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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by arkaos

  1. Eric, if you have v11.1, you can download v12.0n any time you want.
  2. Once again...killer animation and effects, Bruce. I checked out your website. Very cool stuff. Love the toilet duck. Pretty twisted
  3. Here is the very first test-flight of this baby. Eric, I have changed the headlights. They are not as lame as before, but still have a vintage look to them. Space Rod Test Flight
  4. Pretty wicked, there Bruce. Did you use a sprite emitter on that? Looks great!
  5. Looks cool. Just a suggestion: lighten up the background color so the text is more visible. Just a little more constrast is needed.
  6. It is typical for A:M to display some curves as line segments while in shaded or shaded/wireframe mode. It helps free up resources. It takes more mem. for the computer to draw a true spline as opposed to an approximated one. It is also relying more on the hardware rendering-which is line and vertex based. Don't worry, the software does this sort of thing on purpose. P.S. LOOOOOOVE yer character.
  7. 'Hey Arkaos....Pimp My Ride!" The latest and greatest. I, once again, completely changed the coloring. Here is a few screen-shots. Enjoy! Space_Car_Pimped.mov
  8. Wow. I think it looks great. Did you draw that by hand? If so, good one! I would like to see what it looks like attached to Rex.
  9. Great looking scene. I really like the decaling on the road surface. Nice job. Are you going to show us the fininshed animation? Would be COOL.
  10. FRICKIN' AWESOME. I LOVE IT. Where can I get that plug-in?
  11. Hello All I've been working a little more on my space car. Added a little, changed some features. Mostly been trying to find the right coloring and so on that I want. As you can see, I decided against the "musclecar" style front end. I tried it out, but I think I want a sleeker, faster look. Yes, I know the headlights are just jammed in the front instead of patched in. Not going to do any major work until I decide where I want stuff. Also, I want the patch count to be fairly low so I can actually use it in an animation on my equipment. Been spending a boatload of time tweaking materials and such to find the look I want. You know you are in too deep when you spend 4 hours doing nothing but applying, tweaking, trashing, re-applying, tweaking materials for that right look and feel. I don't have a rear end on this hummer, so no butt pics until then.
  12. Awesome character, Mr. Artbox. You have a keen eye for making simple yet totally lively characters. I can't wait to see what you do with this guy! Great work.
  13. Pix, It almost looks like the side of the fuselage is distorted in accordance with the color of the texturing behind the numbers. Check to make sure you don't have a stamp whose parent image is set to "bump", "normal" or "displacement" mapping. That is what it kind of looks like if you compare the render picture with the shaded/wire picture.
  14. I know that the flying saucer I made before was a tad plain-jane, so I gave it a slight overhaul. Introducing...."The Space Rod" As you can see, the front end isn't done (neither is the rear) and the decaling isn't taken care of yet. I am thinking of putting a mid-late 60's style grill and headlight assembly on the front. Space_Car_Spin.mov
  15. Yup, Dhar...'twas intentional I decided to go for "cool" instead of "realistic". These worlds I create so I can escape reality, not imitate it. (And I'm not really experienced enough yet to make real work.)
  16. I've been tinkering around with lighting and eventually decided to create animated overhead stage lighting rig. I placed lights in the lighting model and turned on/ tweaked the volumetric parameter for each. Each light has up/down and left/right motion with pose sliders. In this test, I only used some simple motion to see how the lighting would turn out. I have an additional Klieg attached to the camera with it's intensity around 30% to partially illuminate my character during the colored / white light transitions. I hope you like it. Stage_Light_test_02.mov
  17. arkaos


    They are both great, but for the purposes of a stage persona, I think red would go better.
  18. Nice chain movement. I think you got a winner, here!
  19. That is AWESOME. Actually I could use that effect in my current project. How'd ya do it?
  20. It doesn't really matter if it's heel to heel or ball to ball. What really matters is picking a point on the foot for reference and place the right end of the stride length ruler at the place where this point first touches the ground and the left end at the point where it last touches the ground. Be consistent and use the same point. This is why it is important to "copy keyframe" and "paste mirrored" for the keyframes of the other foot's stride, so they match in distance. You don't want one foot to stick and the other to slip. Try reviewing the "Take a Walk" tutorial. That REALLY helped me out.
  21. Here is my version with a spring-loaded cape added: Click here to watch Character-Flyby-with-Cape Some interesting things about my project file. Before this, the space captain dude was constrained to the pedestal and the pedestal tranlated though coor-space. A force was constrained to the character to provide the necessary wind for the cape. However, whenn the platform would make a turn in coord space, the added forces applied to the spring system for the cape seemed to "over stretch" the springs and the cape stretched out REALLY long in the direction opposite the turn. Previously, I did a cape test in a separate chor with the character standing still and I got excellent results. I also tried removing the wind force and the cape didn't really have any control over itself. So...I re-did the flyby chor, pedestal and character do not move, any implied motion will be from moving the scenery instead. Now the cape behaves itself during the animation. Anybody else have experience with the cloth/spring systems? Is their a better way to do it? I am very interested to hear your comments on this.
  22. Korken, A good approach would be to create a motion path via spline and constrain the chain bones to follow the path. Animate the sprocket rotation separately, maybe in a loopable action. A little tweaking should yield some good results. I've never tried it personally, but it should work. Whoops, never mind, luckbat beat me to it
  23. I've gotta say, I really love the set you built. When you get the kinks worked out of the motion, you will have an AWESOME animation, here. Very nice work. Keep it up.
  24. If ya want, I have some decent bat wings you can modify to start off with.
  25. I think Dan has elevated everyone's knowledge of texturing to an all-new high. Now it will be REALLY interesting to see what people are going to come up with! Thanks Dan! As far as sharing the model: I think Dan should show it to us IN ACTION (yeah, baby!) first. He worked hard at it, so I want to see what he will DO with it (slice and dice....oooohhh so nice!).
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