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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. Hey- where's her PURSE! Your friends would all walk away and when you wake-up there would be different people at the table! My nephew was ADD and supposed to take ridalin- but we would give him COFFEE instead, calmed him right down. GLAD we never stuck to ridalyn - boys are developing breasts after 15 years on it !!!
  2. GREAT test Rob. I'd imagine those have various mesh densities? I'd be curious to see that applied to a much-much bigger mesh, like a pond.
  3. I thought that in V18 the preview render for SSS was fixed... but I usually have to render to file to see the results. I guess keep away from GI(A:M has GI???- I think you mean Global Ambiance...) SSS needs to be traditionally 'lit' with lights to generate it's effect... to that end- some people will place a light BEHIND the SSS object(I use this light on a light-list so it does not blow-out my scene) to 'punch-up' and 'CONTROL' the SSS effect. F'R instance... if you wanted to make a waxy candle with an SSS effect at the top being generated (in effect) by the fire- you would want to place a light behind the candle toward the top... the light would help to control the amount of the SSS effect combined with the wax-group's SSS settings. My project for this SSS candle is here on the forum somewhere... I think. This render utilized SSS, DOF, GLOW, particles, volumetric light and Jenpy's FASTAO. candleAM.mov
  4. One thing I am learning thru dealing with sites like Shapeways and 3DHubs is that you have to have the SCALE of your model SPOT-ON or you get rejected as you exceed the limitations of the printer... sounds easy enough- but with the 3D programs having their scale-mechanisms... the exporters having their scale converters... and the importers throwing complexity at it as well... it gets confusing! At least to me... I know other people probably breeze thru a simple thing like 'scale'... I'm the prop-builder from 'Spinal-Tap'... This brings-up a great feature at Sculpteo- which SIMPLY(and I mean SIMPLE!) ask's you what dimensions you would like your model printed at... I simply used the Y dimension(height) and estimated I wanted slightly less that 4"(X and Z translated auto)... and the price updated as well. I think these other services need to simplify scaleability.
  5. Hey Ken- Have you seen where you can register an account with 3DHubs.com and people will search you out by zipcode(locally) to have you print for them?
  6. Chuck Jones (Bugs Bunny creator, animator) writes in his bio 'Chuck Amuck' that at his first job as cel-washer he was in charge of emptying the cuspidors- the older fellows were calling him 'Admiral'... and when he found out why it was because 'he manned the vessels..."!
  7. Dig the paperweight, Ken! Does not look like that model would be too hard to hollow... at least the base and the weight since they are quite geometric and not too organic shapes, leave the guy and the concrete and the ring at the top to be solid, no? Aside: Do younger people even know what a paperweight IS nowadays? Was talking to a colleague who predicts this next generation will not know what an ashtray is... just like my generation grew-up never experiencing the 'cuspidor'... CANCER killed the tobacco products, but AC killed the paperweight!
  8. I saw an ad for $25 off a similar service called Shapeways (new to me) I uploaded the same model and let them have a bid at it. $8,755.58 whoaa! AND- you can't adjust the scale... it came in at 22" tall so OF COURSE it's gonna cost a lot... but I don't see a way to scale it down... whereas Sculpteo had it right there, adjust the scale- they adjust the price...
  9. Yeah 17.0G- solid as a rock... knock on wood. I gave up on V18 when I would go to save a project and it crashed. For some people it works just fine, I believe there is a graphics manufacturer issue involved or some voodoo like that.
  10. Sounds like the importer utility is wreaking havoc with the CP numbering data, which can never change or you get spaghetti. Does it say who wrote it?
  11. I believe the problem with 18 is a video card based GPU thing. Update drivers and keep latest V17 handy until a fix happens... or maybe V18B as Mark suggests... I haven't tried that yet. For me 18 crashes very easily... just apply a decal and whammo!
  12. SO - you are looking for a feature that takes a selected intersection of 2 splines and reverses the union with a keyboard shortcut? With the potential usage being to repair imported obj files...?
