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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by xor

  1. Scary. In a good kind of way. Should be easy to animate with her being all stiff and all.
  2. I haven't modelled either, but I would definitely say it looks like the bike would be harder, but I think the bike looks cooler though. Keep us posted when you get the other decals added and any improvements you make.
  3. Lookin' good. I notice the engine is somewhat hidden behind the cowling. Is the engine fully modelled? Or not, since it isn't in view? How about a view from different angles?
  4. Cool, I'll have to check those out. Thanks guys! Maybe see if they have those $5 sound effects CD's too.
  5. Thanks Wade. It's pretty much all there. Looks not bad, but sound effects are definitely needed and something to fill in the dead air in between.
  6. Hey all, I've finally gotten to getting my animation together, but now I'm in need of good sounds (i've got some, but some lame ones as well). I'm also looking for possibly some good background music perhaps. Here's my intro . . . as a teaser. http://www.mtaonline.net/~7ohms/intro.mpg
  7. That was awesome. Had to watch it a dozen times with my daughters. They loved it!! The movement of all the characters is classic. And I love the afro at the end. BTW, what's the commercial for??
  8. That video clip is awesome. I love the movement of the hair. Too bad about the crashing and losing the hair, but at least you got the model saved. Let us know when all is back to normal. I'd like to see some more testing. Maybe see her jump up and down a whole lot. For the hair movement, of course.
  9. Sweeeeeeeeeeet!!! That was superb. I liked the combining of all the elements that you used. Nicely done.
  10. Excellent work. One thing I've gotta say though, about the ice, is Sweeeeeet !
  11. Looks great, but her butt is kinda flat. Can you J-Lo her booty?
  12. Your brothers car lacks an engine, tires, seats . . . Actually, it looks good so far. Look forward to seeing the progress on this. I enjoy watching the progress on cars being modelled. Mostly so I can learn. I did a car once. It's since been deleted (for good reason). So, after watching some pros, I might be able to create something worth saving next time.
  13. Awesome job. I hope you get the job. The movement and all is nice and smooth. That's plenty of wood there. I bet you're glad they aren't expecting each nail and/or screw to be animated.
  14. Gee William, when you've shown us little clips here and there of what you were working on, I imagined a short 30 min show on TV. This is much bigger. Looks pretty funny. I'll definitely check it out. Good work on the CG too.
  15. Awesome work. Nice and fluid. Good character animation. And everything that everyone else already said. Kudos!
  16. Looks pretty good. I had to view it a few times to see what exactly was going on since it's pretty quick and the lighting needs work. But you already mentioned that, so you're aware of that need. Anyway, I would like to see a little more of the spider prior to this chase sequence and then this shot. Ya know, a little setup. But I'm sure you probably have that in the works already. I just want it now is all.
  17. That's awesome. I love all your animations from the showdown. The weekly challenge (really just 4 hours, no doubt) has definitely got to be helping you with honing your animating skills. I am in awe. Now was that an action that you repeated in the choreagraphy? Or was it all animated just in the choreagraphy?
  18. I knew it was missing, but thought I'd run without it and see. Thanks for pointing out that it is an obvious ommision. I shall rectify that before I render a larger view. Yeah, I think alot of us are hungry while coming up with our ideas. The macaroni guy (MAC) was actually the first model I concieved 4 years ago before recieving my first copy of AM.
  19. Thanks John. I originally wanted to do this in 3D, but just couldn't model the Macaroni guy without some bad artifacts on his belly where the 5 points from each appendage comes together. Toon render hides this well. I originally put a decal on his chest (like a superhero) to hide the artifacts, but it just didn't look right.
  20. Dang, I like everyone's ideas. Mmmmmmmmmmm, do I smell a series? Oh no wait, that's just the Smore's from KingSalamis idea.
  21. Thanks. I've enjoyed it so far. I still have a lot more to do, but it's going smoothly so far. I definitely see the point to storyboarding. Geez, I've tried to animate before without a storyboard and just an idea. That doesn't go too far. Not with me anyway. This time I've got the whole storyboard and it keeps everything in perspective and helps with setting up scenes.
  22. Okay, I've a few scenes to throw together as a teaser for you all. Everyone here shares their work so well, so I thought I'd share some of mine. I don't have alot of time at times to post my progress, but I've got a little bit here to share. There's no sound at this point. I'll add all that to the finished product. http://www.mtaonline.net/~7ohms/3D/index.html Up for C&C. Later.
  23. That was pretty good. My daughter (3 years old) and I enjoyed it. I hope you were able to extract that money from the PC. Looks like your characters enjoyed themselves.
  24. Sweet modelling there Grubber. I drew up an idea for a robot (i know, yours is a mech) and seeing yours, mine looks like a beat up garbage can on wheels in comparison. Actually I think I might actually try that. Might be fun. Anyway, I digress. I do appreciate how each you made each joint. I hope the rigging goes well for you.
  25. Hey, that school of mermen sounds like a good idea. I'd definitely like to see that in action. I'll be anxiously looking for it. (i'll be patient though)
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