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Everything posted by the_black_mage

  1. oh man my friends would absolutely mortify me on that. and i mean rossk too.
  2. could i recommend a sky dome, i have one with clouds and every thing if you want...
  3. try using http://www.apophysis.org/ and use the sprite emitter rather than the particle emitter.
  4. yes.. if fact i'll post a quick vid of sone of may particles, i'll have a link to help with it too. give me a few mins.
  5. now for the hairy arms and gloves!!! if your gonna add them.
  6. you need to learn particles, try doing some more test. make the force of the particles up(x axis), also try varing colors. have two different particles on the blade, white and blue. change the size of the particles and make them fade away(transparency over time(time based))at a good frame. then try swinging it around and see how it looks. also just keep the glow on the blade, but a large particle size should be enuf.
  7. lengthen the blade a bit more, the spikes on it should be jagged too. and make a new material right click the attribute and select attribute-> particle emitter->streak
  8. theres somethings about the video, the fact that the jet goes so far away and doesn't go behind the rock.... plus though i am very familiar with terragen, the fact that theres no actual perspective....i mean the mountains don't move like it would if it were actually in the scean. what i would recommend is to export the land from terragen and import it in A:M. then use teragen as a decal for the land and water( that you will need to model in to). that way you will be able to have the jet go around the mountain and have the jet reflect on the water(some thing that also bothered me). but thats just my thoughts, i hope you understand what i mean. another thing you could do is make a movie in terragen with the camera moving in sync with the movie. and set that as a background edit: plus theres no shadow on the ground either. also i would recommend using this. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...21325&st=60
  9. you need to learn particles....i'll try to find some links. till then try messing with sprites. and the blade still looks kinda round. and like i said make the handle kinda like an "s" when you do that it makes it easier to swing and hold. also it looks kinda small, make the pole longer.
  10. 1. make it less tubeish 2. the blade is to round 3.make the blade more jagged like the other weapons 4.maybe you could replace the glow with a flameish blue sprite emitter, that way when you move it its like its not solid. 5. add more shapeo the handle, make it possibly make it kinda "S" shaped. 6. make the bottom of the scythe sharp (final stab) 7.what if the sythe blade whas more....weird shaped. 8. try and make it looks so sick that the sight of it sends a chill down your spine. just like a grim reapers blade should, if the face dosn't scare you enuf . you don't have to do all of these there just some ideas from a scythe i drew a while back, when i draw a wepon i maker sure it suits the character its for and looks as cool as possible. if the characters mean or evil of the sort, i make it look as deadly as it should.
  11. O.....m......G
  12. as fruity as this sounds, how about an actual butt..... but on the straight side i think the crotch area is to much. finally his head is to small, compared to his body.
  13. sorry man, its just so....average. and yes spikes would be nice, hey maybe you could make it a tri-sythe, know what i mean?
  14. dude, nice remember.... its all in the lighting man.
  15. heak yeah that would be awsem!!!! penguin bowling!!!!!
  16. oh come on, you gotta do better than that now....make more deadly. ;}
  17. nice man, but the first one seamed weird for some reason....
  18. I'm officaly freaked....
  19. update.....OMG HES GONNA GET SQUASHED!!!! btw he want to make sure it perfect so it might be another day or two before its one the site.
  20. ok everyone i sent him the much improved replica o the required sphere set up, i'll wait and see what he thinks btw love your avatar nim
  21. yeah they didn't have an A:M version, but i am sending them the one i made. so you'll see an A:M one on there soon.
  22. Always were you been!!!! yeah i'm working on that.
  23. OK here it is so far!!!
  24. hmmmm,that might be a good idea...ill try it!
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