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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Viper GTX2.0

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Everything posted by Viper GTX2.0

  1. LOL if i die its your folt.
  2. Sounds like you and Noah are in a contest to be the breast best guy. Sometimes I just kill me.......... wait that would be suicide........ can't call pigs anyway. Man dustin and jon your making me die here from laghing.
  3. You guys are cracking me up here. LOL!!! Hey Brain could u post a wire frame shaded frontview. THX
  4. Action well im not to good at that part im just tye modeler
  5. Thats it, Viper... you are suspended from using A:MHash3D for 3DAYS! Oh...give those boots a little 'heel' too! Nice work, BrainMuff! LOL
  6. Nice work. Maybe put biger b**** and a G-String. hope to not get into a problem for saying that from hash inc.
  7. Um ya kind of. I did the texture my self got it of the net and put it on, but got help on making the face in school.
  8. Very nice cant wait.
  9. Well kind of...
  10. This is the gun for him.
  11. I'm just not shure if the top of gir's head should be flat or rounded? I have made his eyes biger and fix some things on him today.
  12. Nice work. Keep up the good work and good luck.
  13. Ver nice, but maybe change the body to have the same texture as the wings and see how that would look.
  14. It take me long time to make this.I needed a lots of help on it in school and so on but i did it. I still need to fix some thing. I should have put it in WIP then o well.
  15. Nice work you should post that in A:M stills or did you do that allready?
  16. Nice work and what is AO? How do u render in netrender?
  17. I dont think i have seen any one do it that way befor. Nice work. Can i ask how you did it?
  18. I did some more work on Gir today. I fixed the shape of the body. I still need to fix the eyes, ect.
  19. THX a lot for the help pugless. I will try that.
  20. I say it looks just right.
  21. That scary face i made was the first ever head i made thats y the image and the head sucks.
  22. Nice model of the mouse.
  23. Very nice hier is a gun i made, but i think urs is better. Could u post the model plz i want to ty to render it in sky dome.
  24. Scary heir i show u scary.
  25. Very nice. The animating part is very well done do say so my self.
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