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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jamagica

  1. don't try the idea I posted up...I thought of it before I tried it...it doesn't work at all. Just use CP Weightiing to do it
  2. wow! great model for a very low patch count! Holy crap that's not a lot of patches...nice
  3. I have an idea...let's say you have your mattress and you divide it into 4 sections (top view): The red crosses represent nulls that you put in the middle of each segment. Each of the blue circles are bones. The bones should not be a child of the null. At each corner of the null there should be 2/3 bones that are lined up in orientation to the corner. They should be divided evenly. The bones should not be parents/children of other bones. Also, between each corner of the null put a set of bones. In the end it should look like a spiral of bones. In the diagram I only put "bones" in the first section, that's because I was too lazy to add some to the other corners...but you put bones in every corner like that...remember...no hierchies. Now, among each bone in each corner, assign points evenly. You're now ready to set up constraints. Create a new pose/action. in the first corner or section of the bed select one of the bones closest to the null. Any corner will work..you'll have to apply the same constraints to the other bones too. With compensate mode ON, create a new translate to constraint and use the eye dropper to select the null. The enforcement should be 90 percent. Select the next bone that's second furthest from the null (that's in the same arrangement as the first bone you applied a constraint to). Apply a translate to constraint with compensate mode on and this time make the enforcement 50 or 40 percent. Do the same thing for the last bone (if you have three bones) and make the enforcement 20 or 10 percent. Apply these same procedures to the other lines of bones that are next to the same null...now when you translate the null, the section of the matress evenly follows the null in a sphere/dome-like shape. Do this for all of the sections and their own nulls. The more sections you have, the more control you have. The more bones you have, the more shape variation you can get. If you post up the model file I can rig the thing for you with advanced poses that can vary the enforcements in order to change the shape of sections and stuff. Just post up the model...and I'll be happy to rig... talk to you later
  4. homestarrunner!!! sweet.....did you do that in A:M?
  5. oh alright, man...thanks for telling me! In the future I'll make animations that associate with that.
  6. iz a threat...not attack...and gazz, I know exactly where you're coming from...however this guy is a robot. He's probably as tall as the Sears Tower..he's huge...if I wanted to make him look like nature's real creature, I would've spent more than the two hours I did on this animation
  7. please critique...by the way
  8. I love animating this guy...this time I just made a short 5 second clip of his threat...here's a screen shot: spider_threats.mov
  9. the second animation...how did you make the spin turn into a blurred motion like the real thing? also, I think you have have the timing right...you just gotta make the plane faster....the front wheel lands at the perfect time. Landing must happen very gradually. That part is fine...just speed up the actually speed of the plane
  10. pretty good overall...put some moving holds in there! right now it looks very "freezy".. the springing looks very weird. Springing upward wouldn't be a faster/stronger force than coming down...they'd be about the same...make the springing action of up/down about the same speed.
  11. yes you can...rotoscopes can be used in Hash A:M too...jpatch looks kinda basic to me...one of their newest updates was a rotate manipulator. I know it's a free program, so it's gotta be less complex, but still. If you like Jpatch you should purchase A:M because it probably has many more modeling features than you may think.
  12. it doesn't matter now, since I got it uploaded, but... I don't see an option for creating a rar archive...anything I have to install?
  13. they don't look wooden...take off some of that specularity so it doesn't match up with the gold material
  14. can't find it...what's it called?
  15. hmmm...I don't know what plug you're talking about...i'll search for it
  16. mmhmmmm...feedback I want -yoda
  17. That's right...finally figured out a way to get the zip up online: 250free.com/downloads just right click/save as...please do not open the zip through the web server as I do have very limited bandwidth a pic of the finished rig:
  18. wow...that's awesome...it looks like his skin is melting and expanding. This actually could be useful for visual effects..if you've seen indian Jones and the last crusade...the part when the stupid guy chooses the wrong goblet and turns to the skeleton. If you expirement right, this effect could possibly be achieved
  19. those look great! One thing though...the ark of the covenant has wodden handles that go across those bars. They aren't part of the actual ark. The only way to carry the ark without death was by adding handles
  20. hmmm...out of all the things I try to learn, seriously don't know how to make a rar compression folder
  21. Ok..now i have a roll target so tha spider can move it's thang'
  22. still havent' figured out...for the time being I'm still improving the rig....now I have a "hybrid" fang control bone so you can move both fangs at one time, and you can also move them individually using the relationship null
  23. yes....right now I'm trying to figure out how to double-compress it...I put it in a zip and it's barely over 1 mb...it's 1.32. Gre, how did you double compress your file using two zips? I tried that, but the file size stays the same
  24. dude..dan...if you created hundreds of diff. types of buildings, you could build a realistic city...it looks like you just cropped that building out of a picture and added a new light set...how did you go about starting?
  25. Here's an overall shot of the rig: in the next posts I make I will break down each part and explain alright...the first thing is the sweetest part...the fang null. This is not an ordinary null. If you move this up the y axis, the right fang swings to the side....across the x axis means the other fang swings to the side. Limits are set on this null for maximum organization and efficiency. The next pic is a closeup on the "butt null"..haha I love saying that. Move this around and the abdomen follows it. That way you don't have to worry about having to grab the right bone. Finally, with the option On as shown in the last pic, you can view all of the nulls to completely control each joint of each leg...this is a very good feature for touching up when there's a problem with leg seappage or popping. It also looks very cool
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