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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Paul Forwood

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by Paul Forwood

  1. Beautiful job, you guys! I look forward to seeing an update on this project. Thanks for posting. Paul Forwood
  2. And finally a different character who shares my aching back. Hope you enjoyed. I must have used up my quota of Hash space for a week or two. Gulp!
  3. Oops! I hit the wrong button. You wouldn't want me working at any nucleur reactor would you? Right let's try again:
  4. Thanks for the positive comments, Doug! This character is still developing and is based on my wish to represent some of the spirit of one of our very own online characters. A guy who, as far as I know , is mortal but is a bit of a superhero on the quiet. He's a guy who would go to great lengths to help anyone and who always charges the forums with humour. I don't know this guy any more than you but my character is based on my idealised perseption of his web presence. (I just want to make it clear here that I am 100% heterosexual, got a wife and two lovely kids. So put those thoughts out of your mind.) Back me up here, Vern. I've never sent you flowers or perfume, have I? The Z-man character was started earlier this year when evryone was sending birthday greetings to Vern. I quickly modified another model that I had been working on to make a rough Super Vern but ended up missing the deadline. I posted a walk cycle of this character some weeks back and was informed, by the man himself, that he needed to pile on a few pounds so I started messing about with the model but didn't like the results. I decided to go back to the drawing board so I scribbled a few sketches in search of a stouter, but still agile, form. I don't know how far I want to take the development of this character though because I feel kind of uncomfortable about openly basing it, at least in part, on someone who I wouldn't want to offend. I will do something more with him though. These are some of the sketches:
  5. Yes, I'll look into that, Hypnomike. I think he would need fattening up a bit though. Maybe I should send him to the same place that I have sent my 'Z-man' model'. Coffee, doughnuts and no excersize.
  6. Congratulations to the Mascot Competition winners! Funnily enough I had made a start on a 'Sorcerer's Apprentice', themed entry also but ran out of steam and time. I was unable to get the look that I was after in the time that I had allocated so it got shelved. This is all that I achieved this time... Needed lots more work and the hair is not yet groomed.
  7. Excellent! Sort of 'Red's Dream' all over again.
  8. That is looking good! What rig are you using? How about some small spring bones in his ear lobes? ( Just a suggestion ). I look forward to seeing more. Thanks. Paul Forwood
  9. Hi, Steve392. Maybe next time, eh? It's alot further to travel from Peterborough than any of us had to travel so you are certainly excused for not making it. Hope to see you next time. Can I add a link from the BAM site to your website, Steve? Any other UK based Hashers who want a link added send your name and web address to: EMAIL]bamsubs@blueyonder.co.uk[/email] Subject should be 'LINKS'. Cheers. Paul Forwood
  10. Excellent work!!!
  11. Hi, Steven. Sorry you couldn't make it to the meeting at the start of the month. hope to see you at a future gathering. The Animation Monsters was just a stupid joke and as Halloween falls on the last day of this month I thought I would let it ride. Funnily enough, you are the first to comment on it. Personally, I don't feel that I have earned the title of Master but I must say that other members of BAM/LAMU are much more deserving of the title. Maybe we should call ourselves 3 A:M egos x 2. (Bad joke, I know) Anyway, Steven, nice to hear from you. Do you have a link to any of your creative output? All the best. Paul Forwood
  12. So, Rodney, what are you saying? You are one of Steve's multiple personalities or... you ate him? BAM! Small update (20th Oct) Paul Forwood
  13. First make sure that you save your images as 32bit Targas or you will lose the transparency,(alpha channel). Apply the decal to your model. You can set your Decal's Image Type to Cookie-Cut once you have applied the decal. Go Decals/Decal name/Images then click on the triangle to expose the image properties, Fron there you can select the type from a drop-down menu. Good luck. Paul Forwood
  14. Fantastic character! I look forward to seeing him in action. Paul Forwood
  15. Hey, that looks alot better. Well done,Eugene. Have you rigged him yet? Paul Forwood
  16. Hi, Colin. Your work is just superb! I have been admiring it quietly for some years now. 'Cooper man' looks good and I would keep the pupils, or remodel the mask. At the moment the mask looks a little out of place with all the soft textures around it. I am sure that you will balance the costume components as it comes together. I love your work. Please post your progress with Robin. All the best. Paul Forwood
  17. That was reallycute, Lance. Thanks for posting.
  18. Hey, that's pretty cool, Ken. I'm in the que for the next installment. Did you use TSM2 in the end? Paul Forwood
  19. Why, thank you, Rodney! I'd just like to say how much I admire your mighty efforts here on the Forum pages. You're all over the place guiding people, mediating, inspiring, comforting and generally being good natured, down to earth and helpful. There is a really good spirit here in this community, which encompasses so many continents, cultures and personalities, and I notice your efforts in keeping it light and breezy and civilised. You have a pleasant manner and you keep people informed, following up loose threads and the like. Very efficient! Your not a robot are you? I hope we can make the BAM website entertaining, inspiring and informative as well as being a showcase for British A:M artists / animators. Thanks again, Rodney. Paul Forwood
  20. Sorry Try this BAM Good lauck Paul Forwood
  21. Or was it BAM
  22. Just paying attention, Gaz. Trying to sort out the web site but got in a mess. Revisions atBAM soon.
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