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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. 3 hours ago, R Reynolds said:

     I was hoping to treat this rig like a black box but before I try to smooth out the pops by trial and error I'm going to look under the hood of the rig to see if I'm allowed to see all motion curves of all bones.

    You can create a curve for a bone by setting your Rotate, Translate and Key Bone filters, then selecting the bone and then holding SHIFT while you press the Force Keyframe button and choosing "In filtered channels" in the dialog that comes up.


    However, keyframing those bones is incompatible with the IK process. It wil be easier to get the IK poses right.

  2. 1 hour ago, fae_alba said:

    was there anything sent out for this contest. Rob you do an amazing job on these contest, and while I haven't been able to participate recently I do feel a bit of pride in achieving even an honorable mention! My wall is papered in certificates... with a special spot for this contest.

    I'm sorry!

    I know I'm behind on medals but I thought I had gotten the certificates for this one out already. 

    But I haven't. I guess I need to get to your medal and the certificates too!


  3. 1 hour ago, R Reynolds said:

    I believe I'm using IK by only moving the foot controls to position the calf and thigh bones. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that the motion curves of those bones are made available to me for correction. I can only modify the curves for the foot and toe.

    Good, IK is the way to go.

    The problem is the geometry of triangles. When the leg is nearly straight (as it should be at the moment of heel contact) any slight change in placement of the axis at the hip or ankle can cause a very visible motion in the knee joint in the middle.

    "Knee pops" are a classic problem when animating in IK. However, you don't want to give up the advantages of IK.

    A common solution is to slightly scale the length of the thigh and calf to alter the triangle so that the knee no longer pops. (It sounds wrong but big-time animators do it, none-the-less). This would be keyframed before, on and after the frame of the pop. If the Saucy rig doesn't already have a provision for this, don't try it.

    Another gambit is to alter the triangle by slightly rotating the control at the heel to vary the knee position. Again, this would be keyframed before, on and after the frame of the pop. This may be trading a pop in the knee for one in the foot, but it is possible to wrangle them both so that neither pops.

    Do the before and after keyframes first, then the one in the middle.

    Your pops are much smaller than most first walks. They might not even be noticeable if the character is distant to the camera.

    If you continue to have trouble, this would  be a cool thing to bring to Live Answer Time.




  4. 3 hours ago, Jason Simonds said:

    I think you have to have advanced checked to see more

    I tried unchecking it but I was still able to choose a file type in the dialog where a "Save As" filename is entered. But I'm not on the trial version.


    Barbara... what files appear in your

    C>Program Files>Hash Inc >V19.0>ImageIOS



  5. On 6/12/2023 at 9:14 PM, R Reynolds said:

    I've made some progress with my first walk cycle using the Saucy Rig (or any other rig for that matter). Everything below the knees looks OK but both upper legs have noticeable tremors (see video). Have I messed up the rig installation or do my bones need re-positioning?

    Those are often called "knee pops"

    I don't know much about the Saucy Rig. Are you doing this in FK or IK?

  6. @Roger @Shelton


    One more thing... when you have more than one program in your "Solution", RMBon one program and choose "Set as Startup Project" to make it the one that runs when you press the green triangle.



    I got my assignment done. Looking forward to seeing all of yours next Sunday!


  7. We're rolling!

    Assignment for Week 2:

    • Everything in Week 1 if you haven't done it already.
    • Watch Lesson 1 in the Udemy course. No assignment.
    • Skip Lessons 2 and 3. They are mostly about John Purcell's particular Mac environment.
    • Watch Lesson 4. Assignment: Your own "Hello world" program, typed from scratch.
    • Watch Lesson 5. Assignment: Make a program that will print a picture made with several lines of "cout" text.



    • Watch John Purcell type in his programs and type in the same into your Visual Studio. Do all the little tests and experiments that he does along the way.
    • Use the skills you learned to make your own version of the lesson for the assignment. But as a minimum... get a working version of John Purcell's project going.
    • Get started early! Don't wait until the day of class to try coding the lesson!


    We're meeting at 7:30PM CDT next Sunday. Bring your projects to show and tell. If they don't work... we'll debug them!

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/9/2023 at 7:06 PM, Roger said:

    I'm reminded of a Dennis Miller bit:   "the day some retired iron worker can put on a headset and have a completely believable experience where he is banging Claudia Schiffer, is the day the human race goes extinct" 


    I recall when I worked at Nortel they announced a device that would allow people to shake hands over the internet, like for shaking hands on a deal that has just been done. I'm sure it had other uses.

    I don't know what became of it.

