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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. Thanks guys. Anyone else have any good points on blocking an animation in AM?
  2. Good stuff Do you guys have any objections to me adding this stuff to a PDF tut?
  3. That's kinda what I'm talking about. Could you give me an example Nancy? I ask because I'm putting a tut together and would like as much feedback from everyone so that it is accurate.
  4. So I would like to get some feedback from the animators on this subject. How does one "block" in the animation poses using AM? I ask because doing so causes some issues with AM's auto curve of the timeline. How do you guys do it?
  5. Its just the default lighting so I don't know.
  6. Wasn't really happy with the SSS settings. The characters looked a little waxy. I toned it down a bit and think the results are more appealing. Comments???
  7. Excellent model Steve!!!
  8. Thanks Shelton. I put a lot of time into getting the hair looking right.
  9. Here's a side by side of Latimer and Nora. Nora still needs rigging, thus the T pose. Its just a quick render with default lighting and what-not.
  10. Not yet Rodney. I'm still working on it. A lot of changes have been made to it. I didnt like the second castle idea because it didnt explain anything really. I really like the direction the story is taking now.
  11. So here is the latest render of the new Nora model. ++Edit Added shirt texture. Not the finished product by far. Much too do and so little time to do it
  12. I see what u mean rodney. I spent about an hour just looking at her shape after i cropped of the excess. I still couldnt put my finger on why it seemed off. I appreciate the feedback. As always it is very much appreciated. On a side note would u care to read the updated script when i finish it?
  13. Okay here's Nora without the "big head"....I couldn't resist LOL. This is a forward shot of rendered and wire frame.
  14. Thanks guys. Yes I am still here. I had my internet updated and thus i was without while the new cables were ran. I've been rewriting the script as well as I found many, many areas that needed fleshing out as well as a few that had to be trimmed off completely. The entire story is getting a much better feel to it and I'm starting to really get a feel for the characters and the way they think and interact. I see what you mean about the head and you are correct, much too high. Easy to fix though I'll upload more as I have more to show off.
  15. So I've been working on Nora for quite some time now. She has went through many incarnations and I finally come to the point where this is it. Final. I have her basic head down and now I'm getting into the body, clothing, and finally hair. She should be ready to go in a month or so. Crits welcome.
  16. Mine was just the spark plug
  17. That was the first time I entered. Great entries and good job to everyone, and congrats to the winners!!!!
  18. So the project continues. Amazing!!! Today I would like to show off Latimer a bit more with his first pose. Facial and Body. I've been working on the Phenomes and facial poses he will be needing and so far things are looking smooth. It shouldn't be long and I should be ready to actually start animating the guy!!!
  19. Just bumping to let everyone know I'm still working on this. I have alot to actually show off but no time at the present to upload anything.
  20. I am greatly saddened by this news. He was a great guy and will be missed.
  21. Latimer, the main character, is rigged and ready to animate. I'll be doing some experiemntal animations to work out any kinks to the rig. As for progress I have been reworking Nora and have the basic head finally modeled out the way I want it. Please note that this is simply the basic head for her at this point. I'll be completing her shortly now that I am home from work. Stay tuned...
  22. Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!
  23. lloyd-m at live.com Thanks i really would appreciate using it. Total kudos!!!
  24. I love it. Great work. I need that bird in my film LOL...
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