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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. So just a small update. Latimer's body is rigged. I've been lucky so far with the mesh because it's required only small amounts of smartskin and fanbones. Here's a pic of him in a simple pose I did real quick. I'm going to rig the face next and then he should be pretty much 100%....not including phenomes.
  2. While rigging Latimer I decided I really did not like the hands. They just didn't fit the style of the character nor are they working as far as rigging was concerned. So I remodeled them and here is the model with the new hands. I decided to go with the three finger 1 thumb look and i really like it.
  3. Its a great program!!! I highly recommend. Welcome aboard!!!
  4. Good points rodney. I've been giving Death a lot of attention and ive decided to try several diffrent looks to see what will work the best. Ill post them once they are all done. Im just gonna let his personality dictate the final look
  5. Well here's what I have for Death so far. I'm pretty pleased so far but there is another style I am going to try before calling him finished. Please note that the hands are not in place because I have not made them yet.
  6. Okay, so I'm kinda stumped as to my Death character. He's a major cast member in the script. Now based on the models you have all seen here so far what style should I shoot for? Should he have a head and a face or should he wear a hood that blacks out his features completely? I'm really needing some input from the community. Here is a pic of a cowl I modeled today that I was thinking about basing his clothing off of but I'm still not sure the actual final look. should he be skinny and tall, or short? Come on Hashers!!!!! What say ye!!!!!!
  7. Neither. Each featuer is a flat plane shaped. Then i loaded up photoshop and painted some texture.
  8. Well I'm still working on this thing. I have scrapped all original models of Nora and Cleo and have been working on sketches to come up with something better and more appealing. I have also decided to start work on some of the more interesting characters. After laying out my schedule for this project it would be silly to begin set designs without a clear look at the characters involved, so I will let the cast dictate final set design later. For now I I will simply be working on cast members and getting them finished up. On a side note here are the wings for Death. Rodney, i'm sure you of all people understand when these will come into play. More to come later.
  9. I dont think they offer the dvd,. Cd anymore
  10. Okay, got my vote in On a side note sorry I couldn't get mine in but I've had little time for AM lately. Good luck to you guys!!!!
  11. Just in case anyone is interested this project is still underway. I recently had a very close friend of mine die so I've been kind of in the dumps. But I'm still plugging away at it.
  12. Plugging away still. Here is the crude beginnings of Frankenstein. As you can see this is a very rough concept of what he will look like but I am liking where this is going.
  13. Im working right now but when i get off today im going to tweak the head a bit and take more shots from diffrent angles.
  14. So here is Nora's head so far. What do you guys think? EDIT: So here is the modified head with new angles...
  15. So here are three characters. Latimer with mom and dad. i'm still not too sure about the father model as I was thinking of a more stern sort of character. But then I figured I would go with this and see how it works with the person doing the voice as I suppose that will really dictate the personality. EDIT: Here is a shot of Latimer at the dinner table. The set is finished as well as the furniture props. Used the default lighting for now as I'm just getting a feel for the size of all the props and the texture scheme. So far things are looking good I would say. Still working on the characters to get them rigged proper as well as touching up and fixing various texture issues they have. My hitch is almost over and i'll be plugging away on the animatic of the script as well as beginning the dialogue recording.
  16. Puff the Magic Dragon walked on two legs I believe.
  17. I'm glad to see this project is still going! My only advice would be to use the forums and people's opinions as you see fit. Because the models, story, and general feel of the movie is really only good enough when YOU say it is. I have been learning this with my own projects. I listen to what others say, and I value everyone's thoughts, but in the end it has to be what I want. How I see it. Then you know it's right. Good luck Roger.
  18. I've never considered doing hair color that way! Will have to update my notes
  19. Still plugging away on the sets. I have the first of three finished. Moving on to props and hopefully shots later in the month. Latimer, his mother, and his father models will remain the same. I have a co-worker who is one extremely talented artist. After discussing my film with him he has agreed to do some concept work for me. Basically he is going to draw up the remaining cast for me. Talk about taking a load off of me. The best part is we work together so we can constantly be updating our progress throughout the day. So the next models you see will be complete originals from Lee Kilpatrick...aka Butters.
  20. Hey Rodney, just sent you an email. Check it out. By the way is there a particular chat program you use? It'd be great to talk to you every now and again in real time :)

  21. Okay I'm still working on this. I'm currently at work so I only get about 3 free hours a day to play. So I'm focusing on sets and props as these are easy to do. Here's the latest render I have of the exterior of the house. I really considered adding details but it just doesn't fit the look I want.
  22. Im in!!!!
  23. I think one of Latimer's personality traits is that he will never really stand up straight. He always shrinks down to make himself less noticable. This of course will change the farther in tue story we progress and the more his confidence grows.
  24. I was going to make him younger and shorter but it didn't lend to Latimer's personality or problems. He has come of age and is at that pivot in his life where he is ready to make his own way in life. Only his parents aren't ready for that and they either don't believe or refuse to believe he is ready. On top of that his mother has dictated every aspect of his life so he is naturally reluctant.
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