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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by thejobe

  1. acutally that looks pretty cool to tell you the truth looks very cartoony thumbs up to that just got to make the lines a little thiner and the heads have like a grid effect on the sides jay
  2. what is there world going to look like you have an idea? jay
  3. try a flater look. just curiuos to see how that would look jay
  4. i really like the textures in the room really smooth nice work so far! jay
  5. that looks pretty cool but what is stoping the first laser when it comes out?
  6. oooo the plot thickens! is he a hero or is he a burglar that likes to climb tall buildings! i really like the shots you used, he is really starting to look more lifelike every time i see him
  7. i was bored one day and decided to see if i could model a building then i said "hey that be pretty cool to make one of those sky diners" or something like that. this is what i cameup with. sky_box.zip
  8. how about a celestrial sethola toid man im loving the feet you should keep that body as a base for toher creatures in the future jay
  9. it kind of looks like hes walking with a limp jay
  10. that is true ive made some crappy models but added some nice textures and boom its awsome looking jay
  11. that looks interseting could i try it
  12. i took his idea of trying to blur in compsition and it came out ok but if i put more passes on the DOF i think it would look better here take a look
  13. "jaw drops" wow.... thats all i can really say i mean this came out alot better than i had in my mind congrats to you my friend
  14. wow that came out alot better than my first stuff epsically the k' nex thats really cool! i liked your animation came out really nice i havent even attemped to do a movie yet so your well ahead of me. keep it up man you doing great
  15. now hes startin to move like a hero jay
  16. no please do this is good info hehe if i can get a lesson out of something i made then its all worth it 256 pass looked really good maybe ill give it a try the 25 passes took 15 mins so i say 256 passes is an hour i can live with an hour
  17. here you guys go 25 passes at 1280x1024 with DOF 15 mins to render i think i went a little overboard
  18. oh ok i see what i was doing wrong i was trying to fit it all in the 3 boxes ok let me try this and ill post it
  19. ok i cant get DOF to work ive tried for 4 hours now every possible setting and nothing can anyone point me to a tutoiral or something
  20. oooooooooooo shiny looks really cool i like how you have them floating and the reflection look good
  21. oh ok i see now so simple yet so hard and yet again so.... umm i ran out of things to say but you know what i mean. trying to do a render now trying a couple of other things as well. should have something by the end of today.
  22. i think he should move out of the apartment, the landlord must hate him for all the stuff he is doing. the noises, the thorwing tables out of windows, the falling out of windows, he needs a nice condo to live in hehe mike he is an awsome chracter. are going to be following up with any others like him? jay
  23. ok now you guys made me hungry shame on you hehe ok now i have to make a meatball pyramid hehe thx all for the feedback. actually make me feel good that i did something good. im have trouble trying to get the depth of field to work not sure what to set it at but ill figure it out im going to do it at 16 passes since it seems to come out nice that way for that resolution. ok off to make meatballs mmmm meatballs
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