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  1. AFAIK, the dump file is a set of information about what went wrong. When I can repeat a crash I send the dmp with my report to Steffen. I don't believe it contains project information. However you can recover your work after crashes by using A:M Back Up which I recommend everyone use. @yoda64 Is it possible to retrieve project data from a dmp file?
  2. What is a Master Dump file when A:M crashes, and can I use it to restore the project?
  3. My sound issues I believe were related to a sound card on a specific computer running windows 10 and 7. On my laptop, also 10 and 7, the sound works. I tried your project and the sounds reads but the scrubbing is sticky and unusable in V19. I than went to my old XP64 computer with V13 and everything works with fast scrubbing. I also tried rendering your project with multi pass and toon render but that still doesn't work in V19. I moved back to V13 on XP64, since it has no refresh issues and everything works really well.
  4. It's always nice to see someone complete a long-term project. I liked the story. I guess that's why they call them hooters, huh?
  5. quick project using stuff on 2006 cd
  6. If any of you'all might have use for this Colt "Peacemaker", I may upload the prop. Let me know. I'm going to finish this project first though. One of you who are better at mechanical modeling could improve the thing a whole lot better that my contraption. The intricate parts of the gun are not accurate by any means. I just eyeballed a few reference pics and threw it together the best I could. detbear
  7. We are still open to people wanting to try C++. We have potentially three eager-to-start-C++-ers so far. The basic plan of the course is this... There is free Udemy course with videos (10-20 minutes) for each lesson and a small programming project associated with the new thing taught in that video You watch the video. Probably re-watch it. You code the program You bring your finished program to our meeting. If it runs, great! You can show us what you did that was creative or unusual. If it doesn't run. we look at it to figure out what went wrong and get you back on track for the next lesson.
  8. Hey Steve!! Thank you soo much my friend. That means a lot. I'm way out of practice. This is one of 4 projects that I'm hoping to get finished someday. How's your film project going??
  9. Who is interested learning C++ and computer programming? C++ is the core language of A:M and just about everything of importance in computing. You will like programming if you like using small things to make something bigger. We've done this group twice before and at least one person made it to the end each time! We've found a free curriculum on Udemy that does a good job of introducing C++ and programming itself, so you don't need to know programming already. What you will need is some time. The early exercises are easy but later ones will need about three hours of devoted attention to get done. Rodney and I can pretty much answer any question you might have about the projects in the course or the use of MS Visual Studio. The course leads up to a particle explosion display as the final project. This is my variation of it... Midway through the course I was able to make this character graphics game... Let me know if you are interested. Start date is TBD.
  10. After some hiccups getting license renewed I am back ..did a simple project for fun newone.prj
  11. I'm currently working on a long time game project. Here's some rough work as I develop a few walk cycles: Hank Walk A.mp4 Happy New Year!!! Detbear
  12. The interface of Windows 10 sucks in my opinion. You can't customize the 3D objects, which defines the look of Animation Master, so everything is white, the tracks in the Project Workspace are hard to see, single windows have a curved blue border, it's like back to MAC OS 9. There is no performance advantage. I use V12,13 and 19 on W7.
  13. While I was somewhat active on this forum, I was also creating alot of things I've never shared with you, until now. I was (and I still am) using Animation: Master for many years to create 3D work. I was also learning other animation software as well and I think I have improved my knowledge for animation in general alot since then. Here are some of my best projects I created using Animation: Master. I should also mention that only the first of the five animated projects I created has subtitles. 2015 This animated short film was created to show some of the most exciting attractions of my city, Drama, located in Greece. 2016 In this advertisement, made for both TV and internet, I was responsible for creating and presenting a new mascot for Oniroupole (dreamtown), which is a Christmas village that is built every winter in my city’s park and is a famous touristic attraction. 2019 Some of the contemporary saints and the great things they did. All of the theological projects here were created for the School of Theology of the Aristotele University of Thessaloniki. 2020 Here is saint Patrick saying "Thank you, deeply". This animation was part of a PowerPoint project. 2021 A synopsis of saint Dimirtios' life.
  14. I'll add that a handy A:M feature is Backup. Backup will save the entire state of your Project, even external assets, in separate folder. https://forums.hash.com/topic/48860-v190g/#comment-418234
  15. If your model is saved externally from the PRJ (i.e. "linked", not "embedded" in the PRJ) then that same model file gets over written with every PRJ save. Yes, that is how it is intended to work, although I agree it is potentially confusing and or alarming if you don't understand that. "Embedded" is introduced on pg. 11 of the TECH REF. Most PRJ assets* can be either Linked or Embedded. Embedded assets are saved in the PRJ files. Linked are merely file-path-referenced in the PRJ. If you make a model from scratch in a PRJ it is embedded unless you save it out separately from the PRJ. Then it becomes Linked. If you have imported a model into a PRJ, it will still be Linked unless you change its File Info>Embedded property to ON. Alternatively you can embed all assets* in a PRJ from the menu Project>Embed All You can tell if an asset is Linked by the floppy disc icon over it in the PWS as is the case for "grid" in the below example. *Note that Images and Sounds can never be embedded in the PRJ. They are always Linked and if you move a PRJ you must remember to move those assets with it.
  16. While working on my model (which is inside a project) I constanly used 'Save Project As', thinking I always have previous versions of my model if I dont like the current edition. Only now I realised that all project versions have the same version of my model. Is this how it should be? Maybe there is an option to have all models inside a prj file or smth?
  17. Rob, OK, bringing the model into a new project worked. Hooray. I need to tweak the settings - I'll have a look at the tutorial you sent - but anyway it's working. Thank you so much again for your help! All my best, Doug
  18. Hey Rob, What would AM do without you? Thanks so much for the advice and the compliment! As you can see, still not working on the guy, but rendered fine on my hairball. I'm thinking maybe there's a bug in my project file? I'm going to load the model into a new project and see how that goes. Hope it's not a bug in the model. One way or another, I'll show you how it goes. Doug
  19. DeepMotion gives you three free mo-cap conversion per month so there's no reason to not shoot some experimental test now instead of letting them go to waste, even if you don't use it in your final project. Don't wait til the last minute... Summer ends in September!
  20. The opening part of the MC project starts in a local grocery store. I designed and built it in MC (along with a decent sized chunk of the surrounding street) with the intention of using a program called JMC2OBJ to export the map as a model into A:M. Sadly a lot of the mods I used to make the set were incompatible with JMC2OBJ. So I've been recreating the set directly in A:M. She's taking a little while but she's coming along. For Context
  21. I have an old project that does this sometimes in v19.5 but not always I recall the work-around way back when was to save, restart A:M and reload
  22. Cartoon March Opeining scene0.mp4 I did some work on an opening scene for the Cartoon Cartoon March Opeining scene0.mp4 March project. This one features Vexy from the Smurfs and the Town Crier character from the Dr. Who game. As you can see from the attached video, things get off to a bad start.
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