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Everything posted by NickHutson

  1. Well here is the next installment of my slow as sloth production. I've added furniture to the room-- bed, dresser, toy box, a book shelf (Not visable in this render), and a little bit of crow to my diet. I took Dearmad's advice and made a new radiosity faking rig. This render took probably about an hour with 9 passes. I'm not sure exactly becuase smoeone came along and shut done the computer after the render was donbe before I could get a chance to see the render time. I could probably do with less photons cast if I uses jittering in the final render and as you can tell from the nuclear door I could also do with less lights. This should make the render maintane this the 1 hour render time when I add Ted and all his toys. Anyway whithout any further adue:
  2. Yes, I usually try to fake it too. There's just one thing though. In a room this small (I usually do wide open spaces.) it's very difficult to get the shadows to be believeable. With one or two bulbs you get the look of a dark room lit by a central lamp. Not very real looking. To get that shadow running right down the corners of the walls just right, you have to add allot more lights. If you want to get the light reflections onto other objects to look right it will take allot more. Not even taking things like color transference into considertion. The result (If you still want it to look real) still comes out ruffly the same. I mean look at the original render time for Brian Prince's room with the chair. It took some where around 13 hours or more I don't quite remember. I am a die hard faker believe me. But this project got me to consider radiosity. I might not even use it in the final project. But if I use only what I need from it (unlike those 50 photon 100 passes people) it might turn out the same. But if anyone has any other tips that would make the rendering shorter please chime in. You would be helping me and everybody else on the forum. On another note, I figured out a solution to my question. I'll just put some ambiance to the walls. That should brighten things up in the room without having to highten the sun outside or add a light to the room. All comments that can be made are welcome. Even brutally honest ones.
  3. Thanks. Personally when I was that age I was more into spaceships and well, space. So I'm glad here that the shift from space obsessed to CowBoy obsessed worked and it still looks like a kids room. I have one question for you guys. The premis is that he's playing after lunch before his noon time nap. In this case it would'nt be nessasary for him to have any lights on. But the shadows in the scene look a little dark as it is to me. Does any one know how I could brighten it up without recking the whole noon time feel. Should he have any lights on in the room? Thanks in advance.
  4. Well, I guess I could narrow the roots of his fingers to make the tips look a little more bulbous. This would be more cartoony. But as for cute. Girls "hands" should be cute. He is a boy, so there should atleast be a hint to some sort of manlyness. Anyway that's the way I see it. Thanks for the crits and comments. They really help the project come along into something better than it was at first.
  5. I've been really busy lately and not able to make many updates. But here is a some what less blah update of the room.
  6. Wow! Agep, you're Norwegian is impeccable!
  7. For some reason the video won't work on my machine. The anim shows all white and quicktime says there's a compresser missing. How would I get it it to work?
  8. Sorry I have'nt posted much on my short for a while. I've been working on his rig and his smart skin for a while. Considering his vest this has been very time comsuming and very frusterating. I do so loath rigging. This project has made me realize what parts of cg I enjoy. Lighting (Getting the mood just right sends me over the moon) choreographing, modeling and animating. I guess those would be my dessert while rigging and texturing would be my lima beans. Anyway when my frustration met it's limit I decided to do what two things I was able to do at this stage. Model something and then light it. I modeled the beginings of Ted's room and then tried my hand at radiosity, which turned out allot easier than I thought, once I got the idea behind it. I was so pleased with it that I thought I would post it here. And maybe take the extra time to implement radiosity in the short. Any comments or crits are welcome.
  9. Sci-fi looks like a pretty cool site. Accept for one very alarming thing though. Noone, not anyone modeled a princes Leah or qween Amidala model. What the heck is that?! If I were to spend my time on a star wars character it would be one of those too first.
  10. Very nice work! His face looks like a photo of something from a wax museum. One thing though is his hands. The grooves between his fingers are too deep and they go too far back. The thumb could have a little bit more meat were it attaches to the hand as well. Other than that, Man you rock!!!