  13. Dang- I have never imported an mdd... I know they EXPORT fine as long as you keep the .obj and .mdd together as a group... an mdd will not work on other models like an bvh would. PERHAPS the problem upon importing the obj as a prop is that props are not 'live' within A:M, thus un-animateable... and if you convert it to a .mdl there is most likely a re-numbering of the vector points(CPs) which would cause disconnect to the mdd. To tell the truth, I did not even know A:M imported mdd files at all, where do you find that option?
  14. GO KEN! I just looked at their site... didn't see the price but- CONGRATULATIONS! What kind of parts are you making?
  15. That would have to fail, wouldn't it? I don't think there's a way to print something that is infinitely thin. I'd test it... delete the folded over splinage and save as- OR redo it without the foldover... that is a trick that works in A:M-land, but you have to think actual mass now.
  16. Do you triangulate the obj? I leave that option off. Keep up the trial and error, I guess...
  17. As Martin said... "every tool eventually becomes a hammer...!" When did they change the name of Mt. McKinley? Did GMC sponsor it? Hope you had a great time!
  18. Hey Paul- yeah--- something amiss with the pole... BUT, the screen you showed is just the REPAIR IN-PROGRESS screen... what happens when the repair process is finished? It is listing(in the color codes) all of the stuff that it is in the progress of dealing with, so you have to give it the time to do it's thing... if that blue bar above the 'repair in progress' is going back-n-forth... it is working.
  19. Ooooh yeah! Use the SQUETCH RIG! And keep us informed on the implementation process! I used it back in 2006 to do a test of Woot walking for TWO, I liked the squarshy-stretchiness and I think you can see I used it some in this test. No knock against whoever did the animation of the Scarecrow in the movie, but I thought the motions were rather rigid and the full potential of the Squetch rig was not fully realized. Woot Walk Test MC2.mov
  20. Good points... I need to delve into those new CC tools... Edge Animate and Reflow which makes reactive html5 right out of Photoshop. I avoid webwork like the plague... turned down thousands of dollars worth of work because there is always more to it than people originally let on... it is highly frustrating to me. THEN there are website like WIX that will slam a website out for you fast...
  21. Wull, I think the problem lies in the opening and saving of the .swf and html files from CC2014... I noticed after the error code that files were generated but not opened or saved in the directory of the project but rather in the C/users/myname/AppData/local/Temp directory... of all places. I could open and view them from there.
  22. Looks like it is documented and folks are asking Google to fix it... "Beuhler....... Beuhler...... Google?" https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/doubleclick-rich-media/-ZbrMn6vciA It's not just MEEEE!
  23. I've downloaded the extension and installed it- with a little CC2014 trouble... had to use Extension Manager CS6 to convert the ZXP file to an MXP file, then the CC2014 Ext Mgr could see it and install it. WTF? THEN--- I opened FlashPro CC2014 and saw that under 'Commands' is the export to html5 swiffy command... GREAT! Made a new document... made an animation of a ball moving L-R in 10 frames and then back to where it was in another 10 frames using Flash's create tweens feature. Then I used the swiffy export command but get this error about line 26(remember, my timeline is 20 frames...) SO... I'm stuck. Yeah- I'm all about the 'search for code' and 'copy-paste-modify' approach... I think that is the way most coders work these days... NOTE: The same 20 frame test worked in Flash Pro CS6.
  24. Oh yeah...SWIFFY! I messed with that a while back... speculation was that Google developed it as a tool to make their great daily Google doodles with splendid html5 interactivity and animation. It looks like it has come a way... with SOUND on MOBILE DEVICES being the remaining hiccup. The webpage utility has a 1mb limit but the downloadable Flash Pro extension does not? It is good to see that Adobe has not given up on Flash... CC2014Pro has a lot of great new features(variable width line tool!)... one of them being the ability to convert to an html5 canvas- however you better be 'up' on your ability to code in javascript as well as actionscript- which means I would LOVE it if SWIFFY worked! I am not a coder.
  25. That is another issue... ultimately, if you are hollowing out- you should leave a way for the powder to get out. I should add that (altho I never used it) support is available at all times thru a chat box at Sculpteo.com this would be something that someone familiar with the particular machine and process could answer forthwith...
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