sprockets The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D New Radiosity render of 2004 animation with PRJ. Will Sutton's TAR knocks some heads!
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Everything posted by Darkwing

  1. wow, that's insane. heh, i'll help, me and my little laptop (Joking)
  2. one of the things I found in my travels with regards to the particle rendering problem is that it has been there since some of the oldest versions of AM. Funny thing is that each time a new version is released, the issue changes and renders differently. And to test the alpha channel thing, I'll make a solid square particle and see if it renders the same
  3. And using the cookiecut method Eric described: due note that the transparency issue is fixed when rendered in shaded mode as opposed to final. That unfortunately has some of it's own issues, one being the fact the coordinate thing (forgot its name) shows up in the bottom left. EDIT: One more quick thing to note that I just tried, this only happens to the emitter. I threw in another transparent sphere (not using cookie cut method) and the particles did not effect the sphere. The sphere was completely transparent, the emitter retains that unusual blemish
  4. as the earth pic was from v13, here's what V15's version of the particle issue looks like:
  5. this is what I get when I do particles and apparently many others do to as I've brought it up before a while ago. It's at the bottom of Earth. The first pic was without multi-pass, the second with I do believe. I remember this because I believe it got worse with multi-pass
  6. ah, I gotcha, well, let us know when you have universe on fire as a graphic novel, I may be interested in one once they're ready
  7. it occurs with particles only to my knowledge, hair, streaks, fluid and blobbies to my knowledge all work fine
  8. so you guys actually print and sell full graphic novels/books? Do you have Universe on Fire completed cause you said something about a contest about winning the book, or will you be releasing the book after each segment has been released online?
  9. setting an object to 100% transparent is actually the problem I believe Eric has fixed here. When you set an object to 100%transparent, the particles cause peculiar rendering artifacts, usually black lines that resemble the wireframe (this is in final mode and is a problem with apparently all versions of AM) I will have to try this trick as I've been looking for a fix to this for years
  10. all right, kind of stuck at 34 pages. I know the main plot points for the most part, just needing to find the bridges and get back into a writing groove, been enjoying the sunshine too much
  11. Well, here are my beginnings on the Raider. Haven't had much time to work on it. This ship poses some interesting challenges due to it's organic style shape, but this is AM, organic is the name of the game for this program!
  12. We get colour for this next Greyhalk one?! Cool!!!
  13. still a few minor things basically just in the cockpit, but it's essentially done. if i can find some high res images of what some of the decals look like on the ship, then I'll update the decals. In the meantime, I have uploaded the model to the resources section of the forum and can be found at the BSG Files
  14. i hope this isn't some April Fools Prank, Rodney goes in and changes David's b'day and claims it's his B'day
  15. Here's that AO render. Took 2 hours and 22 minutes at 42 passes
  16. the viper isn't quite done yet, but I felt like making a cool pic for them so here it is:
  17. i did one early on when I was starting. At that point it took about 45 minutes to render, wouldn't surprise me if it took 2 hours to render now. I'll do one when the ship is done
  18. This is the stage I like, it's like the icing on the cake stage
  19. sed multi-pass for this render, decals are much sharper
  20. speaking of procedurals, I found out the other day that one of the turbulences (perlin I think) was created by the special effects artist for the original Tron film and the purpose of the turb was for Tron. Nifty little facts you find on wikipedia
  21. I'm assuming this must be quicker to render than a model(?)
  22. and Rob has done it again. Next thing we know Rob will have built a model as detailed as Al's Discovery or something, except completely with procedural materials!
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