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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. SHIFT+6 is the keyboard short cut for "Toggle Back Face culling".

    However, it sounds like Mark's issue is more involved, something to do with the limitations of Windows on ARM. Now that I know what an M processor is I'm surprised it works at all. It's much different than running A:M on an Intel Mac.

    Something to try... is going to Tools>Options>Global and switching the OpenGL/OpenGl3 choice.

    Another thing to try... Tools>Options>OpenGL> Inverse Sortorder

    I've read that Windows ARM can run typical Intel-based office apps OK but doesn't do well with games... AKA anything with demanding graphics.

    It's possible that graphics performance may improve with future Windows ARM releases. It's possible that some future version of Visual Studio may be able to spit out a native ARM version of A:M without drastic changes to the existing code.

  2. I'll tag @largento so he sees your question.

    In the mean time I found this tut on the web. Perhaps this gets you the number you need



    How To Locate Host ID On Windows 10 Laptop and PCs?

    Step 1: You need to open the Run box by pressing holding the Windows + R key simultaneously. 

    Step 2: Once the Run box is open type in 'cmd' to open the command prompt.

    Step 3: Now, in the command box type in ipconfig/all and press enter. This will open up the Windows IP configuration, Ethernet adapter, wireless LAN adapter, and other details.

    Step 4: The 12-digit number mentioned in front of [I think they really mean "after"] the Physical address is what you need.

    Step 5: Notably, once you will be using the Physical address (Host ID), make sure you have removed the dashes/hyphens. This is one of the easiest ways to know the Host ID of your Windows laptop or PCs. Notably, the Host ID's can also be obtained using Linux and Mac OS.

    Read more at: https://www.gizbot.com/how-to/features/what-is-windows-10-host-id-how-to-find-it-074055.html



  3. I've never tried a "Spring System" before!

    They were introduced as part of the previous cloth system. Although that scheme is gone, the tools for making springs are still there.


    Unfortunately, the essential "bone to spring" constraint seems not to survive a save and reload. That will be a bug to report.





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  4. I notice the mouth of the minotaur also has no outlines and looks like a rigid shape flapping around.

    My thumbnail theory is that the no-outine stuff is 3D done as a desperate last-minute fix, but if so... why did that get a more prominent credit than the 2D animators?

    Unless the people on that list only did exceedingly tiny things and the real animators are credited earlier as something more than just "animator"?

  5. Here's a making-of/post-mortem Zoom chat by several of the creators.

    I have NOT watched all 1 hour and 45 minutes of it, but it seems to have been a school project and maybe somewhat less than a year elapsed in the production.

    One person animated a minute of it, which is an unusually large contribution considering how many other animators are credited.



    IMDb has this bit... "Made as a final thesis film at the acclaimed Savannah College of Art & Design".

    I have no idea how that works. I presumed thesis projects were primarily one person's work.

  6. That's cute. Until the king said that was a cat I didn't recognize it as a cat.

    I notice they are adding line boil for keep-alive during some holds, but not always .

    The drawing style reminds me of "Invader Zim".

    I like how they just use a soft focus on outlines (and less saturated color) to suggest distance  rather than a more obvious "depth of field"  lens blur.



    After I wrote that, I noticed this shot where they did use an obvious blur. Why does the "horse" not have outlines when everything else does?


    I'm not sure I got the ending.

    Enormous crew! But I didn't see any studio name? Was it a school project somewhere?

    I wonder how long it all took.

  7. On 2/7/2023 at 11:25 PM, Roger said:

    I wonder what they would have thought about Ozzy Osbourne,  Public Enemy or Kiss?   Or Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus, for some slightly more current entertainers.  I'm not sure there are any more super groups or rock bands as we knew them, seems to be mostly solo acts with a backup band that is in the background (if there even is a band).


    I'm sure those 1960s adults would judge any of those acts as "worse" but none of those acts would have ever entered the serious adult conversation enough that voicing an opinion was even needed.

    The jazz age had already been full of figures who were drug addicts and/or crime related but none of that ever seriously penetrated the normal adult daily scene and there was a general consensus that heroin and the mob were bad anyway.

    Serious adults talked about Congress and corporations and communism, not the music on the radio or singers' haircuts. But they couldn't avoid the Beatles.

    Consider that in the 20 years from 1940 to 1959 Frank Sinatra got 104 mentions in the NY Times. In the six years from 1964-1969, The Beatles were mentioned 552 times. In the 1964-65 Beatlemania period they were averaging a mention every other day. No other entertainment act was getting that sort of recurring attention in serious adult media.

    Elvis came close, but after two years he got carted off to the Army and when he came back he was mostly a parody of himself. Not a serious threat anymore.

    The Beatles were just four kids, not CEOs or generals or senators... the sort of people adults thought should be getting attention.  The adult standards for what mattered seemed to be getting turned upside down and they couldn't figure it out.

    Adults today have grown up with the media treating entertainment figures as if they were significant, but adults back then had not encountered that yet and they were exasperated by it.


  8. Here is some weirdness. I put a job on NetRender but it was rendering painfully slow. The some of the frames were taking way longer than in A:M.

    When I got up the resource monitor I found that somehow the slower efficiency cores were getting first priority; if only four frames were rendering they were all that was getting used. And only running the CPU at about half its top speed. 😮

    I don't know if this is a Windows problem or a NetRender problem.

    Efficiency Cores.jpg



  9. If you didn't live through those years, it's probably hard to imagine the hysteria. There hasn't been anything like it since.

    In those years I never heard adults discuss pop culture except... they did talk about the Beatles. When my parents would have their adult friends over for dinners, the Beatles would eventually come up. They were baffled it, they were exasperated by it. They could not fathom why anyone liked the Beatles and it was proof to them that kids were just stupid.

    "That hair!" and "They just jump around and scream like a bunch of monkeys!" were typical comments that would come up. They were sure it had to be a fad that would go away, but it wasn't going away. Adults found it all to be very alarming.


    Here is the original 1964 Ed Sullivan appearance.

    Four #1 hits in one show!


    Alternate Vimeo link:


  10. 1 hour ago, R Reynolds said:

     with an alpha map based on luminance so it should appear as a fuzzy white oval.

    This where the scheme begins to go wrong.

    Consider that the result of alpha semi-transparency is to mix some of the color of the RGB image with the color of whatever it is overlaying. A 75% transparency value will create a 25/75 mix of image color vs. the background color

    However, since your alpha transparency is based on the gray value (luminance) of the fuzzy oval image,  then... for example... at a point where the transparency channel represents 75% transparency it is taking it image color info from a pixel that is not white, but dark gray. The renderer will mix 75% background color and 25% dark gray.

    It's basically the halo problem, but big.

    Try this version...

    Do you have Photoshop? Or some other Photoshop plugin-compatible paint program?

    There is a plugin that will simplify the creation of decals such as you want to make here.

  11. Avatar probably isn't going to make it to $3 Billion by the end of February.

    It only added about $16 million Domestic since last weekend and the WW total is stalled around $2.17 Billion.

    Maybe it will make $2.5 Billion by the time it leaves theaters, maybe into Spring.

    But It's done well. I think it will be deemed profitable, more than enough to warrant a wide release of the sequel they already have in the can.

    I still haven't seen it however.

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