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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Viper GTX2.0

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Everything posted by Viper GTX2.0

  1. How you get that crome effect on the plane?
  2. shure you can maybe then we can help each other cous im having problems starting the thing. I never done such wierd shape.
  3. If i dont give up cous i already tryed model the car but still cant get a good start need some coments. Eny one know how i should start.
  4. NVM i got it all done now wat part of the car to start making first.
  5. Im thinking to make this nixsus car but its bin a long time sins i used the rotorscopes and need help on setting it up.
  6. Ya its looking more and more like Yoda. Keeep up the great work and i think Yoda is my fave in starwars as well.
  7. Ya true maybe well im taking a break for a few days on the viper im going to make a small model and then go back to the Viper
  8. well he did somthing and now well i should have told him do it on old v11 or i can just fix my Viper my self in v11 well he did somthing and now well i should have told him do it on old v11 or i can just fix my Viper my self in v11 he did a really good job so ya i have no problem with him fixing.
  10. I have AM 2005 v12 and eric has fixed my model with his AM 2006v13 i need to get the same one to do more on it but got no money to get the AM 2006 v13.
  11. could u show wire frame maybe i make soemthing with lego on Am.
  12. I think this Viper model is taking me too long. What do you guys think?
  13. O ya i am i need to finish outside then i make inside.
  14. Eric has help me fix the spline work and render it to look more real.
  15. You mean Mage right i just model the Viper Mage did the lighting and render.
  16. OK Mage hase changed the car to black and add the decals.
  17. Looks nice. Cant wait for the finished film.
  18. I think that too. Will prob. change it later.
  19. WOW holly s*** that is awsome. I dont think i can make the car im working on as good as urs.
  20. There will be a nother render that Mage is making me but this time with decals
  21. This is done in a chor. mode that mage has made i put in the car this is how it turned out any comments and the pic on the right is all done by Mage he put in the car and made the render him self on is PC i just gave him the model.
  22. OK i just got help from Mage. I will post the things that he help me on soon.
  23. Then wat program did he use 3D max Maya wat one.
  24. wow that look like to me a poly model.
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