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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Interests
    _making & baking sourdough breads , sculpting a chess set almost done, reading supence, walking through our Maine woods animating my movie Just A Wooden Sword and praying our son always returns home safe.<br />,
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  • Name
    Kathryn whitaker
  • Location
    new sharon maine

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  1. Hi everyone just wanted to let you know why its been so quite from here, we've just sold our home In Maine and we'er packing up thirty years of east cost and relocating in chula Vista San Diego California. But I'll get back to the movie, it may take a few months to get settled but I'll be back. So all you creators keep creating kat
  2. congratulations Mark! i had never heard of duplicators you could run a class. your so talented.
  3. Thank you Robcat, always
  4. Hi Mark, I do think about what I'll do when the movie's done, it's been like a old friend, I remember the empty void that occurrs upon competition of a long project. Wizard Galvin is there, I didn't add it to the clip I posted, trying to save a bit of the mystery. Thanks for commenting, I know you have your hands full with the completion of Wobbling Dead, which I can't wait to see.
  5. Thanks Steve, still here, just get lost in the production, and the confusion of it all. Nice to hear from you.
  6. Hello All, Been one of those winters. As you can see by the two pieces, still working in the witch's house. getting close to end. Hope everyone is well IN_THE_MEAN__TIME_welcome.mov
  7. Take it slow, mind the doctor otders, so glad your back at home, look forward to some more fun animation. Good luck Jean.
  8. Ahhh, Jean that's terrible, hope your going to be alright, and recovery comes swiftly.
  9. Hi Jack you have amazing cast and background scenes I'm looking foward to 2014 to see you story. I'll be looking foward towards it's completion.
  10. Great intro Wildsided, I love the camera shots, music really dark, fits so well.
  11. Merry Jolly Christmas to all. Lots of things happening inside witch Lena's house, here's a tiny clip. I've added more to my web site, kathrynwhitaker.com (fantasy creation) with more to come, check back often. as always thanks for watching, Kat CHANGE.mp4
  12. O yes she fits perfectly ..wildsided..ghostly weldone
  13. Hi Nancy it's not French, I named my leaf fairy that because they all had thier own leavies. My working pc just stopped working.So I'm on my kindle fire. No editing from it. But when I get it back from the pc repair I"'ll do some editing love your suggestions thank you always Nancy
  14. Thank you largento, I love your site. and the Wobbling Dead any critic will help Mark,
  15. MyThanks Rob, my eyes are so blurry from reading all the things I need to add and fix.
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