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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by NickHutson

  1. Why thank you! I've worked very hard to get it to that level. And now that I know it works on other peoples computers and that it finally looks good I can go along with a happy day. But however that is not the final render that I did. I made one more before putting it up on TurboSquid because I was dissatisfied with the depth on the closer edge. This one I feel really highlights that edge.
  2. OK, now if this one doesn't work I don't know what to do (Well, probably get a new computer;). After battling this computer for far too long, I have come up with this image with a newly textured table lit by a new rig. But more than just that, you all should probably see it the same way it shows on my computer. Due to it actually having gamma correction on it. Provided gamma correction transfers in a conversion from targa to jpg. The picture is all I can put up right now being that its so late. I'll upload the updated model and pictures to Turbo Squid on monday. Thank you all for your interest and your tips. Till next week!
  3. Is the Targa working? Or should I put up another file format. I would convert it to Jpg for viewing but I'm not sure if the Gamma would still apply. This one has 27 lights pointed at the table. Anymore and it would appear blinding white. But you guys most likely didn't see this one cause the targa doesn't work on my end. I'm having allot of trouble with the targas coming out of A:M garbled. Gimp won't even load it. Strange thing is I can convert the image with a file convertor and it comes out just fine but I don't know if it still holds the gamma. Anyone else ever get this? P.S. The texture on the table is a Rose Wood texture. Rose Wood is a very dark wood. In any scene it will appear dark and so will the shadows on it. This plus the charcoal colored handles makes for a dark piece of furniture. Raising the light intensity till it comes to the shade of oak is not a good idea because it doesn't show the proper shade of what would be purchased. I'll make new textures for it with oak or cherry instead of Rose Wood make it lighter. This might be what needs to be improved. I've realized its not the lights, its the object itself. Thank you all for your concern.
  4. Included is a targa file of a new render with gamma conversion. I hope Targas show up on the site. This was rendered with a sky dome and two kliegs. The image displays the reason why I decided not to use the sky dome in the first render. It took all depth away from the picture. I think the second render was the best, and it just looked bad on your computers because I did not do gamma conversion in the render. So its full work of art feel fell to the dogs. If you have any more pointers please feel free to place them here. Untitled.tga
  5. Do you guys think I should increase the intensity of the lights striking the corners of the table? Tehy are already at 200%. And the bulb in the middle causing a light bounce effect is at 40%. I think that should be enough. Or maybe that's just me. And hey Flog look at this.
  6. Thank you all for your posts and tips. I have made the edits to it that you all suggested and it's still up on the Turbo Squid website the below location if anyone is interested. Thank you for the tip furchur. Does William do that? http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Inde...ion/FullPreview
  7. Thanks for the tip. I did the render at 12:30 last night so I missed allot and then some. I'll post the better image as soon as it's rendered.
  8. I suggest finding some Rabbit anatomy pictures. Rabbits hind legs aren't as twiggy as that. The muscles and tendons have a much smoother curve from the body to the thigh and from the thigh to calf to foot. If you look at Anatomy pictures it all comes very clear. Also I recomend making your default pose in the modeling window with him on his back and his legs spread out to the side. This often works better because it allows you to work out the hidden details a lot better. And then its allot easier to fold the legs in afterwards than it is to unfold them. Its what they did for the CocaCola Bears. Anyway just a few tips.
  9. Here is the next installment of the A:M repository on the Turbo Squid site. It can be found at: http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Inde...ion/FullPreview Purchase it if you wish or just enjoy The nice render, if it strikes your fancy.
  10. Realy nice work. It's got a unique style. One crit though. I think the hair maybe a little to thick. If maybe you took the diameter down a bit it might look softer on the ends. Or maybe you could round off ends in a channel editor. Just some thoughts.
  11. Sounds Great!
  12. Nice Brian! I did'nt think that your still life could get any better. But I stand corrected ( As I often do). Man this thing is Wicked Awsome! And hay Kenh. How did your render go with the volumetric artifact? I never saw how it turned out in the end, or if you got it fixed. I would love to see it.
  13. Can anybody say......... Crap!!!!!!!! No I'm just kidding. It looks like a very good representation of the picture form the book. You did very well especially because the roto is so limited. Exellent. Please excuse the sarcasm.
  14. Cave of Fire.
  15. A little anime.
  16. Here are some more.
  17. Really I have much more to put up but it's on another computer and i'll need until monday to extract it from that beast. But if you like what you've seen so far drop me a line. here's another one. Simple but elligant:
  18. Marioooo!!!!
  19. A monkey on a bike. Who could resist?
  20. Kind of a sci-fi thing.
  21. Here are the pics of my work that Flog requested.
  22. And this bowl is an example of a render that I am very proud of. It is also available to the public at: www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/254962/Action/FullPreview
  23. The motorcycle in this picture has already been on the wip section before. But I finished a render that I'm satisfide with and so I decided to put it up. This model has also been made available to the public at: www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/255276/Action/FullPreview Enjoy!!
  24. Just to keep it going. I added an interior to the mouth and made the ears smaller and more separated from each other.
  25. Hey, thanks for your replies. I'll take all of your suggestions and edit my model accordingly. Then I'll post the results as soon as possible. Thanks again.
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