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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by gschumsky

  1. Thankth Nanthy!
  2. Supposedly I'm the final pick for his voice, so as a suggestion, the voice I've come up with for HG is kind of dopey with a nice lisp ("thay" instead of say). I'll be recording the latest scratch track (I say this because it won't be in a studio yet) tonight, and can post it to my site. Greg
  3. Amazing Will! I too will have to get the Siggraph videos (there's probably a lot of great tutes on it that are well worth the coinage).
  4. Well, I know my 9 year old son would like it. The animation kind of reminds me of Jimmy Neutron (that's good), and my son likes science (and animation). I think you did a great job. As far as the pacing, that seems pretty typical in educational videos, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Greg
  5. That's more of a reflection, although I did go back and make some tweaks to the tank, thanks to the magic of the distortion box (I can't believe I've never used that, in 10 years...). Unlike most tanks, the Rune tank is very low profile, wide, and flat somewhat on the sides (with a slight bulge right below the word Rune). Tired now. Will post more tomorrow night. Thanks for the great feedback.
  6. Well, it's been a while since I had any chance to do any modeling, so I thought the best way was to model something I'm really interested in...The Honda Rune. So far I have the back fender, front fender, and gas tank (thanks to help on the main forum). Got a ways to go, but it's coming along. I am basing this off of some press photos (top and side views, but they don't quite match...), as well as a little scale model I have. Someday soon I'll be able to fork out the $25k or so to buy a real one. In the meantime I've been developing hardbags for the Rune, which will be available in less than a month (if you have a Rune...or VTX 1800). Comments are welcome. [attachmentid=18278] [attachmentid=18279]
  7. I assume you meant to write, "Spelling mistakes end up in the trash"... Yes, I edited it. Okay, so one for me. Btw, never trust MS Word's grammar checker. I believe it was coded by Bill himself. Here's an example of one of my students' work. She was a senior, valedictorian to be, and her treatment was horribly misspelled. One of the words was supposed to be "meet", though she had meit, or something like that. I gave her the benefit of the doubt (though in my High School days our spell checker was a dictionary), and let her turn it in the next day, as long as the words were corrected. She did, and they were. "Meit" had become "Meat"...as in "The man went to go meat with his friends". She got an F. Now back to our regularly scheduled Star Wars discussion.
  8. is that an insult or what? No. I'm just tired of seeing people on this board who can't spell...unless of course you're from a different country and English is not your native language. I used to be a film teacher at a high school, and time and again I'd have students (Seniors no less) turn in treatments or scripts that had really bad spelling mistakes. Their excuse? " My spell checker was broken." So, though not an insult, think of this more as a piece of advice. Because you are a really good modeler and can really go far in this business if you so desire. BUT, one of the requirements from ANY employer is good communication skills. Both writing and speaking. No one will hire you, or keep you on board long if your spelling sucks. Also, if you submit a resume to any company (which they look at before even looking at your work), and there are any typos, there's a good chance it'll end up in the trash. So, take it as I said as a piece of advice. And, like I said, nice modeling. Just an example: ceperate should be separate... eatch should be each... Your first impression with any potential employer is your resume. Spelling mistakes end up the trash. edit: whoops! See, I forgot to add "in"... doh!
  9. Actually those are more 70's....(and you call yourself a designer). Excellent modeling. Can't wait to see the rest! (btw, good thing you model better than you spell...)
  10. Nice model Rusty. So did you plan on having the camera snap right to match the music? As far as the ship, only comment is BIGGER! As far as the camera work, if I were shooting Steadicam for this (though this could be a combination of a steadicam/crane shot), I'd start at the back smoothly coming down the aisle, passing the control panels. As you near the captains chair, continue on that same path, but pan left focused on the chair, not breaking the flow. Then through the window still focused on the chair, and once enough of the ship is revealed, slow arc out to the rear of the ship...think smooth sweeping view. No sudden camera jerks or moves. As you approcah the back of the ship (about 8/10ths of the way), I'd have the camera elevator up, continuing in the arc/sweep. Try and remember the key target, the captain's chair, so when you're dead center just above and behind the ship, you're looking down the length of it. Also, I'd end up a tad lower so the ship shows its size, revealing the cool nurnies. Not that I know anything about Stedicam work
  11. Looks like it's going to be a fun project. We watched "Batman Begins" this weekend and I'd say that Batmobile is second coolest to the original one (okay, the Keaton one was pretty slick too). True story: A local movie car collector lived nearby (he passed away a few years ago from what I heard), and he had one of the original Batmobiles from the show, and ended up getting the license to make more. So at one time he had about 10 in his yard. That was a pretty cool car.
  12. That all depends on what codec he used. Anything made with QT7 will work fine (or should) in 6.5.2 as long as it's not h263 or another QT7 only codec. Mpeg4 should work fine, as well as good old Sorenson 3. All the videos in our game were Sorenson done in QT7, but Apple only lets developers ship 6.5.2 with products. Did the same with Mpeg4 movies and they played back fine in 6.5.2. Greg
  13. Nice work xTaz. As far as the flat trees and lack of road grime, I guess that depends on what this is going to be used for. I have a friend who used to work for a big 3D company that did nothing but architectural mockups and walkthroughs, and they always had flat trees and clean streets/buildings. He now works at home and has a number of prominent clients (San Diego Zoo for one), and the work still looks the same. The goal is to make it look as good as possible in the littlest amount of time, both in modeling and rendering. He gets paid by the job, not by the hour, and he usually turns out 30-60 seconds of animation in a couple weeks. So, I'd say your work is right on the mark. Greg
  14. I like lens flares... But then being an old film guy, I think they add some realism and depth, and even drama. As long as they're not overdone that is.
  15. gschumsky

