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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by cfree68f

  1. Holy Crap! Nice! C
  2. Wanna sell it? oh. and that animation was too cool. best animation with hair I've seen. And the Oscar goes to... C
  3. 2 more.. which can allready be seen in my avi.. but these are 400x400 Theres something weird going on in his right armpit. Not sure what. Probably some z rotation of something on one of the fan bones. I'll have to go check on that. http://www.colins-loft.net/free/avatar/drunk.htm http://www.colins-loft.net/free/avatar/vogue.htm They are playing slower than realtime do to the large format and Flash's streaming. C
  4. Jonhzigo, Your renders are coming across very bright.. As if your gamma settings are too high or your monitors brightness is set too low. There isnt much ambient darness in the pictures at all. Not sure how to set it right. Check your monitor settings. What is your light setup like in the chor. Can you post a screen cap of that? The dog is looking great, but without specular hilights and some shadowing.. it does look like a painting. C
  5. Is it me.. or are there trees sprouting everywhere? I think the point has been made. Well done people! Hey Will throw some variation into those leaves. Size and Brightness should do it. Looks awesome dude.. So lets see. I think that took you 2 days to get to this point I'd better watch if I ever throw a guantlet down to you. Oh.. wait.. I did. Guess I'd better get to work. C
  6. Lots of discussion.. not sure how much of it is good Probably half of it is me spouting my oppinion.. so that tells you how worthless most of it is. C
  7. So it looks like... Me William Sutton gsellis Sacman ddustin maybe... Sevener Newbert_Zero J Anyone else? C
  8. Hey Matt! Thats great! all of it. I'm liking the site allot better. Every thing is sharp, smooth and crisp. Good job! My only other comment now would be to import the videos into flash files and load the swfs on clicks.. They'll stream and you won't go to that blank quicktime page. Still though.. its a great site and something to be proud of. Thats a good tip on the additive action stuff. I hadnt thought of that. but it makes sense. That would help with hands and facial animation as well. C
  9. yeah it would still work. But I like the new grooming tools better. I wonder if you could use both. use a direction map to start the hair direction and then groom to get it just right. Might be usefull for stiffer hair. C
  10. Here ja go mon! http://www.colins-loft.net/free/hair.tga C
  11. lol.. and they eat air. Sorry, John.. I forgot to include that. I'll post it in the folder with the other files. C
  12. I took a stab at it.. heres what I came up with. Could be tweeked allot more. heres the project if you want it. http://www.colins-loft.net/free/AustralianSheppard.prj C
  13. congrats Noah! Best thing in life is the beginning of a new one! C
  14. looks pretty good. I'd use Yves Skin shader and a slightly warmer shade on the face. The neck seems to taper wrong.. Other than that.. bang up job! C
  15. David.. never heard of an Australian Sheppard? Isn't that close to the pot calling..... Oh nevermind. Great dogs. We had one named Sheeba.. one of the smartest sweetest dogs I've ever met. Anyway about that hair. I'd make th hairs much thicker.. to mimic the clumpiness of the Australian sheppards fur. Then Texture the hairs with a map that looks like finer hairs.. you can even use maps with an alpha and it will look like lots of hairs but be clumped up. The you can use a Color map to get the different colors of the fur. Good start though. C
  16. Ok.. We are on for the 12th. At Barnes and Noble on Dallas Hwy. Its only a mile away from my house.. so thats the backup. Here is a map to the meeting. http://www.colins-loft.net/free/usergroup/...ble-from-75.gif Lets plan on meeting at noon. Unless you guys have a better time. Bring your laptops if you've got them (batteries charged). Theres a starbucks there and some restaurants we can eat at after the meeting if you guys want. I'd like to get a head count so we can move it if the size of the group gets to big. And in case I decide to put something together for those that showup. No promises. So who's coming? Colin
  17. yep its the swf format. Some of the Motion capture I have has some rough spots in it. and I still need to tweek the constraints on the rig.. especially in the shoulders and the feet. It was fun to do and pretty educational. I suggest if you ever have a character that you think is perfect.. hook him up to some bvh motion.. and see where he breaks. Fix that and then he's perfect. C
  18. I finally got him hooked up to a BVH rig. here he is using his super power.... warning 8megs.. but should stream. or maybe not. Yeah.. I'm having fun. C
  19. I see what you are up to now. Its sort of similar to what I did with MI.. but I don't use so many bones. Instead I use combinations of weights to get the same result. I'm working on hooking him up to a Motion Capture rig. In the process I came accross ZachBg's post on some reusable actions he had done. I dropped it on MI and voila.. Crazy dancing. It makes me want to make his outfit pink for some reason. I thought it was appropriate considering how much trash talking I'd been dishing out on the next image contest. C
  20. Hey Matt, Yep the noise in a gradient thing will hurt the jpeg You can set the no scale thing in the publish settings for the html I believe. C
  21. Hey John, I noticed on your site you don't constrain the flash not to scale. It gets pretty choppy when it scales up on my browser. Didn't know if you were aware of it.. so I thought I'd let you know. Also some of your graphics are vector and some are Jpeg.. Some of the Jpegs with text over them seem to have some artifacting.. mainly the main block of text on the front page. In flash you can also set individual images to compress at different sizes. Hope I'm not talking down to you.. I love your work.. I just wanted everyone to see it in all its glory. C
  22. I liked the idea about adding some depth to the image. Instead of a side shot make it go from left to right.. but increase the field of view on the camera ( to 45 or less and move the camera in.) That will give you lots of perspective. and increase the dynamics of the image. I agree about making the piping as I said in my original post.. it will add to the lines in the shot. Make that "sucker" come out of the picture (act... like you're trying to do a Stereo image and you'll know what I mean) Looks great though. C
  23. Based on the pic you showed... I noticed one thing. The grout color varies in darkness in the real world and the tiles have slightly different darkness and depth to them. You could use a texture and just make a repeatable tile that has some variation. Other than that it looks awesome! As far as the dirt map thing.. I think its pretty straigh forward.. there used to be an example in the Art of AM or maybe it was david Rodgers book. I'll check. C
  24. looks good Bill, But a few questions. Why so much rigging for such a simple arm? and I can't quiet make out what your doing in from the illustration you gave. Is it fan bones? and what are the translate to constraints for? C
  25. Wow! thats ... hold on .. back in a second... ok.. back.. Lets see one more look. Yep thats... thats... hold on be right back.. sorry... ok.. sorry.. I don't know whats gotten into me today.. ok.. oh yeah.. the bathroom.... hold on .. dammit.. .... back. For some stupid reason.. every time I look at you pic.. I feel the call of nature. Looks pretty good to me.. My only critique.. is it looks to clean for a public bathroom. I've seen some bathrooms that looked like that.. but I was afraid to pee in them, because they didnt seem real. Dirty it up some (try the dirt maps renderer). Then I'd go all over that pic.. oh sorry. I went to far didnt I good stuff. C
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