  9. I don't think the public expects the Holodeck, they know that's impossible. But these various VR goggles will have to present some experience nearly as compelling as that to lure the general public into making a habit of wearing these and paying a premium fee for it.

    Planes were introduced and proved their use long before The Enterprise so they never had that comparison problem. Planes won market acceptance by offering a clearly faster alternative to something people were sick of... train and bus travel.

    VR goggles are a superior replacement for... what? What essential activity?  I'm not sure what that is yet. None of the VR uses being demoed look like such a thing.

    I can imagine valid uses for architects and car designers and military planners, etc., but that's not a mass market.




  10. On a related note, the voice assistant business is doing poorly. Although commanding your appliances by talking to them is a long-standing futuristic vision, few people want to have any conversations with their appliances that will make money for the smart appliance makers.


    Amazon Alexa is a “colossal failure,” on pace to lose $10 billion this year



    Alexa has been around for 10 years and has been a trailblazing voice assistant that was copied quite a bit by Google and Apple. Alexa never managed to create an ongoing revenue stream, though, so Alexa doesn't really make any money...

    ...the hope was that people would buy things on Amazon via their voice. Not many people want to trust an AI with spending their money or buying an item without seeing a picture or reading reviews. The report says that by year four of the Alexa experiment, "Alexa was getting a billion interactions a week, but most of those conversations were trivial commands to play music or ask about the weather." Those questions aren't monetizable.



    Microsoft seems to have given up on Cortana for similar reasons.

  11. When Apple introduced the iPhone and the iPad, they both did more than anyone expected, at a great price.

    These Vision Goggles maybe partially approach expectations, at a price most people won't consider paying.

    I don't think this is a case of Steve Job's "How can people know what they want if they haven't seen it yet?"

    People have "known" what VR is meant to be at least since the Star Trek "Holodeck" in the 80s. The apps that have been demonstrated for the Apple Vision don't com close to expectations and dont' seem to present any new "wow, I need that!" ideas.

    Microsoft has recently scaled down its Hololens development, perhaps sensing that the market for this won't justify the dev costs.

  12. 18 minutes ago, R Reynolds said:

     Its biggest downside was that it made me think that 24 frames was a sufficient cycle length. Once I got a quasi-workable left leg cycle I realized how wrong that was

    You can bounding-box select your keyframes and stretch the cycle to any duration you want.

    Also, a walk cycle on a path will scale its duration to traverse the path in the specified time.

  13. On 6/5/2023 at 2:52 PM, R Reynolds said:

    I'm working on my very first human walk cycle.

    (My hat's off to anyone who gets a believable cycle without days (weeks?!) worth of tweaking.)

    When I was taking AnimationMentor classes, there was a lecture that began with a montage of several studio animators each revealing what they dreaded animating most... walks!  :angry:

    Convincing walks are hard to do and harder if you are doing a walk cycle. What ever is wrong with it becomes more obvious as the cycle repeats. :facepalm:

  14. Hi Roger,

    I don't recall a switch but I think the key is to have the action "Length" equal to the time of the end-of-cycle keyframe that is a copy of the start-of-cycle keyframe.

    That seems to work in this sample PRJ.

    Robot05k2 egg .prj

    If you are watching your cycle in in real time you will want your Play Range set to be no longer than your last frame. When I had a slower computer I think I had to set the Play Range one frame short but when I look at this project today it doesn't seem to need that.



  15. 6 hours ago, pixelplucker said:

    No patch for error loading files from a nas? Seemed long file path names crashed v19 when trying to load a prj. I had posted in bug reports.

    Ended back with the cd version.


    Do you have an AM reports issue number for that?


    @Rodney @Roger @Shelton Robbie

    For our first meeting you will want to get four things done.

    1.  Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 "Community" edition
    2. Sign up for a free account to Udemy.com.  Enroll in free Udemy course "C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners" and watch Lesson 1 "Introducing C++"
    3. Get a personal Google Account so you will be able to attend our Google Meet sessions.
    4. Get the computer you will use to do C++ set up with a microphone and earphones so you can participate in our Google Meet session. No camera needed.


    Getting Visual Studio...

    VS 01 community.jpg


    • You will be prompted to save a setup file. Save it to where you can find it, like to your desktop...

    VS 02 SetUp.jpg

    Run the Setup file. It will lead you through several steps...


    VS 03 VS Iinstaller.jpg

    • The installer will give you many options for downloads. Uncheck everything except "Desktop development with C++"

    VS 04 C++.jpg

    We'll check your installation at our first meeting. You will be able to add


    Getting course at Udemy...

    When you put "C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners" in the Udemy search bar you should get an option for a course taught by John Purcell.  Choose than one! It is free.

    Udemy 01.jpg



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