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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  1. What version of A:M are you using xtaz? I remember a while back, when you would make a .mov render the image would have bad color, most noticably the brightest areas were never white, they were more of a 75% grey. This could be the problem. If you render out just a simple jpg, and it has correct color, than you may not want to go with a .mov, rather a .avi.
  2. it might be this monitor - is at work on works bad laptop monitors - but i think you should make it a bit brighter :3
  3. that's awesome! I always love the look unfiltered radiosity looks; gives it a really stylized look to walls and stuff. there's a few bright spots on some of the edges, but still very cool
  4. that's an awesome model, and the bcd is freaking awesome. You a scuba diver? One thing that kinda popped out at me, the knife would be really hard to take out cause the strap is holding it to his leg at the grip. Cool character
  5. this was such a weird show. I was really little when it was on tv, and that baby dinosaur creeped me out every time x__x
  6. Not only is it a single light per room, it's also 2 ray casts per light. I should probably lower that to one ray cast, as it would lower the render times tremendously. But yeah, ambiance maps would definitely be more efficient, and you could even have random objects like desk shadows or figures to make it look realer, but i wanted to try something different. here's the full version if anyone wanted to take a look. There's also AO in it as well
  7. In trying to make a better looking lit building, instead of using an abmience map, I made each of the rooms, threw some lights in, and here's what i got.
  8. the rotoscope feature would probably be better for what you're trying to do, as things like hair and character edges will be antialiased with the background image instead of the camera color. Also, if you want to make the image more natural looking, you should deffinately look into IBL with AO
  9. i just figured out that my gradient formula for the surface falloff was backwards... so it looks super sharp for the edge. It's late right now so i'm not going to set up a render, but the difference in just the normal maps clearly shows that the new normal map is more like a liquid. the drops now look like drops instead of bottle caps
  10. i was inspired by bioshock to try and figure out how they make blood look so real. After a long time fumbling around with photoshop, to get a good looking liquid surface tension normal map, i think i got a fairly good result. The key though that I found out was blood doesn't have a white or red specular highlight, it's blue. Anyways, here's the results of my testing. BloodStain.zip BloodStain.mov
  11. that's looking awesome you should do an a:o render now. ^-^
  12. kannst du uns das Projekt, Eric zeigen?
  13. if you're going to want that paint look, you're going to have to get a version of A:M that supports hdr
  14. I'm not john, but no, the poke-a-dotted look is not what you're looking at; that comes from having to small a sample area. What you're seeing is totally different. There is a very strange anomaly that occurs when rendering radiosity, which is more noticable in closed off scenes. If you have immensely bright lights, you will eventually start to see actual shapes appear in the photon patterns that look like objects in your scene, almost like a mirror. It's easily fixable by turning jitter to full.
  15. so why did you make Spock look like he's got horns? shouldn't the ears be pointing strait up? the eyebrows are a great caricature, but in some shots they're distracting and sorta makes it look like he's wearing a bowlers cap.
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