Wookiee not Wookie
Nah. The wookiee life cycle is about 20 years longer than most Correlians (humans) and he's about 25 in Episode III. I'm so excited that they're finally putting Kashyyk in the movies! It's so cool there! Near the beaches, they live in these neat huts, and then deeper into the forest, where the trees go up thousands of feet (wookiees get comfort from being up high), they live in huts built into the side of trees. Then they have elevators which take them to the underlevels. Their are dangerous creatures down there, and they have to kill one of them and make a belt out of its tongue for their Rite of Passage into adulthood. They usually bring their entire family to help them hold its mouth open, as it has lightning reflexes in its mouth, but a few try to go out alone, most of which have been killed or lost for a long period of time. Chewbacca's cousin, Lowbacca, got hurt when he tried to go out alone. I'm not sure if Chewbacca fights in Episode III when the wookiees are defending the beac, but his father, Shilattyltak (not sure if I spelled it right) definitely does, and I think he dies.
I could go on much longer, but I assume none of you came here for a Star Wars species lesson... Back to the Star Wars forums to post the other 3 pages I typed.
I love that model, BTW! I'm gonna try to make a realistic-looking one when I update from v10.5...