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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. >the story seems really cute, i´m looking forward to read more. i like the way you tell the story visually, one can tell you´ve put a lot of thought to it. >crit: it´s a bit exhausting to read, everything gets fuzzy after a while. a bit more room for the speech bubbles here and there wouldn´t be a bad idea i think... but i guess you´ve heard that one before and decided that it´s just part of your style... you can read it at all. >can´t wait so see it in 3D, your models are awesome... i´d go for the toon-render version if you ask me. but you will need some help animating even one of the books i guess. >i looked up the price for your books on amazon, and i really would have bought one or even all of them if they´re catchy enough (i think they are, have to read some more first), but i think they´re too expensive. 16,90 € is way too much for a comic book that is read in about 20 minutes. i think you would make a lot more money with it if you´d decide to sell it at a much lower price. i mean 24 x 16,90? that´s more than 400 bucks to read the whole story. Quite true everything. The price is kind of dictated by BoD for a colored book that size. It`s way too expensive. Maybe I can publish the whole thing cheaper as e-book in the far future. But I am not reckoning on a comercial succsess though anyhow. Mainly it`s just for me as a platform to present my ideas for funding a movie or finding an editor to do finalized (not scribbled) comic-books. If some hardcorefans looking for the unusual would buy some books, that would just be on top. At total costs up to now of about 2000,- € (2 test-books each for me inclusive ) this investion seemed to be worthwhile to me. Let`s see, what will come out of it.
  2. >ne, nur bis sonntag... aber ich bin öfter hier... kommst du aus hh? das mit dem kaufen überleg ich mir dann nach der leseprobe Man könnte sich ja mal treffen, wenn Du mal wieder hier bist... Bist Du jobmäßig öfter hier oder privat?
  3. >allerdings druck ich mir sie vorher lieber aus und lese sie in ruhe, was ich im moment nicht machen kann, da ich unterwegs in hamburg bin. Ich weiß nichts über Deine Druckkosten aber macht`s da nicht vielleicht mehr Sinn, `n schönes Album zu kaufen? ;>) (Du merkst schon, der Geschäftsmann schläft nicht) Bist Du denn länger in Hamburg?
  4. Due to the overwhelming requests, I made the first 5 books of Marina Vonsee available as pdf-files (free downloadable ) on my website www.marinavonsee.de Though it`s German only for the time being, it would still be interesting to hear, what you guys can grab from the story thus far... maybe some of you find the time to take a look?
  5. There`s quite an interesting discussion going on here on the topic of animation and money in these days: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php...mpaign=20100816 I hope, it`s o.k. to post this link here? Else please simply delete my post.
  6. Thank you all for the nice words. I added an Englishversion to my website for you readers here. Please excuse my poor english...
  7. Thank you for your nice comments. Yes I drew everything during my sparetime over the years. Maybe there`s a chance to publish all of that as an e-book later to make it easier and cheaper to purchase. Here`s some more model-previews.
  8. Hi all, I build a provisorical website for the development of one of my projects: "Marina Vonsee und der Schrecken der Südsee" The shootingboard in comicstripform is finished, now starting to do the animatic for sound and timing, see DEMO button. Also many models finished. On a sideeffect I published my comicbookscribbles as books from BoD (Books on Demand) just out of curiosity for these new possibilities. It`s all German for the time being... http://www.marinavonsee.de http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...RAND+MECHAJOUST
  9. Strange, when I tried to toggle one cp in your example to notpeaked to check what you explained, I couldn`t toggle back to your result (peaked) even multiple undoes wouldnT do the trick...
  10. Here`s the right procedure in detail CFA_TUT.rtf
  11. don´t blieve this is AM. Would definitly like to be able to make a ocean and grass like in that demo though.
  12. Seems you have internal patches in the wings, which cause renderingartefacts. Maybe you can post your model here for us to investigate? (zip it and you can upload)
  13. >robcat that thread you posted, and with this image http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=a...st&id=31103 is what i want to do, realistic and i want to animate that. but damn creating 25 minutes worth of a Cartoon episode is much longer than i thought. so i really got to get started. Learningcurve, rendertimes and overall timeconsumtion would probably by far more then you would be willing to go through. I am experimenting with simpler more rendertimefriendly looks See here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...RAND+MECHAJOUST Maybe that would be something for you to consider as well?
  14. very good, so why did you change from DarkBasicPro to Blitz3D?
  15. so, its first person shooters only?
  16. >What have I to do here: the smurf has already some groups. Have I to delete them and create a new one? Plugin and description of merge and purge groups is here: http://www.sgross.com/plugins/index.html but maybe it`s already part of version 15 just rightclick on your modelsname in the pws and see, if it comes up.
  17. I would recommend after you have finished your model to delete one half and to cfa = copy flip attach again according to my minitut from a while ago here: "Homeslice please allow me to go a little bit more in deep at this point, since I had a lot of difficulties here as well. ( I think, it`s a major flaw of the AM:Tut , that this aspect isn`t stressed enough!) -name your group "right half" (It is a little faster to:) -select all the center CPs ( comma click the centerspline(s) , that way you will see, if it`s continous ) -set the group's X Pivot property to 0 ( activate "translate" or "scale"-button with "show properties"-button on )(then set x pivot to 0 ) -set the group's X Scale property to 0 Now all selected CPs are at 0 along the X axis. - select one of the cp`s on the centerspline and shift/select the rest of your model ( that way you force AM to cfa around the x-axis - right click and copy/flip attatch - delete group "right half2" and use Plugin > "merge and perge groups" von Steffen to get rid of all the double groups - activate "mirror mode"-button and select your "right half" group and drag it around to test, if everything works absolut symetrical. (Many times you will have to repair minor faults, attatching a spline, reattatching a hook near the centerspline, closing a five point patch etc.) WITH A NONSYMETRICAL MODEL YOU MAY RUN INTO MANY PROBLEMS WITH RIGGING AND ANIMATING LATERON."
  18. ....very, very impressive. As far as i understand it, the fps creator is kind of authoring tool for easy gamercreation from prebuild blocks, right ? Would it make easy creation of adventure like games or jump and run also possible or is it mainly for ego shooters?
  19. ...just in case you need some alternatives. Save anew, because these are quite old files... Anime_charas.zip
  20. The one with the flying saucer is quite near. (maybe you could post the emiitor hear? just asking?) But I guess, finally I almost like the clouds from Robert`s little rocket best. I myself experimented with modeled clouds, with no decent results yet, though. At the moment due to daily work, it`s hard to find time for more......
  21. Hi Mark, Maybe you find the time looking into my project and saying something about my dynamic constraint setup? Or maybe Yoda?
  22. >A dynamic constraint is not going to work, the trailer will fall through the ground plane. I'll see if I can get something working for you. SemitestTranslateOrientDynamic030510.mov SemiPipes_Project.zip SemiPipes_DecalMaps.zip
  23. yes, but any ideas how to achieve that?
  24. yes, but any ideas how to achieve that?
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