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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. Okay still plugging away at him. Here's the finished beard. Not too sure about the facial textures just yet but I definitly want a ashy gray texture to his skin. Here he is completed...TADA!!! Still need to texture his clothing. And there are a few details I need to model and add, so he's 95%. Rigging comes next.
  2. Yes I had considered this as well. Franky will be the oddman out I guess. The gender mish mash will allow us to play with it considerably.
  3. That is really awesome.
  4. Gravedigger is shaping up
  5. Gravedigger has begun. Not sure about the beard just yet. I'm modeling it of course but I plan on experimenting with particle hair as well.
  6. That's really good. I don't mind you playing with this at all, that's why I asked for your help. Very nice to see a different approach. I think your right about the name, we should keep that hush hush in the trailer. Get people to wondering who this guy is and what he's talking about. Well, I'll stew on this for the night and start working on Gravedigger in the morning.
  7. Okay I've converted the above to script format for you to go over quickly. I'm still considering what his actual dialogue will be. But this breaks it dwn pretty good so far. SCENE 1: EXT - WINDOW Image of Latimer at his window (Lightning Flash with Thunder) (consider rain) SCENE 2: EXT - GRAVEYARD Image of Latimer's Parents at Graveside (Lightning Flash with Thunder) (consider rain) SCENE 3: EXT - GRAVEYARD Trees blowing, leaves falling. Dark silhouette of trees and gravestones in lonely graveyard. CAMERA BEGINS TO ZOOM IN ON SOMETHING LARGE PERCHED ATOP A GRAVESTONE. CAMERA BEGINS TO MOVE AROUND THE SHAPE REVEALING IT WAS THE BACK OF A CHARACTER (GRAVEDIGGER). THE BACKGROUND SUBTLY CHANGES FROM THAT OF THE REAL WORLD GRAVEYARD TO THAT OF THE LAND OF THE DEAD WHILE CIRCLING GRAVEDIGGER. THIS ACTS AS A BRIDGING DEVICE BETWEEN THE TWO WORLDS AND GRAVEDIGGER IS THE ONE THAT IS TAKING US FROM HERE TO THERE. SCENE 4: EXT - LAND OF THE DEAD GRAVESITE Thunder and Lighting (no rain) as Gravedigger is fully revealed (Is he smiling? Or just content?) Gravedigger steps down from off of the Gravestone as his dialogue begins. GRAVEDIGGER Hello there. You wouldn’t happen to be Latimer would you? Didn’t think so. I wish that boy would hurry up and get here. Gravedigger walking and musing about events we don't understand or yet comprehend (not directly related to story but hinting at it in subtle way) " Gravedigger taps on a Gravestone and walks on. Gravedigger taps again. Gravedigger taps again and smiles and starts digging. GRAVEDIGGER (CONT’D) Most folks come here an' don't even know they're dead yet. CUT TO LATIMER AWAKENING FROM THE GRAVE WITH AN AUDIBLE GASP / WIDE EYED AND DISORIENTED (PERHAPS WITH A SLIGHTLY COMICAL AND AMUSED LOOK ON HIS FACE TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD JUST A BIT) GRAVEDIGGER (CONT’D) "But they figger it out sooner or later." FADE TO BLACK WITH TITLE APPEARING "WOKE UP DEAD" FADE OUT WITH LAUGHTER OF GRAVEDIGGER
  8. Very nice. Check your email. I sent what I came up with to you. Your idea is good and works well. Perhaps the dialogue from my trailer will fit into this one?
  9. Ilidrake


    Good points! Okay, so we shoot for 1 minute, give or take. Next thing, which is probably the most important. What does he say? This is the substance or meat of the entire thing. If it fails, the trailer fails. I'm gonna work on the dialogue tonight, but please go a head and see what you can come up with as well. I'll email mine to you tomorrow once I have something roughed out.
  10. Wow! This is quite an honor for me. And trust me I am always working on this...just ask my wife I'll whip a banner up in the next couple of days. Guess I'll post it here and you can link it.
  11. Ilidrake


    I'f Amazon picks it up all the better. I do have the living side graveyard assets done and I'm wrking on concepts for the Land of the Dead side. I think that would be the appropriate setting for Gravedigger's trailer speech. The question of course is what does he say? I have some ideas but nothing solid or written down yet. How long should it run? I think a minute and a half? Would that be enough time for him to say what he needs to or should we just wait and see what we come up with creativly?
  12. Ilidrake


    As it stands I was thinking 6 months. That should be more than long enough to do a trailer. I would like to start with the Gravedigger idea first because that is the most interesting idea I have heard thus far. I mean I've been throwing other ideas around, but they have all been cliche. Yours is the first original piece I have heard to date. I have Gravedigger's general perosnality worked out, even though his appearance is brief. But to be fair to ourselves, let's go with 6 months for a good solid trailer. That gives me time to finish the gravedigger model and any other props that pop up. So for the Gravedigger idea we need a length of time and we need to consider dialogue and what exactly it will encompass.
  13. Ilidrake


    Okay. Good info. So, my question is how involved would you like to be? Believe me when I say I really value your insights and opinins. I would really like you taking a more direct role in this. Your good at what you do, no doubt about it and I could really use the help. I have the creative knack just not so good at organising large projects. I say we start with the trailer idea first. I'm still writing on the script, mainly touching up a few things near the end but overall it's pretty much 100%.
  14. Ilidrake


    Well as you have read so far I have all three of those. I see you are following my project on AmazonStudios so you know where I am already. I'll see about adding you as co-creator. As I was saying I like your idea about Gravedigger. He has such a short spot in th entire picture but he is a rich, and colorful character. I have concept drawings of him and will be starting on creating him tomorrow. Should have him finished within the week. My gal at this point is just getting the script recognized and improving it to the point where it would actually be purchased for production. As I have said if you want aboard I would welcome the feedback and help. I'm not sure how to start with this trailer but I would like to do that and a mock-up of the entire movie to upload. And I promise this will be on the up and up. 50-50...we split everything if this goes gold.
  15. Ilidrake


    I like the idea of the Gravedigger idea. Rodney, just wondering but would you be interested in being a partner in this thing? We split things 50 50. I realize you probably have a lot on your plate but I think your interesting views and ideas would be invaluable.
  16. Ilidrake


    Same here. I need to create one for my script but am at a lose as to where to begin. I want to make one with real quality but I don't think I have the time or resources. Maybe I can interest some of you Hashers with a paid gig to help out?
  17. Ilidrake


    Any pointers on making a good trailer?
  18. Well after careful consideration I have given this script to Amazon studios. Wish me luck http://studios.amazon.com/scripts/28162
  19. Working on sets...
  20. I started these characters as extras for my Woke Up Dead project. Good inspirational pieces I guess. Anyway, here's another one I rigged and modeled yesterday. Which is easy. I modeled and rigged the first and now I simply model a new head, pop it in the old model, rename, attach the bone and viola!!! Of course I change textures and add a few new details, like the collar. Simple enough and he works very well.
  21. Happy birthday man
  22. Strange. I've never had this issue. Try weighting the model and then saving under another file name and see if it happens again.
  23. This is version 17?
  24. Really nice model. Lots of personality. Can't wait to see her move around
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