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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by SteelShark

  1. Something has bugged me since the first .mov, but I couldn't figure it out. Just got it. He needs to lean forward! Currently it looks like he is walking downhill! Walking is really just falling forward, but catching yourself with each step. See if this helps.
  2. Other than porcelain, your best friend for smoothing meshes is to have two windows open, one showing the cp, the other an OpenGL/Direct3D view at ~45 degrees from the surface (so you can see shadow perturbations in the surface). Then adjust offending areas by moving the cp with the '6' held down (not numpad, but above keys). This will move the cp in/out constrained to the normal. Great, very fast results!
  3. Eagerly awaiting your UV tutorial! I noticed you had only one arm and leg on the UV template. Will you be explaining the mirroring of the decals also?
  4. Wonderful! Loved the morphing city. Imagination at its best. The soundtrack really set the mood.
  5. Nice setup and explanation. Now, is it possible to do the same thing with CP weights? Or does the ring get too distorted?
  6. How did you get her to stand with her arms outstretched for the rotoscope?
  7. I almost gagged when I saw the amunt of splines. Is this an import? You might want to think about pruning her down (spline wise). Otherwise, animating will not be fun...
  8. Yes, noticed the same thing. The eyes are already fixed to be sloped to the side. And the intersection between the two sides of the head need some work, but after I hook them together. The picture above is two head halves unconnected. Still not bad though. I've already trawled through the forum and asked some questions about multi-segments and decaling. So I've got it figured out. Now I just need to lock myself away from the wife and kids, and skip my day job, to have some serious time with it. Yea, that's gonna happen.... Thanks for the comments though. Keep 'em coming!
  9. And here's my artistic interpretation so far. Pending your comments (hint, hint), I'm pretty much done with the main head part. Now I need to work on the mouth. The antenna will be easy. And then decaling....
  10. Here's the WIP I promised in another post. This is my example picture. Pretty daunting, huh? (BTW, this is from a D&D book, so don't publish w/o permission.)
  11. Actually I was thinking of applying a particle generator at each point, then applying the caustic over the porcelain throne. Finally I'd hit the "make dragon" button. Think it will work?
  12. Jack, I think with your solution, I'll get some serious artifacting. Homeslice, I'll probably use your solution, but dang! You've got 3 five point patches coming out of this one! I knew there were some ugly solutions, but I really wanted to avoid this situation all together. Guess, you're right! Just keep modeling.....
  13. Yea, The beta 4 extrude crash was holding me up too! I took it back to 10.5, but then had to embed it in a 10.5 for extrude to work. Try that!
  14. If you click on purchase, it tells you $25 by paypal. Does anyone use the program?
  15. Regardless of your place in contests, I just looked at all your animations. The improvement over time is really visible. So just a couple more and ILM will be calling...
  16. Personally, I think the rung shadow is something only the original artist would notice. Nice job, by the way!
  17. Yes, definitely fix the sky perspective. At first glance, it looks like the prefab home's roof is on fire!
  18. You know, I read the thread at the other site, and the biggest complaint was the biker helmets. You're obviously adept at compositing live action and 3D, so.... Why don'y you go back in and composite some better looking helmets on the police men? All you need is the front portion, and all the shots are clear of any other interfering props, so the hardest part would be matching the lighting. Just a thought.
  19. 'Course the best place to see one of these is from a periscope! Great modeling job! Not 100% accurate, though. The back portion behind the fins is a solid rocket booster that drops off during transition to cruise, not a diffuser like a torpedo. But, regardless, it's great for an Iron Man animation. We're not shooting at the superhero, though, are we? Tell me some evil dictator got a hold of it and Iron Man has to take it out. He was always one of my favorites.
  20. I had one of these tapes from around 1995, with the balls and block, hammertime, etc. It's in a box somewhere. But I've also got right here in my hand, the A:M by Jeff Paries CD that came with his Charles River Media book. It's got a bunch of still and movies on it. Nitewalk, Truckin, and all those old classics are already on the CD in Quicktime format. So go find your CD!
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