    New Creature

    Wow. Nice stuff there Cory. Greg
  16. Nice work Dennis. I kinda like the darker sky...seems more forboding. Reminds me of the sky in one of the old Star Trek episodes where there's a shootout at the OK Corral, except the sky was red...
  17. gschumsky

    New Creature

    Are the links dead? I get a page cannot be found... OKay, well, it was the links early in the thread (the 1st movie, and the sketch) that did not work. But the one for the mapped version did... Wow...pretty scary. Unless it's the size of a dust mite. Nice work Cory! (can we see the sketches? I like to see how people go from the idea to the workign piece) Greg
  18. Wow.... That was pretty impressive. Nice work Noah. Thanks for sharing! Greg
  19. Anything special needed to see this? Windows media player opened, then finally connected and played some sound with the wmp sound particle generator/fx thingy going on. No video though (on Win2000). Greg
  20. So what do you plan on doing with it? Nice beginning model though.
  21. I never found clowns scary...until now.
  22. Nice work guys, Can't wait to see him come to life!
  23. And if you noticed the female pilot, she's one of the characters of our upcoming video game (and possibly comic books). Bill is a great artist, to say the least.
  24. Thanks Matt. Yeah, a lot of outdoor stuff, but then again there will be a fair amount of indoor play, and if we could get both flight and vehicle (motorcycle) simulation, then we'd have the engine of choice. And we really need to compete head to head, really. I'll have to have a heart to heart with the Unreal guys at the upcoming E3...
  25. I was looking at Id's site, and they have the Quake 1 and 2 engines now in the public domain, so they're free under the GNU agreement, or $10,000 if you want to keep any modifications to the engine for yourself. Not bad, since those were used for a ton of games, inc. Doom, Quake, Unreal, Wolfenstein, etc, and have great networking code. But we're really looking to compete head to head with games that are out now (I mean really compete). So, the modding the game might be the way to go by adding our own characters (can we change the storyline too, or is it restricted to maps and characters?). Also, is their a flight sim in Doom? We have quite a few air battles planned out. Otherwise we might go with the free Quake 2 engine to get funding for Quake 3, as long as the stuff we make is forward compatible. Thanks Matt and Dan for the great stuff you've been doing, and helping me to see there are some great alternatives (we had been thinking of Torque as well). Greg edi: Okay, Unreal is a different engine..but still, free for the Quake 1 and 2 engines.
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