  11. Odd. But entriging. Did you use a plug to to make the other bubbles appear on impact?
  12. What are you.. What, what are you insane?! You could kill yourself with that kind'a detail!
  13. Sweet! A janitorial wonder!
  14. Look'n real nice Will.
  15. Pishu abezatelno. No sechas Ja silno zanjati i ne imeju ruski shriftom na etot komputere. Mne nuzno vernutsja na robotu sechas, no pishu skoro.
  16. Horoshi govor. Ya eto pomnju. No kogda lezite spat? Eto 5:00 utra v rossie sechas, ne tak li? Esli da, budete kak zombi vseli den sevodnja.
  17. Privet! Eto tak horosho uznat chto Animation Master ispolzivano v tak mnogo mestah. U menja bilo problema kogda Ja evo otkril. Bilo tolka zvuk, a net video. No mozet bit eto problema bilo u menja. Oi tak trudno pisat polatinski buhvi. No Ja hotel tak pisat iz za tovo chto eto ispugaet nashi amerikanski druzja zdes kogda oni ne mogut ponemat chto napisano. Ja videl chto vi iz Samara. U menja druzja tam kotori ja znakomal kogda Ja zil v Petere. Da istina chto ljudi skazut, molinki mir, abezatelno! Ladno, bilo priotno videt chto u nas toze ljudi iz rusia sjuda. U vas horoshuju dela. ladno? Filip Koreski,
  18. Hey thanks Rodney and all. It means allot. I know the shoes do look like they came from Tronoble. I'll have um fixed in the next render. As for the hair, front or side? The back is really thick so I don't want to add more to it. Since that's not very visable your probably talking about the front, and I agree with you. For the life of me I cant get the hair of the bangs any thicker. It's the same Material as the rest of the head, so changing the thickness changes the rest of the head. I've tried using the hair multiplier locally, but it's up all the way to the max. And I don't want to apply another material to that mesh because I got his hair doo just right. Any tips? The top of the hat only looks flat from this angle. Real cowboy hats have a dip on top with a little bulge in the middle. But I can see how it would look flat from this angle. The other option was to make a more conically shaped hat. But this didn't lend the look I was going for. Ted is the only character in the short. I mean short literally. It will be from 30 seconds to a minate long. Its shows parents the reasons why kids get into the trouble that they do. Most parents aren't present to see the events that lead up to vases being broken or windows shattered. They just ask " What were you thinking?!" Well this short shows what Ted was thinking when he accidentally broke his bedroom window while paying in his room as an imaginary cowboy. The short will be set to the music of a very fitting 80's song for the sound track. Other than this I can't say anymore because it would just ruin it for you guy's. Thanks for your tips and compliments. Tootle loo!
  19. Write a book indead he should. This thing is awsome. 10 days?! 10 days?! Impossible. Or should I say improbable? I really thank you for sharing it with us. Isn't that a dangerous thing for you to do though? I mean aren't you under some kind of contract? Well I guess you know more about that than I. But thanks for taking the risk if you are.
  20. Hey I didn't think about it when I made it, but he does lend a striking resemblance to Woody. And thanks for pointing out the shoes. I'll have them a few tones down in the next render.
  21. Ahhh...... the TARDIS. That really makes me feel like I'm back home. Accept that its just a picture. My Brain is also "Dimesionally Transindental"
  22. This is my newest character that will be starring in a short that I'm working on. I was going for a Pixar style of character, and he looks pretty close to me. But tell me what you think. His name's Ted. P.S. I'll post his wires as soon as I get the chance. Until then I'll be hard at work fitting his rig. P.P.S I also noticed after the render was complete that I did not run Gama conversion. The piece is probably light enough to avoid problems, but if there are any problems please say so.
  23. So let me guess. It's an Ogre toe right? If human, you would do nicely if you made the nail a bit more oval shaped. This one seems a bit too narrow and long. Other than that, really nice work.
  24. Which competition?
  25. Cool! Got anymore we could see?
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