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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. Its the main character from Grim Fandango. Really good game from LucasArts back in the 90's.
  2. Here he is rigged, textured, and ready to go!!!
  3. Here's a model I started while working on my own Death for a film I'm working on. Anyone know what game this was from? It was 1998 and Lucas had something to do with it. Here's the almost completed model. Need to add textures and buttons but he's about 95% complete.
  4. After giving it a good nights sleep I awoke and thought about this last shot. I figured since the actual object itself didn't really matter I changed it to something simple. A square column leaning against his back. He could be picking it up or letting it down. Regardless this would be him holding it in place for a few moments. Just a quick note. The most interesting thing about the pose lessons is it really takes me back to when I was a kid drawing comic books. Trying t find the right pose to express feeling and weight. Reflecting I never realized as a kid what I was doing, I simply drew what I imagined in my head. And it seemed so simple back then too.
  5. Ya, I'm not too sure either. I thought about giving him a heavy book bag but still haven't made up my mind to change it or not.
  6. Thanks Rodney. I took your advice and made a few changes to the two poses. The side lift pose was based more off of picking up so the weight was not correct at all. I tweaked the hands on the front lift pose and your exactly right. The variation on the hands helped. I also allowed the box to rest on the legs a bit though I don't think it really shows and I may need to rethink the camera angle. And I'm really not sure about the weight on the back at all but it seems to be okay.
  7. Okay. Here are the final poses for this assignment. What do you guys think? Here also are the three poses for the new assignment. Weight. 3 poses displaying weight after the person has lifted the object, not in the act of picking up. Feedback much appreciated. The three poses are heavy weight to the side. In the front. And on the back.
  8. Very nice image.
  9. So here are the updated poses. Thanks for the feedback it really helped!!!
  10. John you have got to do my Death character for me! That thing is wicked sweet!
  11. So it's been a while since I updated my progress. First off there is so many projects I would like to be doing but I have simply shoved them all aside to concentrate on this. (Robcat's classes do not count against this as they are intended to help my animation). It is very hard to stay focused on any project but I am suprised that I continue to work on this. First off I am working on the second set for the film. The main house staircase. It's a fairly large piece and is taking me a bit more time than I had expected. If nothing else I want the set pieces to look good so I do't mind. Secondly I have started rigging Latimer's mother. She is a plump woman but amazingly the TSM2 rig went in with hardly any issues. I mean in less than 2 hours I had here rigged and ready to animate! That has never happened. So either I'm improving or I just got lucky Either way I am thrilled. She will mark the second character that is 100% and ready to use! That my friends is a milestone for me. I am remodeling the father model. I think the current character is too old for the part. On a side note I am willing to offer the father model (unrigged) to the community if anyone is interested. So there you have. After many long months I am still working away at this.
  12. Here's the updated poses.
  13. Sorry about that I guess I should have given a few more details of what is required of me. I do agree with Nancy though. The lean pose has been bothering me since I did it. If there were a shelf or something below his elbow it would make some sense. I may redo that pose.
  14. Here are the 3 poses I have done for Robcat's courses I am involved in. Just thought I'd toss'em out here to the masses, maybe get a little feedback and see what you guys think. They are just simple poses. Sitting, Leaning against a wall, and standing on one foot. How close or far did I get from the mark of showing "character"?
  15. Thanks for the feedback mouseman. I know I should film myself but to be honest I've just been too lazy to go by a camera LOL. I keep meaning to but I wake up, get my morning coffee, fire up the PC and the day just disappears LOL. I'm going to have to get one in October because me and the wife are attending the Ren Faire in Planetersville and she wants more film. Any suggestions on a good brand to pick up? Money isn't the problem so go crazy with the suggestions.
  16. Ilidrake


    I have the model pictured. Using the TSM2 as you can see most of the splinal sections will be in the back if I leave them in the deault T-Pose. My question is should I have the bones conform to her shape and arch or leave them in the staright position and position the mesh so that the bones are more centered? I know they need to be brought down and such I am just asking for the general position inside the mesh.
  17. Tomorrow is the day!!!
  18. 601 frames was 22 seconds for me as well.
  19. 601 frames is only 20 seconds. At any rate with your settings as stated it took 3 minutes to render out with my i7 with 16 gig of ram. Shadows On Multipass Off Reflections Played no Part so I won't mention them
  20. Alrighty. I'll render out a test film with diffrent settings and post my findings here along with my specs from my machines.
  21. Interesting. Do we have a default chor to render out? If you have one available I'd be glad to do some renders doe benchmarking.
  22. Next Sunday it is!!!
  23. I'm using Final Draft. I'll open it up and see if I can find anything that will outline character arcs.
  24. Well I'll be checking in on a regular basis to be ready for it. If you want Robcat email me when your prepared. my email is lloyd-m at live dot com...I check that and the forums daily...maybe hourly LOL
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