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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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  • Interests
    3D-2D-Abstract Art-Cartoon-Surreal-expressionistic-illustration.
  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    AMD Phenom Tripple Core... 3 GIG RAM.... ATI RADEON X1600 PRO 512MB PCI Xpress.

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  • Name
    Robert A. Harris
  • Location
    Toronto Canada.

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Prolific (6/10)



  1. Cute little guy
  2. Ah ok, I have been racking my brain for weeks as to how to go about modeling hands. one of the toughest things for me..
  3. Yeah had the same problem when I was working on the illustrations for my kids book, real annoying. Dunno if it's a video card issue or bug. nice model, did you model the hands?
  4. Nice fly I like him, is that toonrender?
  5. Very nice work, I love the elephants they are creatively designed and funny. One thing I did not like was the use of real images as backgrounds, they did not flow well with the overall design and style. I am not an animation guy so I can't critique it But overall you guys did a great job!
  6. Great job Stian! looks very real.
  7. Was 'Piper Penguin and his Fantastic Flying Machines" done entirely in A:M?
  8. Great stuff Cronos!
  9. Great job on the car Stian!
  10. Thats pretty sweet, I would like to see how this displacement texturing works..
  11. I like it I have tried this in the past with no decent success. May I see a wire-frame.
  12. Thank you very much Nancy.......
  13. First I want to thank everyone who helped me with my book; it's completed and turned just as I wanted it.. This is only a tease of a few pages, the full book will be available in April on amazon... please feel free to leave a comment on the site where the book is posted... http://issuu.com/darklimitarts/docs/bookpreview
  14. Much Thanks Nancy That site helped alot....... I have updated Howie to look a bit older than a toddler this way he can fit in a bit more and be more relatable to kids...... I have also posted the cover to my book; there will be a web version and the book will also be available for purchase.. Am currently moving along with the illustrations and story, my goal is to publish April 1st or latest end of April..... I will be posting a couple pages next so you have an idea how the story flows...
  15. robcat2075 - yeah I was not to found of the teeth also so I tweaked it, looks more friendly now I think... higginsdj - my plan was to keep the sun more 2D so there is contrast between both characters, but prob that did not work so I took ur advice and made it 3D...
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