projects. The sprites are dormant for 10 frames and then on frame 11 (only) 1000 sprites are shot out the emitter. Those 1000 sprites have their opacity set at 100% and then by frame 50 the sprite opacity is set to 0%. Unfortunately there is no opacity changes going on (as you can see from the video). Any suggestions are appreciated... (SpriteFadeOut .attached is the Project, the small blank white graphic for the sprite and the movie below) Sprites1.mp4
  9. I completed some more models to add to the project. Violet from the Incredibles, Town Crier from Doctor Who, Robin from Barman and Robin, and Kermit the Frog. Attached is the PRJ file for Kermit and a short video. Kermit the frog _Muppets Party Cruise.zip k1h.mp4
  10. That is something I've wished for for a long time. No, there isn't an easy re-fit for that. The source code would be needed and since that isn't in A:M already that must have been a third party plugin by someone. Do you know who made it? Incidentally, @Rodney and i have been learning C++ and we're about try to figure out how to write a plugin. That sounds like it might be a plausible early project.
  11. I converted another model using Instant Meshes, It is the Town Crier from the game Doctor Who. I paid special attention to the decals that came with the model because decaling the converted model seems to be the the biggest time requirement. In this case it meant having the model be a little denser than normal, but it made the finished project easier. I am moving the model to my Cartoon March thread. He seems to animate pretty well despite all the clothes layers. I think I will make him the grand marshal. Attached images show the original OBJ, the A:M converted model splines and the finished rendered model. Also added a short video. turn 2.mp4
  12. I've discovered a progressive render issue in v19.0p. While it's not a show stopper it's been annoying me for a long time and I've finally found the root cause. This image is an overview of the test chor. There's a camera with a 1000mm lens looking at five instances of a grey reference sphere, each at a different distance from the camera. The sphere instances are scaled in the chor as they get closer to the camera so that from the camera view they don't change too much in image size. They are positioned so the camera can see all five spheres side by side. Between the camera and the closest sphere is a slightly tinted, four patch plane that is a "glass sheet" with a transparency of 80%. It is positioned so that the camera only sees the lower half of the spheres through it. A simple sun light shines down from above and the chor has global ambience turned on with a white colour; intensity = 80% and occlusion = 100%. This image is the results of 5 pass prog renders and 9 pass full screen renders. The first two sphere rows are with no glass in the way while the last two rows have the glass turned on. For prog. renders through a transparent surface something strange happens as the surface gets farther from the camera. If you turn off ambience and leave in the glass slide this issue also goes away. Although it always happens in progressive renders, I have seen it occasionally in 9 pass full screen renders of an 80Mb project chor. So if Stefan does try to fix this issue he may want to look at both types of screen rendering. amb_occl_thru_glass_distant_embed.prj
  13. After frame 59 all rendering stopped. the pool appeared to be rendering but the each frame after 59 loaded and would not proceed. I finally killed the project and will let Robert know.
  14. Robert asked me to render the projects with the AMD 5950x 16 cores, 32 gigs of RAM, all drives are NVMe samsung 980s with a rtx 2060 Right off the bat the two cores would not render even though I have 70 cores for netrender. I rendered this project with a single core and each frame took about 19 minutes. I will update the info as the rendering goes forward. I shot a pic of the temp of the cpu and it was holding under 40c Steve Once I get finished with this I will render the project with Intel I9 12900f (alder lake) with 32gigs and 16 cores all drives with NVMe 980s.
  15. I decided to try something really ambitious to see if the Instant Meshes program could handle it. I found the complete OBJ model for the Cafe LeBlanc model from the Persona 5 video game from Sega. The model was broken up into parts, with the main modules being 4 meg and 8 meg. I loaded the 4 meg one 'as is' into the Instant Mesh program and set the count to 8.57 which I thought was enough to capture most of the detail. It turned out that most of the model segments were in some form of a grid, so it did a pretty complete job of building quads, but with a lot of the model segments being overly detailed. I only used the 'align' button to set it up. I then imported the rebuilt OBJ into A:M and spent about an hour mostly getting rid of excess detail in the imported model pieces. Then I did the same for the 8 meg file. It turned out that the 4 meg file was mostly the structure of the buildings and the 8 meg model was the props, and outside structures, etc. The decals were also included in the download so I applied a few just to see if it was going to be easy. Overall, I spent about 2 hours on the project to get it to the present state. Attached are 3 pictures and a short demo video. The first picture shows the original OBJ, the second was the OBJ generated from Instant Meshes and the third one is the Hash model after I cleaned up the Instant Mesh version and added props from the 8 meg file. The video is a walk thru inside the model so I could see where to continue to refine it. lbc.mp4
  16. Experiment with caustics... Update: Version of the above project if you want to try: CutGlass22 new dome.prj CutGlass22.pre Load the PRJ got to Render to File in Render to File Settings, use "Load a Preset" to load the above .pre file alter the file save location to somewhere on your hard drive press OK
  17. Attached is an updated video showing another character (Woody of Toy Story) and the interaction of Bugs Bunny and Shrek. I will be adding to the beginning of the marching line as I go along. When I get a few more models working, I will put the project files for each character in a zip file and post them. Hopefully it will keep the original decals in place for eventual use. If anyone has any suggestions for improvement, please let me know. GM for Hash.mp4
  18. I see what you mean. Normally the decal will work as long as it is in the same directory or one specified by model. I wonder if the decal will work in this case if I upload the models in a project file rather than a model file? Yogi Bear.prj Yogi walk.act yogi.mdl
  19. walk test for hash.mp4 Here is an update with new models Shrek and Yogi Bear. I still have some work to do on Shrek because he will be involved in some complicated actions with Bugs later in the project. yogi.mdl yogi.mtl yogi.obj
  20. I added Bugs Bunny to the project. As you can see from the attached video, he is not staying in line for the march animation. I plan to put Shrek in front of Snow White, who will pick up Bugs and redirect him back to the beginning of the line because of the violation. The downloaded Bugs Bunny model was in pretty good shape for animating, so it was easy to Snow White and Bugs.mp4 bugs Bunny for Hash.mdl add to the project.
  21. I plan to reformat several cartoon characters to perform a marching animation in Hash A:M. This would include characters such as Snow White, Yogi Bear, Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse, etc. As I complete the models, I plan to make them available on the Hash site. The first character is Snow White (See attached graphic video and MDL). Because these are at least somewhat based on models from www.models-resource.com, I am relying on permission per the following statement from their FAQ page. www.models-resource.com/page/faq/ ...if your project is 100% free (e.g. a free fan-game or non-monetized YouTube video - basically any project that was made just for the sake of making it and will not be used in any way to make you money), use away! This is one of the primary reasons we collected all of these resources and we'd love to see what you do with them! If anyone sees any problems with this, please let me know. snow 1_1.mp4 Snow_White for Hash.mdl PlayStation 2 - Kingdom Hearts - Snow White.zip
  22. Robert, Immediately after deparing the hangout I noticed the swf files for the composite Tech Talk were created in Camtasia. As i still have Camtasia I felt confident I should be able to open and convert the presentation and... done. Wish I had thought of that last week! As other demos of Animation:Master are likely created with Camtasia this should make quick work of any conversions needed but I especially want to get more info out on ExR capabilities. The Tech Talk uses the Norlock project file and not the Leopard Queen but similar content is covered. Kudos to Eric Webster for the Norlock project which is on the A:M Extras CD. Thanks also to Noel Pickering for the Tech Talk. I'll double check on artifacts appearing in the MP4. Not sure how that snuck through. Composite EXR Tech Talk.mp4
  23. Tried the render of a rather interesting character
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