sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Gerry

  1. I've read "Nightfall" more times than I can count. I get a serious case of goosebumps just thinking about it. "The long night had come again." Makes me want to cry. Nice image!
  2. D'ohh! it uploaded without the music! Very sorry gents. I'll re-upload. Sorry. Okay, new file in the first post with music. It's not reggae, Holmes, but it's a toe-tapper! I think it's the music that will make folks watch this more than once.
  3. Thanks Robert. We have been so slammed with work I just kind of walked my boss through it with a pencil sketch even before I did the storyboards and she just let me run with it. In the past I've storyboarded and pitched three concepts and we would kick it back and forth. But there was no time this year! she hasn't seen the storyboards, the animatic or even heard the music.
  4. Here's the animatic for our Holiday animation. It's pretty rough but cobbled together mainly to get the timing to match the music. This year we actually commissioned original music!!! so we don't have to sneak around and be "careful" of who we show it to. I've already posted the animatic on YouTube and will be posting WIP renders. The actual gingerbread house was modeled and rigged by Holmes and he did a great job on it. It'll be fun to get it moving! the closing shot of the dancing company logo will be done by my cohort, Randy, so what's in the animatic is just a placeholder. I'm sure he'll do something terrific. EDIT:: THIS IS A NEWLY UPLOADED FILE WITH STEEEREO SOUND. 2010Animatic_h264.mov
  5. I'll try to do the commentary track this weekend.
  6. Yes I agree it's a little weird out of context, but really, what isn't?
  7. There's a nice interview with Bill Plympton over at CGTalk: http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=5955
  8. Hey, there's an animatic up on YouTube, mostly still shots but a couple of finished shots (including mine). This should be very *in-ta-res-ting* when it's done... Oops, sorry nance, I just saw your post! Look at the animatic, and I think your questions will be answered.
  9. You mean like, "Here's the scene where I said 'I'll be back.'"
  10. I'll try to do a commentary track this weekend. How do you envision compiling these? Will there be separate versions of everyone's shot in addition to the main composited version?
  11. Gerry

    Bus Stop WIP

    Is the .aif okay? I can convert to a .wav if you want.
  12. Gerry

    Bus Stop WIP

    here's a link to download my audio file. It's an .aif and about 10mb. Gerry audio
  13. Gerry

    Bus Stop WIP

    I deleted them to get that bottle throw to look better. If it's creating an error message in AE or whatever you're using can you do it in two separate comps?
  14. Hey, I'm working on it! Are we up against a deadline? It's about halfway done. I can probably have it for you tomorrow.
  15. Yeah Chris, it sounds like you're getting too excited about seeing a final render and not test rendering first! I'm sure most of us have been there. But for the rendering hit you're getting, it would be well worth it to test, at least some short sequences.
  16. I had a problem with my Bus Stop render where I would let my Mac render all night and only had like 20 frames done in the morning. As Robcat pointed out, the machine was set to sleep after a half hour! I had *assumed* that with a render running, the machine would keep cranking, but no, it was going to sleep on schedule. Could it be something like that? Oh and nice work, Chris! It really is a professional job!
  17. Woof! Amazing work! Alll paying gigs, or are some portfolio samples? and if there's a laptop in there somewheres, I didn't see it!
  18. Robert, I'm working on sound. Can I just send you the sound file to insert into my segment?
  19. Gerry

    Is it done?

    if it helps you out (and it sound like it would)I'll do some sound for mine. I guess I've got a few days?
  20. The specks of light really make it magical!
  21. I just checked out TurboSquid and they used to definitely have A:M models, not many but I've seen them over there, maybe 3 years ago. That apparently is gone now.
  22. Mark, excellent all around. Congratulations! And the learning is often the most valuable part on a job like this.
  23. And in the meantime how about a big thank you to Robert for taking this on!
  24. Yeah, it's amazing how the bluish shadows all by themselves really give the impression of a sunlit, outdoor scene.
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